Uchiha Sora said as he walked towards the gate of the Senju Clan and walked slowly towards everyone.

At this time, the ninjas of all races who had been scared out by Nanao had also discovered Senju Hashirama and Sora Uchiha who had gotten off Nanao’s back.

Seeing Sora Uchiha walking towards everyone, everyone immediately looked at him as if he was facing a formidable enemy.。

“Who are you? “From the Nara clan, a man with a moustache walked out and asked vigilantly.

Sora Uchiha glanced at him lightly and ignored his question. Instead, he looked at everyone and said, “Listen to Tobirama. , you want to divide the tailed beasts?”

“Yes, Your Excellency。。。”Nara Shikaichiro was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Uchiha Sora waving his hand.

Just listen to Uchiha Sora: “I advise you all to take back your thoughts. The matter of the tailed beast is now up to me. You should go back.”。”、

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

Someone couldn’t help shouting: “Your Excellency, are you too domineering?”

“Yeah yeah! Someone else continued: “Tailed beasts belong to nature. Although your Senju clan is one of the best clans in the Land of Fire, you can’t take over them all!” We all live together in this Land of Fire, so we should allocate some tailed beasts to us!”

“right! Assign tailed beasts! But we’re not overdoing it, we can buy it from you! ”

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help shaking his head and laughing after hearing this.。

“purchase? What if I don’t sell? “He said calmly。

“Your Excellency, it is better to keep a thin line as a human being. We all live in the Land of Fire, and there will always be some intersections. “A man said coldly: “Unless the Thousand Hands clan wants to make enemies of all the families in the Fire Country!”

“Yes, don’t forget that your Senju clan also has a great enemy, the Uchiha clan! We usually don’t help each other. If you Senju Clan go too far, we don’t mind talking to Uchiha Madara! “Someone laughed loudly, seeming to have grasped the weakness of the Senju clan in his words, and seemed very proud.

Sora Uchiha glanced at him, and suddenly his figure flashed.

The next moment, he appeared as if teleporting to the proud man. in front of the ninja。

“What a speed! “Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

They never expected that Uchiha Sora would do something in front of so many people.

What’s more, what they didn’t expect was that Uchiha Sora would be so fast!

The person who just spoke was Uchiha Sora approached him, and he immediately backed away in fright.

But how could Uchiha Sora let him get what he wanted?

He raised his hand and grabbed the opponent’s neck, and lifted him up high.。

“Forehead。。。let me go! “The man struggled hard, his face turned purple.

Uchiha Sora looked at him coldly: “Now, do you still want to talk to Uchiha Madara? ”

As he spoke, a powerful aura spread out from his body, causing everyone to scream in surprise.。

“What a powerful chakra! What a powerful murderous aura!”

“This guy is definitely not a kind person! ”

There were even people around who couldn’t bear the momentum. They stood there and fell into endless panic, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

As for the guy whose neck was choked by Uchiha Sor

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] a, his face was covered with fear and fright. His liver and gallbladder were split.

He could even feel that he would be killed at any time in the next second!


Sora Uchiha threw him away and fell hard into the crowd.

Then, he looked at everyone He circled around and said calmly: “I’ll give you three seconds to consider, should you leave or stay? ”

After that, he whistled again.

Nanao, who was resting in the forest not far away, heard the call and immediately rose into the sky. Whoosh


The wind roared, and Nanao flew above Sora Uchiha in the blink of an eye. The location also appeared above everyone。

“Xiaoqi, in ten seconds, these people will be dealt with by you! “Uchiha Sora ordered.

Nanao raised his head to the sky and roared, as if in response.

Everyone’s expressions changed when they saw

this. Sure enough, has Nanao been tamed by this guy?

They thought before that the person who tamed Nanao should be Senju Hashirama. But now this scene has to make people doubt that the real master of Nanao is this guy in front of him. Nara Shikaichiro

stared at Uchiha, frowning and lost in thought.

With his mind, he could already guess Uchiha Sora’s His ability is absolutely extraordinary. Judging from the powerful aura he just exuded and the fact that he conquered Nanao, I am afraid that this guy’s strength may not be inferior to Senju Hashirama! Thinking of this, Nara Shikaichiro was shocked

. , was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

The next moment, he hurriedly raised his hand and shouted to Uchiha Sora: “Your Excellency, I, the Nara clan, will withdraw from here immediately. I am very sorry for causing unnecessary trouble to you. ”

After that, Nara Shikaichiro led a group of Nara clan members to leave quickly.

Seeing the Nara clan leaving, the Akimichi clan hesitated and followed suit.

Followed by the Aburame clan and the Hatake clan.。。。

Not long after, the originally roaring group of people dispersed.

The only ones left behind were three red-haired ninjas.

Uchiha Sora looked at the three of them and his eyes moved.

Among the three, a middle-aged man said hurriedly: “Your Excellency, we are members of the Uzumaki clan. We are not here to covet your tailed beasts, but we are entrusted by the clan leader to visit the Hashirama clan leader!”

“The Uzumaki clan? A smile appeared on Uchiha Sora’s face: “Come with me.” ”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the Senju Clan.

The three of them couldn’t help being stunned when they heard the words. They didn’t expect that Uchiha Sora would be so easy to talk to. For a moment, he didn’t react and froze on the spot. Uchiha was idling

. He seemed to notice the doubts of the three of them and said with a smile: “I heard that your Uzumaki clan has a female ninja named Uzumaki Mito?”

“Uzumaki Mito? She is the princess of our Uzumaki clan! Do you know her? “The middle-aged man said doubtfully。

“I have a friend who has something to do with her. Uchiha waved his hands in vain and said, “Let’s not talk about this for now. I’ll take you to see Hashirama.” ”

Uzumaki Mito is Tsunade’s grandmother. For Tsunade’s sake, Uchiha Sora will naturally not embarrass the Uzumaki clan. PS

: Wish me the best brother [Yu…】Happy birthday!

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