Everyone was very excited to see the Eight-Tails and Six-Tails successfully trapped in the barrier.

Especially the situation where Eight-Tails’ weak punch failed to break the barrier made everyone feel reassured.

However, at this time, Senju Hashirama said: “Please open the barrier and let me out!”

Because he was trapped in this barrier, Hashirama couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied.。

“Mr. Hashirama, this opportunity is rare, aren’t you willing to take action? “Sarutobi Sasuke laughed.

Hashirama shook his head and said: “Let me out, I don’t want to participate!”

“Haha, this is not possible! Since you don’t want to take action, I’d like to trouble you to stay in this barrier for a while, and then we can untie the barrier after we take care of these two tailed beasts! If I untie it now, I’m afraid they will escape! “Shimura Yuutora said gloomily.

Hashirama frowned, and he was even more dissatisfied. But seeing everyone looking determined, he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

At this time, everyone The clan leaders looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Of course, the two tailed beasts were not enough to separate each other. After finishing the six-tailed and eight-tailed beasts, and the three tailed beasts in Hashirama’s hands, they also I want it!

And this barrier is just their tactic.

Originally, it would be better if they could trick Hashirama into taking action against the Six-Tails and Eight-Tails, as they could consume his power at the same time.

Unfortunately, Hashirama didn’t take the bait, so they could only wait until they caught him. After restraining the two tailed beasts, he started to take action.

Hashirama didn’t know what they were thinking. Seeing everyone going to deal with the tailed beasts, he came to the edge of the barrier and sat down cross-legged, waiting for the battle to end. Soon,

Liu The tailed beasts and the eight-tailed beasts fell into the siege of everyone, and were beaten without the ability to fight back.

Although the tailed beasts are the aggregation of chakra, and the amount of chakra is amazing, they had consumed too much before, and now they are even several times thinner. Circle, the combat power is not even one-third of the previous one.

And the major clan leaders are in their prime state, all of them are strong, and the ninjutsu and secret techniques are emerging one after another.。

“Five Escape·Dalian Bullet Technique! ”

Sarutobi Sasuke separated into four shadow clones, and the five of them released various escape techniques of water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder, forming a powerful energy storm that enveloped the Eight-Tails. The Eight-Tails struggled and roared in the energy storm, but could not break free. At the same time


Shimura Xionghu formed a seal with his hands, and his arm suddenly turned into a huge stone pillar. The stone pillar fell from the sky and hit the eight-tails hard! Like a

pile driver, the entire eight-tails body was driven into the earth. among。

“Haha, ginger is still spicy! “Sarutobi Sasuke stopped his hand, glanced at Shimura Yutora with some fear, and said with a smile. The Shimura clan

is a big clan like theirs, the Sarutobi clan, with a prosperous population. Although the people of the Shimura clan do not have any blood inheritance limits, they are not limited by blood. Like the Sarutobi clan, they are all families

who are proficient in all kinds of ninjutsu. Compared with the erudition of the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan is better at in-depth development in a certain field.

Just like the one that Shimura Yuutora

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] just used Earth Release is the manifestation of how far he has gone on the path of Earth Release Ninjutsu.

In terms of Earth Release Ninjutsu alone, Sarutobi Sasuke also considers himself inferior to Shimura Yuutora。

“you flatter me. “Yutora Shimura smiled deeply.

The two walked into the big pit and saw the Eight-Tails lying in it, already in a coma.

It was already at the end of its strength, and now that it was hit by a powerful earth escape, it would be difficult not to fall into coma.

Elsewhere, Hinata, Taichi Yamanaka and others were engaged in a fierce battle around the Six-Tails.

Under Taichi Yamanaka’s spiritual magic, even tailed beasts like the Six-Tails were frightened on the spot and fell into a trance. .At

this time, Hinata stepped forward. Under the perspective of Byakugan, he could clearly see through all the vital points of the Six-Tails, and directly used a set of Bagua 128 Palms! A set of

Bagua Palms hit the Six-Tails. , beating the Six-Tails back again and again.

Although the Six-Tails are aggregation of chakra, since they were created by Yin Yang Escape Technique, they are actually tangible things and flesh and blood, and naturally have acupuncture points. Powerful Soft Fist

Technique , it has a certain effect even on tailed beasts.

After being hit by a set of combos, the six-tails felt extremely uncomfortable, and the movement of chakra was also sluggish. Taking

this opportunity, the elites of the mountain clan followed up and dealt with it together. Vulpix launched a powerful mental attack.

Under the mental attacks of many people, the severely injured Vulpix could not bear it. His body staggered and fell down, fainting.

Watching the two tailed beasts fall one after another, The three tailed beasts, whose chakra was sealed and transformed into small pets, bared their teeth at them.。

“Despicable humans! Damn damn damn! “The second tail used his paws to scratch Hashirama’s legs vigorously as if to vent his anger. The

fourth tail was so anxious that it jumped up and down, scratched its ears and cheeks, and breathed fire from its mouth.

But it, which had become the size of a palm, did not The slightest deterrence.

The same goes for the Five-Tails. He kept digging the ground with his front hooves, trying to rush out to save his companions, but found that he had become small and weak. He could only sigh helplessly. Hashirama saw this

scene , although he couldn’t bear it, he had no reason to intervene.

After all, after this battle, the tailed beasts had no goodwill towards humans, and humans’ greed for tailed beasts could not be eliminated at all.

If he intervened, he would probably only Arousing public anger.

Although he is not afraid of the siege of these people now, he is afraid that it will cause these families to suppress the Senju clan in all aspects.

Thinking of this, Hashirama couldn’t help but sigh slightly.


However, here. At that moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from the barrier.

Everyone immediately followed the sound and saw in the sky outside the barrier, a huge flying beetle slammed into the barrier.。

“That is。。。Nanao? ! “Everyone was shocked when they saw Nanao attacking the barrier.。

“Nanao? Didn’t it escape? Why are you back? “Hashirama couldn’t help but feel strange.。

“Hey, you stupid guy, even if you want to save your companions, you don’t have to be so reckless, right? “At this time, everyone only heard a faint voice, coming from Nanao’s head.

Hashirama raised his head and looked intently, his expression couldn’t help but be startled: “It’s Sora! “

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