Uchiha Sora first asked Nanao to continue to wait outside the Senju clan.

Then the group returned to the Senju Clan.

The Senju Hashirama brothers were stunned when they saw Sora Uchiha coming in with three red-haired ninjas.。

“Who are these three?”

“Lord Senju Hashirama, I have long admired my name, I am Uzumaki Shiro from the Uzumaki clan, they are Uzumaki Feiyu and Uzumaki Kaisui, this time I was ordered to come to the Senju clan, I have something to discuss with you. “The middle-aged whirlpool man said with a smile.。

“The whirlpool clan? ” Before Hashirama could speak, Tobirama on the side suddenly said: “My eldest brother once rescued a red-haired woman during a mission, named Uzumaki Mito. I wonder who she is from you?”

“Uzumaki Mito is the princess of our clan, and she often mentions Hashirama-dono when she returns to the clan. Uzumaki Bai smiled and said: “And this mission is also related to Princess Mito.”。”

“Well, it’s getting late now, so let’s find a place to sit down first, have something to eat, and then talk in detail slowly. “When Senju Hashirama heard Uzumaki Mito, he seemed to be energetic, and pulled Uzumaki Shiro and said.

Uchiha Sora and Tsunade on the side couldn’t help but look at each other, with a smile in their eyes.

It turned out that Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito had known each other for a long time. Judging from Hashirama’s reaction, there must be a story between the two!

So, everyone came to the family’s reception hall, and had people prepare melon and fruit snacks, and entertained them well. Uzumaki Shiro and the other three.

After drinking and eating, Uzumaki Shiro said,

“Chief Hashirama, how do you plan to deal with these tailed beasts this time? ”

The five tailed beasts are all staying next to Hashirama at the moment. Although Hashirama has sealed their chakra and restricted their size, he has not put them in a cage, so at this time they are also mini-sized. They were eating snacks on the table.

After hearing Uzumaki Shiro’s question, the five tailed beasts hurriedly stopped eating in their mouths, and their ears couldn’t help but stand up.

That cute look made Sora Uchiha couldn’t help but look at it. Zhu grabbed a two-tailed beast, held it in his arms,

and played with it like a pet. When Hashirama heard this, he couldn’t help but be questioned.

Because although his wood escape can restrain the tailed beast, and his chakra is also It can be used to suppress them, but it is limited to this. The tailed beasts will eventually break free, and then the tailed beasts will continue to harm humans with hatred. The tailed beasts are almost

immortal, and once they die , if future generations cannot suppress the tailed beasts, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, it is best to come up with a once and for all method to restrain these tailed beasts.。

“Sora, how do you think we should deal with it? “Hashirama didn’t answer Uzumaki Shiro immediately, but looked at Uchiha Sora after thinking about it.

Because this tail beast battle was the result of the joint efforts of him and Uchiha Sora.

And Uchiha Sora’s performance The strength that came out even made him feel frightened, so when it came to dealing with the tailed beasts, it was naturally impossible for him to ignore Uchiha Sora’s thoughts. After hearing Hashirama asking him, Uchiha Sora said:

” The Whirlpool clan has always been good at sealing techniques, and their chakra and vitality are extremely powerfu

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] l. I think the Whirlpool clan has already thought of a countermeasure, right?”

“You are so perceptive. Uzumaki Shiro was slightly stunned and said: “In recent days, our clan leader has developed a method that can completely control the power of tailed beasts. This method is called Jinchuuriki.”。”

“Jinchūriki? “Both Hashirama brothers were stunned, and Tobirama looked interested and said, “Can you tell me in detail?”

“Of course. Uzumaki Shiro smiled and began to explain: “Jinchūriki is a method of completely sealing tailed beasts into the human body. This method can combine the power of tailed beasts and humans to achieve symbiosis.”。”

“During the symbiosis between tailed beasts and humans, humans’ own power will greatly suppress the tailed beasts, which should be able to ensure that the tailed beasts will not be allowed to act recklessly. “Whirlpool Bai said: “According to what the clan leader said, this method must select a human with strong vitality or chakra as a container.。”

“Of course, this method has not been tested yet, and the specific effect needs to be verified, but I have confidence in the sealing technique of our clan leader. “Uzumaki Shiro said with determination.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two-tailed Mata Brigade, who was being ravaged in Uchiha Sora’s arms, immediately exploded.

I saw it jumped out from Uchiha Sora’s arms and pounced directly on it. He caught Uzumaki Shiro, and a pair of sharp claws swished at Uzumaki Shiro’s face.

Uzumaki Shiro was careless and couldn’t dodge in time, and was caught by Erwei Mata with several blood marks.

However, Erwei Mata was caught by Uzumaki Shiro . The current size is about the same as that of an ordinary kitten, and its claws really don’t have much lethality.

Uzumaki Bai slapped the ground with a furious slap.

Another trip bounced off the ground, looking at everyone present with hatred, vomiting. People say: “Despicable humans, it’s not enough to defeat us, they even want to use seals to imprison us in human bodies! How despicable! I will never obey again! ”

The other tailed beasts also shouted and protested.。

“right! Even my eight tails are not convinced!”

“I would rather die if I stayed with despicable and dirty humans!”

“No one can take away the freedom of our tailed beasts!”

“If you dare to do this, Kyuubi will definitely avenge us! ”

The tailed beasts were filled with righteous indignation and were extremely wronged.

Listening to the screams of the tailed beasts, Hashirama couldn’t bear it. Tobirama on the side raised his hand

to pick them up one by one, and smashed them on the ground. The wall hit them so hard that stars appeared in their eyes。

“Shut up! You are not qualified to speak now! ”

Being treated and scolded like this by Tobirama, the tailed beasts were furious and wanted to jump up and fight. Unfortunately, they were no different from ordinary pets now and couldn’t make any waves at all.。

“Okay, you all, please be quiet! “At this time, Uchiha Sora called out to stop the yelling of the tailed beasts.

When the tailed beasts saw Uchiha Sora speaking, they all immediately shrank, shrank their heads, and did not dare to make a sound.

In their eyes Here, Uchiha Sora is definitely a more terrifying person than Senju Hashirama.

Thinking about it before, his blond state was able to punch air cannons. As tailed beasts, they are no match for them in physical combat. This They are more like monsters than their tailed beasts!

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