Seeing everyone’s helpless look, Uchiha Sora laughed softly:

“Whatever skills you have left, just use them?”

His contemptuous attitude made everyone angry.。

“hateful! His time and space ninjutsu is so powerful! We can’t capture his movements at all! “Someone said in frustration.。

“It seems that the tailed beasts were suddenly moved from the vicinity of the Senju Clan to this canyon, and it was probably this guy’s work! “Ri Xiangtian said silently。

“So what should we do now? “Taiyi Yamanaka frowned and said。

“snort! We have reached this point, how can we give up easily? Otherwise, all your efforts will be wasted! Sasuke Sarutobi gritted his teeth and said, “Look at my feint attack!” ”

After saying that, he restored the Vajra Cage to the Vajra Ruyi Rod, held it in his hand and attacked Uchiha Sora. Sarutobi Sasuke’s

physical skills were not bad, he held the Vajra Ruyi Rod in his hand, and the tiger he was wielding was full of wind.

Uchiha Sora’s long sword He was destroyed in the previous sparring with Hashirama, and now he could only fight with his bare hands.

However, after Uchiha Sora’s physical fitness improved, his abilities in all aspects also increased greatly. Even if he did not turn on the sage mode, his physical skills under normal conditions It’s perfect for dealing with Sasuke Sarutobi.。

“null! Take the sword! “At this time, Hashirama suddenly threw a giant sword towards Uchiha Sora, which was the weapon he had used before.

Uchiha Sora jumped up, raised his hand to catch the giant sword thrown by Hashirama, and held it. I only feel a slight heaviness in my hand。

“Nice weapon! ”

It is worthy of being a weapon that can compete with Madara’s Uchiwa Fan. The quantity of this material is definitely the best among the best. After possessing the weapon

, Sora Uchiha raised his hand and used his giant sword to block Sarutobi Sasuke’s Wishful Kong Rod.

At this time, Two arms suddenly stretched out from the Vajra Ruyi Stick and pinched Uchiha Sora’s neck.

Uchiha Kong had already known the details of the Vajra Ruyi Rod and was on guard for a long time. When it stretched out his hands to grab it, A ball of dazzling lightning suddenly shone on the surface of the body!

It was the Chidori style!

With Uchiha Sora’s current strength, it is not difficult to develop a thunder and lightning ninjutsu that can cover the whole body by himself.

And this Chidori style can defend against King Kong. The hands of the Wishful Stick.

As soon as those hands reached halfway, they were repelled by the electric current splashed around Uchiha Sora.

Although the Vajra Wishful Stick transformed by Sarutong is said to be indestructible, his body does not have such ability. His hands did not dare to ignore Uchiha Sora’s thunder and lightning.

At this time, the Chidori style flowed along Uchiha Sora’s arm and was transmitted to the giant sword in his hand.

The giant sword began to shine with dazzling lightning.。

“Swordsmanship·Thunder Crack! ”

The next second, thunder light burst out from the giant sword, and a crescent-like thunder strike erupted from the giant sword!


The crescent moon strike turned into a sky-high sword strike, which was more than ten meters high. !

Heading towards Sarutobi Sasuke with an unstoppable momentum!

Sarutobi Sasuke’s expression changed when he saw this, he couldn’t help but retreat, and hurriedly shouted to the others: “What are you still looking at? Come on! ”

The others who were watching the battle saw this and had no choice but to step forward and attack Sora Uchiha a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] gain.。

“This giant sword can actually amplify my Thunder Sword Slash. It is indeed a treasure! “Looking at the Thunder Slash, which was several times more powerful than usual, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but sigh secretly. He felt a little envious in his


It would be great if he had a similar treasure or artifact, so he wouldn’t have to change weapons every now and then.

And On the other side, Hashirama saw others besieging Sora Uchiha again, and he finally couldn’t help shouting: “Everyone, do you really think I don’t exist? ”

He had endured it before, just because he didn’t want to have too much trouble with other families in the Fire Country.

But now seeing so many people besieging Sora Uchiha again without any bottom line, he naturally can no longer stand idly by.。

“Wood Escape·Tree Realm is coming! “Hashirama clapped his hands and shouted the wood escape technique.

Suddenly, thick tree vines emerged from under the earth in the barrier. These tree vines were like tentacles, moving towards Sarutobi Sasuke and others. body swept away。

“Wood escape! careful! “Everyone was greatly frightened when they saw this, and hurriedly evaded.

Sarutobi Sasuke swung the Vajra Wishful Stick in his hand repeatedly, smashing the incoming tree vines.

Shimura Yuutora used earth escape, summoning a stone giant, and the wood escape in front of him continued Pull.

Under the cover of his elite subordinates, Taichi Yamanaka dodges left and right.

Hyugaten continuously uses Bagua palm power on the tree vines to repel the tree vines.

Seeing Hashirama trap everyone with one move of wood escape, Uchiha Soraya He couldn’t help but sigh at the power of Wood Release.

Although he also had Wood Release after evolving into Hashirama’s immortal body, his proficiency was probably far behind Hashirama. At

this moment, he was not in a hurry to continue attacking, but activated The Yin seal on his forehead released part of the chakra.

Because after a previous battle, his own chakra had been consumed a lot. After replenishing the chakra at this time, he immediately entered the Myoboku Sage mode.

As a result, apart from some physical exertion, chakra has returned to its peak.

If you want to pose a fatal threat to these patriarchal figures, you must be more serious.

The orange fairy eye shadow is mysterious and powerful. The natural aura and the state of Uchiha Sora at this moment immediately attracted the attention of Sarutobi Sasuke and others. While they were

dealing with the wooden escape, they looked at each other, and they all wanted to retreat.

The movements of their hands He kept moving, but his footsteps kept getting closer to the edge of the barrier.。

“Want to run? “Uchiha Sora saw through the intentions of these people at a glance, and couldn’t help but twitch a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

Come when you want, leave when you want?

He won’t agree! He

inserted the giant sword into the ground, Uchiha Sora formed a seal, and his palms lit up Raikiri.

It was Thunder Release and Double Raikiri!

He stepped hard and the ground sank instantly, and spider web-like cracks appeared under the force of the recoil.

The next second, his figure almost turned into white light, streaking Breaking through the air, he rushed into the tree world.

All tree and vine obstacles along the way were shattered, and the lightning in his hands was pointed directly at Shimura Yuutora, one of the four clan leaders!

“Damn it! Is the target me? “Shimura Xionghu’s face changed drastically when he saw this, and he hurriedly retreated.

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