At this moment, Senju Hashirama’s powerful aura was fully revealed.

He clapped his hands together and shouted the “Mujin Technique”, and the entire canyon ground began to shake.

Immediately afterwards, a 100-meter giant made entirely of wooden escape rose from the ground!

The wooden man’s muscles were all tangled, and his eyes were as dazzling as lanterns.

Hashirama stood on top of the giant’s head, looking down at the tailed beasts who were dozens of meters shorter than him.

The six tailed beasts all looked at each other and saw the giant wooden man, who was as huge as a mountain. They found that even with their own size, they were as small as babies in front of the wooden man.

At this moment, the tailed beasts couldn’t help but feel a desire to retreat.

I thought I was here to seek revenge, but I didn’t expect that I would encounter such tough enemies as Sora Uchiha and Hashirama Senju!

The six tailed beasts gritted their teeth and once again condensed a tailed beast jade and fired it towards the wooden man.

It’s just that the size of the tailed beast jade they hastily condensed cannot be compared with the previous one.

When he saw the six tailed beast jade flying towards him, Hashirama directed the wooden man to raise his palm, and with a few slaps, all the tailed beast jade flew away!


The tailed beast jade hit near the canyon, bursting out with dazzling light.

The wooden man is intact。

“this! ? “The tailed beasts were shocked.

The power of the wooden man was simply beyond their imagination.

At this time, the wooden man clenched his fist and smashed it towards the tailed beasts!

With the huge size of the wooden man, its fist At this moment, it was bigger than the heads of the tailed beasts!

With one punch, the five-tailed one closest to him was hit in the head on the spot. He let out a miserable howl and was knocked to the ground. Immediately

afterwards, no When the other tailed beasts reacted, Bokuto raised his fist again and struck at the other tailed beasts.

The Eight-Tails raised his arms in front of him, trying to resist Bokuto’s fist.


However, when Bokuto’s fist hit it When it raised its arms, a huge force hit it suddenly, and immediately smashed its entire body away!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I saw the wooden man showing great power in the canyon, hitting the tail with three punches and two kicks. The beasts grabbed their heads and ran away.

The tailed beasts had consumed a lot of chakra before and were hit by their own tailed beast jade. At this time, they had no power to resist. For a moment, the canyon shook, and the

wooden man controlled by Hashirama was like a god. Abusing the six tailed beasts.

Uchiha Sora was watching the battle from a distance, watching with gusto.

At this moment, a systematic voice suddenly came from his mind:

“Ding dong~ Your Hashirama Senshi body is watching Senju Hashirama I was greatly inspired by the Wood Escape technique, and automatically understood the secret technique of Wood Escape: The Art of the Wooden Man! ”

In an instant, Uchiha Sora had many mysteries about the Bokujin Jutsu in his mind. The

sudden voice of the system surprised Uchiha Sora, and he was slightly happy.

Unexpectedly, the system allowed him to directly understand the Bokujin Jutsu.

Although he has now awakened the body of Hashirama Immortal and already possesses the limit of wood escape, he still needs some learning in the secret technique of wood escape. Before, he had the confidence to

perform some ordinary woo

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] d escape, but such as Mu Ren’s A powerful wood escape secret technique like the Jutsu is not something he can use whenever he wants.

But now, having directly understood the Mujin Jutsu through the system, Uchiha Sora believes that the power he can display will not be much weaker than Senju Hashirama .

What’s more, with the addition of senjutsu, it will only be stronger!

And just when Uchiha Sora awakened the Bokujin Jutsu, the battle in the canyon had also come to an end. The

tailed beasts were beaten to death by the Bokujin. He retreated in defeat, and his body was shrunk several times.

Bokuto raised his hand and grabbed the second tail like a kitten, and pressed it to the ground.

At the same time, Hashirama raised his hand towards the second tail. He was slapped on the head!

“Seal!” “I saw the word ‘seat’ appearing in Hashirama’s palm. When it was

placed on the top of Erwei’s head, the chakra on Erwei’s body suddenly shrank. At the same time, its body also suddenly shrank, turning into a human in the blink of an eye. A blue cat that is only the size of a human head.

On the cat’s forehead, a small word “sealing” appears.

This is the sealing restraint force formed by Hashirama’s Wood Release Chakra on the tailed beast. It

can only be lifted by Hashirama . , or use more powerful chakra to break through it.

When the other tailed beasts saw the two tails being sealed, they immediately fled in fear. With

quick eyes and quick hands, Hashirama once again caught the four and five tails, and on them The seal was also placed.

The Seven-Tails flew towards the sky.

The Six-Tails and the Eight-Tails escaped from the canyon and ran wildly outward.


“Bagua·Empty Palm! ”

A low voice sounded from outside the canyon.

I saw that the Vulpix who had just ran away fell back again, as if his body was knocked back by an invisible ball of chakra!

It was the people from the Fire Country who had just arrived. The clan leader, the one who took action was the Hyuga clan leader Hinata Ten and several of his elite subordinates.

At the same time, in another direction, there were blockers in front of the Eight-Tails, but they were the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan. The

Six-Tails and Eight-Tails were blocked by these The patriarchal figure blocked the way, and he suddenly became anxious.。

“Get out of here! “The Eight-Tails roared, exuding a powerful chakra aura.

But Sarutobi Sasuke, who was standing in front of the Eight-Tails, bit his finger and summoned an ape.。

“Come out, Sarutong! ”

I saw a tall ape wearing armor appearing in front of Sarutobi Sasuke.。

“Yuantong, become a Vajra Ruyi Stick!”

“yes! “Sarutobi changed his body and immediately turned into a Vajra stick, flying to Sarutobi’s assistant.。

“long! “Sarutobi Sasuke grabbed the Vajra Rod and shouted at the Eight-Tails’ body.

The next moment, the Vajra Rod suddenly stretched forward and hit the belly of the Eight-Tails with a bang. The

Eight-Tails’ body shook and he held the Vajra Rod. The stick wanted to struggle, but the huge power coming from the Vajra Ruyi Stick made it unable to resist at this moment.


Its body was pushed directly back to the canyon and fell into the basin of the canyon.。

“Bagua·Broken Mountain Palm! “At the same time, Hinata’s voice sounded again.

Vulpix’s body was once again hit by a powerful palm force. This time, it was hit dozens of meters and hit the canyon with a bang. In the center of the basin.

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama’s eyes narrowed slightly.

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