Yuutora Shimura retreated continuously, but how could his retreat speed be as fast as Sora Uchiha who had turned on the sage mode?

What’s more, Uchiha Sora was still in the sprint stage at this time. With the Raikiri in hand, his speed reached its peak, and it was already so fast that it was difficult to catch him!

Shimura Yuutora’s expression changed drastically, and his body was quickly covered with a thick layer of rock armor.


However, a streak of blood splashed out, and Uchiha Sora’s palms poured into Shimura Yuutora’s chest!

The thick rock armor can’t stop his Raikiri at all!

“cough。。。”Shimura Yutora coughed up a lot of blood from his mouth, and his old and pale face was full of unwillingness.。

“you guy。。。”He looked down at his chest that had been penetrated, knowing that he would definitely die.

A crazy look gradually appeared on his face. Shimura Yuutora looked back, raised his hands and grabbed Uchiha Sora’s arms, and shouted at the others: “I’ve caught it! Do it quickly!” The

rest When several people saw this scene, their expressions changed continuously.。

“Chief Shimura! “The clan elites brought by Yutora Shimura roared at the top of their lungs, and used ninjutsu to attack Uchiha from the air. Sarutobi Sasuke and others couldn’t help but look at each other, but

did not take action, but continued to move towards the barrier. The edge quickly receded.

At this time, a portal suddenly opened in the barrier. The three clan leaders, Sasuke Sarutobi, Hinata Ten, and Taichi Yamanaka, and the elites they brought with them, passed through the portal and retreated toward the outside. When everyone had passed through the barrier

, After the barrier, the portal of the barrier closed again.。

“Walk! “Sarutobi Sasuke and others took a look inside the barrier, without any nostalgia, and flew away into the distance.。

“Fortunately, the people who controlled the barrier were members of the Sarutobi clan. If it had been people from the Shimura clan, it would have been impossible for everyone to leave so smoothly! “Taiichi Yamanaka sighed.。

“Yes, it’s a pity for the four elites of the Sarutobi clan. “Hyugaten also nodded.

After all, the Shimura male tiger will not survive. If the Shimura clan controls the barrier, I am afraid they will not open the barrier portal to let everyone leave. But in this way, the elites of the

Shimura clan and The four ninjas from the Sarutobi clan who controlled the barrier were afraid that they would be abandoned.

Listening to the words of Yamanaka Taichi and Hinata, Sarutobi Sasuke snorted: “Since they opened the barrier, they have only been covering our retreat. One of their tasks, you two tribes have to compensate us for this loss!”

“Don’t worry, we won’t let your people sacrifice for us in vain. “Hyugaten and the two agreed wholeheartedly.

However, it is unknown what they were thinking in their hearts.

But in the barrier, seeing other people fleeing directly, Shimura Yuhu roared unwillingly: ” Sarutobi Sasuke! It’s in vain that our two races have been friends for generations, how dare you abandon me! ! !”

“you! leave me alone! Kill him quickly! “He used his last strength to shout to several of his tribesmen.

The elite tribesmen used ninjutsu one after another and attacked the two of them with great pain.


However, a desperate scene appeared. , I saw Sora Uchiha taking Shimura Yuutora in a flash, and disappeared directly und

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] er the cover of many ninjutsu. He

returned to Hashirama’s side.

It was the Flying Thunder God’s Jutsu again!

All the ninjutsu failed, and those few The Shimura elites all froze on the spot, with expressions of despair on their faces.

It’s over!

Everything is over!

Shimura Yuutora thought that by grabbing Uchiha Sora’s arm, he could no longer move, but what he didn’t expect was that this It was just his own wishful thinking.

Damn time and space ninjutsu!

The divine light in Shimura Yuutora’s eyes gradually extinguished. His chest was pierced by the double thunder cutter. He had been holding his breath forcibly. Now all hopes are shattered and his life is gone. He also reached the end in an instant.

His body slowly fell backwards, hitting the ground with a bang, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Uchiha Kong frowned, looked at his hands stained red with blood, and couldn’t help but shake them , shake off the excess blood.

But the clothes are inevitably stained with blood.。

“Let’s fight quickly! “He said to Hashirama on the side.

Hashirama nodded.

The moment he saw Yutora Shimura die, he knew that the next war was inevitable.

No longer hesitating, Hashirama used Wood Release again and headed towards The remaining Shimura elites launched an attack.

The most important thing now is to deal with the enemies at hand.

When these Shimura elites saw the clan leader killed in the battle, they already had a death wish and turned toward Uchiha Sora and Hashirama. Launched a suicidal attack。

“Fire escape·Earth and fire kill each other!”

“Thunder Release·Lei Wo Purgatory!”

“Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade! ”

Powerful ninjutsu attacked the two of them one by one.

Uchiha Sora formed a seal with one hand.

He stretched out his fingers and moved forward.。

“Thunder Release·Light Tooth Sword! ”

A bolt of lightning like a laser suddenly burst out from his fingertips, instantly piercing the vital point of a Shimura elite.

Hashirama slapped his hands on the ground and directly performed the move Wood Release: Wooden Spindle Wall.

Mu Dun turned into a shield to defend in front of the two of them, blocking all attacks.。

“Shadow Clone Technique! “Uchiha Sora displayed several Celestial Shadow clones.

Each Celestial Shadow clone held a Rasengan and attacked the remaining Shimura elites.

Bang bang bang。。。

Not long after, there were heavy blows accompanied by screams.

The remaining Shimura elites were all killed!

“Finally solved!” Hashirama took a deep breath and couldn’t help but sigh. He looked at Uchiha Sora and said with a bitter smile: “I’m afraid there will be chaos in the Fire Country.” The death of the Shimura clan leader and the elites is not actually a big deal

. What.

The point is that if the Senju clan has obtained so many tailed beasts, they will inevitably be coveted by many forces.

Uchiha Sora nodded, glanced at the corpses of the Shimura clan members on the ground, shook his head and said, “I hope those people don’t seek death.”

Hashirama sighed helplessly after hearing this.

He is not afraid of any force. Even if all the ninja families in the Land of Fire unite, he and the Senju clan will not be afraid to retreat. However, if that happens, there will be another large-scale war.。

“Let’s place these tailed beasts first. “Looking at Hashirama who was in emotion, Uchiha Sora reminded.

He would not be as sentimental as Hashirama. In this era, kindness is meaningless.

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