Swish, swish, swish!

The next moment, there were several more figures in the canyon.。

“Sasuke Sarutobi, Ten Hinata, Taichi Yamazaka, Yuutora Shimura。。。”Senju Hashirama jumped down from the wooden man’s head with several tailed beasts, came to everyone, and called out their names one by one.

These people are the patriarchs of the first-class families in the Fire Country, and their combat prowess cannot be underestimated.

Especially Sarutobi Sasuke, who is proficient in the five attributes and has extremely high talent in ninjutsu. He is as powerful as Tobirama, or even stronger.

These people also have some elites with them, all of them are ninjas with famous names.

At this time, these people noticed the three mini-tailed beasts at Hashirama’s feet, and their eyes lit up.

Sarutobi Sasuke smiled and said: “Senju Hashirama, I didn’t expect you to take care of so many tailed beasts here alone. Shouldn’t these tailed beasts have a share in seeing you?” Senju Hashirama frowned, even if

he No matter how good-tempered he was, he laughed angrily at Sarutobi Sasuke’s words at this moment, and said coldly: “You have a share in seeing me? Sarutobi Sasuke, do you think I’m too easy to bully?” The huge wooden man behind him suddenly jerked under his feet

. Stomping, the entire canyon suddenly shook.

When everyone saw this, their expressions changed slightly, showing fear.

Shimura Yuutora hurriedly stood up and smoothed things over: “We don’t mean to rob you of your victory. Aren’t there still two tailed beasts? Why don’t you help us seal them together and hand over these two tailed beasts to us?” how?”

“This is indeed a good suggestion. Senju Hashirama, you have just defeated three tailed beasts. You should not have the power you had in your heyday now, right? But your Wood Release can help us restrain those two tailed beasts. In return, we can pay you Senju Clan a hefty commission! “Hyu Xiangtian also said at this time.

Although they are all clan leader-level figures and are not weak in strength. Even if they face the tailed beasts alone, they will not be without the strength to fight. However, the tailed beasts are tailed beasts after all, and there is still a certain risk in facing them. .

What’s more, everyone seems to be outnumbered, but each has family interests behind it, and it is impossible to unite to deal with the tailed beast. Therefore,

let Senju Hashirama continue to contain the tailed beast, while they can keep it. Mind and Eyes were on guard against others.

After hearing these people’s suggestions, Hashirama frowned again. He couldn’t help but look in the direction of Uchiha Sora, but found that Uchiha Sora had disappeared, and he didn’t know where he went.。

“Where has this guy Sora gone? “Hashirama was slightly shocked.。

“Mr. Hashirama, how do you do? “At this time, Sarutobi Sasuke and others asked again.

Looking at the greedy looks on the faces of the people in front of him, Hashirama’s face darkened, he waved his hands and said, “Sorry, I will not participate in this matter again! I will resolve the matters between me and the tailed beasts myself, and if you want to get the tailed beasts, it has nothing to do with me, and I will not take action again! ”

After saying that, he took the initiative to withdraw the Bokujin Technique and calmed down the chakra fluctuations in his body.

In fact, Hashirama felt a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] little guilty towards the tailed beasts at this time, because he had captured the Six-Tails for the benefit of the family before. Then I didn’t realize there was any problem at the time, but later the tailed beasts united to seek revenge. Then I suddenly realized that my behavior was extremely unfair to the tailed beasts. This time with the tailed

beasts The battle was also forced, and now he didn’t want to hurt them anymore.

He would take the sealed two-tails, four-tails and five-tails back and settle them down. As for the six-tails and eight-tails, he didn’t want to interfere anymore. However, Hashirama’s wishful

thinking The idea was not recognized by everyone present.

Seeing Hashirama looking like he was about to leave, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other and stopped in front of him calmly.。

“Senju Hashirama, you can leave if you want, but leave the three tailed beasts in your hands! “Sarutobi Sasuke said calmly.。

“impossible! “Senju Hashirama waved his hand and said angrily: “You guys。。。”

However, before Hashirama could finish his words, the Eight Tails on the side took the opportunity to spray a Tailed Beast Cannon in their direction.

He yelled angrily: “You despicable humans! We tailed beasts will never give in!”

Humans who were originally regarded as ants were now discussing their distribution. How could the tailed beasts endure this?

After the Eight-Tails sprayed out a Tailed Beast Jade, the Six-Tails also sprayed out a Tailed Beast Cannon.

The two tailed beast cannons, one after the other, hit Senju Hashirama and the others.

Everyone jumped back when they saw this, and the tailed beast cannon exploded on the ground, sending dust flying all over the sky.

But no one was injured。

“a ha ha ha! It seems that the power of the tailed beast has also reached its bottom! The power of the explosion is completely useless! “Someone laughed.

The Eight-Tails and Six-Tails became angry and roared repeatedly. They looked at each other and dodged and fled in both directions again.

But everyone present was an elite. How could they let the two tailed beasts at the end of the crossbow run away? Fallen?

Before they left the canyon, they saw four purple light curtains suddenly rising around the canyon.。

“Enchantment·Four Purple Flame Formation! ”

I saw four elites of the Sarutobi clan, standing around, using powerful barrier techniques. The

barrier trapped the tailed beasts and everyone inside.

The Eight-Tails saw this and punched the barrier light screen next to them. Up.


The barrier shook and twisted violently.

Flames burned from its fists.

The Eight-Tails cried out in pain and hurriedly retracted its fists.。

“Damn damn it! Is my power so weak that I can’t even break through this level of barrier? “The Eight Tails roared again and again.

If it hadn’t been for the huge consumption of the previous battle, this kind of barrier could be broken open with one punch with all its strength!

But now, it is actually trapped by this barrier.

And these humans in the barrier are not good at all. provoke。

“It would be great if this guy Jiulama was here! “The Eight-Tails couldn’t help but think sadly.

It seems that he will become a prisoner of humans in the future. I wonder if that guy Nine Lama knows what happened to his tailed beasts. Will he come to take revenge? Probably not


That guy is very noble.


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