At this moment, Uchiha Sora suddenly threw a kunai towards Shimura Yuutora.。

“Be bold! “The two elite followers beside Shimura Yutora roared angrily, and drew out their ninja swords and split the kunai.


But in the next second, a white figure flashed in front of them, accompanied by a dazzling thunder light.

Two members of the Shimura family The elite ninja fell to the ground in pain.

And a deep scar appeared on each of their chests.

It was Uchiha Sora who used Flying Thunder God, teleported over and used Raikiri, and directly used his hand as a sword, severely injuring him. Two elite members of the Shimura family。

“Damn it! “Yutora Shimura raised his hand and punched, and his arm turned into a thick rock fist, hitting Sora Uchiha in the face!

“Raikiri! Tigers kill each other! ”

I saw that the Raikiri in Uchiha Sora’s palm suddenly turned into the shape of a tiger, opened his big mouth and rushed towards Iwaken quickly.

This is the change of Raikiri’s form!

With Uchiha Sora’s current proficiency in Raikiri , he has already been able to control the form of Raikiri freely. Make some form changes of Raikiri, don’t make it too simple!

This has nothing to do with talent, but purely a combination of strong strength and proficiency.

The tiger and the rock fist collided in an instant Together, a violent shock erupted.


Rubbles flew, Uchiha Kong stood motionless, but Shimura Yuutora kept retreating. When he stopped, his arm that used the rock fist He couldn’t help but tremble, and a trace of lightning arc wrapped around it, causing his sleeves to shatter.。

“What a powerful thunder escape! “Shimura Yuutora had a sullen face and snorted angrily.

He boasted that he had developed earth escape to the extreme. Even if thunder escape restrained earth escape, he was not afraid of ordinary thunder escape ninjutsu, but Uchiha Sora’s thunder escape made him He tasted being restrained。

“The boy is bullying others too much! “Other people around were furious when they saw Uchiha Sora taking the lead without mercy.

Although they were a little wary, they couldn’t care less. Everyone gathered around and launched their attack at Uchiha Sora. attack。

“Bagua·Empty Palm!”

“The art of confusing the mind and the body!”

“Fire Release·Fire Bullet! ”

A series of secret ninjutsu attacks towards Uchiha Sora. Seeing this,

Uchiha Sora’s figure flashed, raised his hand to condense a large jade rasengan, and rushed directly in the direction of Shimura Yuutora. Under

his speed , , all surrounding attacks failed.

Holding the Big Jade Rasengan, the figure almost turned into an afterimage, appearing in front of Shimura Yuutora.

Shimura Yuutora was shocked and hurriedly formed a seal。

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall! ”

A thick earth wall rose from the ground and blocked Uchiha Sora.


The next moment, the big jade Rasengan in Uchiha Sora’s hand hit the stone wall hard. The powerful rotation force instantly turned A big hole was blasted out of the stone wall!

He passed through the stone wall and continued towards Shimura Yuutora.

Shimura Yuutora didn’t expect that his earth flow wall could not block the chakra balls in Uchiha Sora’s hands. In his incredible eyes, The Otama Rasengan was stamped on his body with

a bang! Boom! Bang!

Although the power of the Otama Rasengan has been weakened a lot after being reduced by the earth flow wall, it is still extremely powerful. When it hits Shimura Yuutora’s body, he is instantly Knocking his body away.

I saw Yutora Shimura’s body spinning violently in mid-air, and finally hit the ground hard, seemingly motionless. Defeated

Yutora Shimura with one move!

Uchiha Sora’s power allowed him to Everyone was trembling with fear!

“Damn it!” This guy is so fast! ” Hinata cursed in a l

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ow voice.

Although his Byakugan cannot have the ability to predict like the Sharingan, it still has an advantage in insight. In the world of his Byakugan, no disguise can escape his perspective. No matter how fast Uchiha Sora is, there are always traces to follow.

But before he suddenly appeared in front of Shimura Yuutora, there were no traces of the movements of the two Shimura elites in a split second. It was really terrifying!

“King Kong Ruyi Stick! Make me sleepy! “At this moment, a low roar sounded.

Dozens of Vajra Wish-Wish Rods suddenly appeared in the space above Uchiha Sora.

These Vajra Wish-Wish Rods flew around Uchiha Sora’s body as if they had eyes, and turned into a cage in the blink of an eye. , trapping him entirely inside。

“King Kong Cage! “Sarutobi Sasuke walked over, looked at Uchiha Sora and sneered: “Let’s see how you break this indestructible cage! ”

At the same time, Taichi Yamanaka raised his hands and aimed at Uchiha Sora。

“The art of confusing the mind and the body! “A spiritual secret technique was activated.

Immediately afterwards, Shimura Yuutora, who was lying motionless on the ground, suddenly got up and slapped his hands on the ground.

Under the earthquake, Uchiha Sora’s At this position, several sharp rock thorns suddenly shot out from the ground!

And on his body, pieces of rock fragments fell down from the parts of his body that were originally hit by Uchiha Sora’s Otama Rasengan! “Fortunately, I

have steel rocks on my body. The protection of the armor, otherwise that move would be really unbearable! “Shimura Yuutora murmured.

Even so, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although he blocked most of the power of the Otama Rasengan, the penetrating power of the Otama Rasengan was not so easy. Offset, it was inevitable that he still suffered some internal injuries.

However, looking at Uchiha Sora trapped in the King Kong cage, this injury was worth it! The

refined mystical magic and rock thorn attack, in their opinion, even Uchiha Sora Even with wings, it was impossible to escape.

However, facing the carefully planned encirclement by everyone, Sora Uchiha in the cage just shook his head and smiled.


The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared from the cage!

All of them The attack failed again!

“There!” “Hyuugaten shouted. He

pointed in the direction of Senju Hashirama.

His white eyes were 360 degrees without blind spots. He had previously observed the scene where Uchiha Sora suddenly appeared. Now he was paying close attention to it immediately. I found traces of Uchiha Sora。

“What? “Everyone looked towards Hinata, and saw Sora Uchiha standing next to Hashirama, with his arms folded and looking coldly at this side.。

“How did he do that? How is it possible to escape from the blockade of the King Kong Cage? “Sarutobi Sasuke was very puzzled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Shimura Yuutora also had a gloomy face, with doubts in his eyes.。

“I’m afraid that’s a space-time ninjutsu! Hinata explained: “My white eyes have been paying attention to him. When he suddenly disappeared just now, there was no movement track in the space at all. Instead, he suddenly came from the Vajra cage to Senju Hashirama’s side, as if he was being captured.” Just like psychics, no form of obstruction can stop him!”

“Time and space ninjutsu? This is really tricky! “Everyone frowned when they heard this.

Naturally, they are no strangers to time and space ninjutsu, because psychic skills are a type of time and space ninjutsu, but time and space like this can make oneself appear and disappear at any time and at any time. This was the first time for everyone to see Ninjutsu.

Faced with such an elusive Ninjutsu, they were completely at a loss for a while.

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