At this time, Naruto was running towards the shelter under the protection of his ninja school teacher Iruka.

In the darkness, there are still some Anbu who are protecting us.。

“Iruka-sensei, what happened to the village? Is it serious? “Naruto asked eagerly as he ran.

Although he has not graduated from the ninja school, his heart has already been baptized by the will of Konoha’s fire, and he is worried about Konoha Village.

Iruka looked at him solemnly On the battlefield not far away, he shook his head and said: “Naruto, you don’t need to worry about these things, our top priority now is to take refuge!”

“However, I also want to contribute to the village, Iruka-sensei, I have become stronger too! “Naruto said stubbornly.。

“Nonsense! What does your little strength mean? Have you forgotten what happened before? Even the Third Hokage was seriously injured in that incident, and you are still far behind! Can’t help at all! “Iruka said sternly.。

“Could it be that the Kyuubi inside me can’t do it either? “Naruto shouted.

Iruka was stunned. He didn’t expect that Naruto had realized the power of the Nine-Tails in his body. He thought about it, sighed and said: “Naruto, the power of the Nine-Tails must not be leaked. , what you should do most now is to hide quickly, maybe the trouble is coming for you again this time! ”

When Naruto heard that the trouble was directed at him, his blood suddenly surged up, and he opened his mouth to argue.

Iruka knew what Naruto was thinking, and before he could speak, he said seriously: “Naruto, wait until you take control of the body. Let’s protect everyone with your power! You are not strong enough now, do you understand? ”

When Naruto heard this, he immediately lowered his head helplessly, and couldn’t help but feel deeply helpless for his own weakness.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from Naruto’s mind.。

“Naruto, do you want power? Do you desire to become powerful? Come on, come on~”

“Who is he? “Naruto was in a trance for a while, and the next second he suddenly found himself in a dark sewer.。

“here it is? My inner world? “Naruto murmured.

He had been violent once before and had been to this place before.

In the darkness in front of the sewer, two red beast eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs.

A deep and deep voice sounded across a building. The cage slowly came from the mouth of the owner of the beast eyes: “Naruto, come in quickly, come in quickly, as long as you come in here, you will have enough power to protect Konoha. ”

It’s Ky

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] uubi!

Even though it’s not the first time he’s seen it, he, who is weak at this moment, is still shocked in place when he sees Kyuubi’s figure, and his mind becomes confused. He actually follows Kyuubi’s bewitching voice

. , slowly walked towards the cage。

“Yes, yes, just come over here, come over here。。。”Kyuubi continued to bewitch.

As Naruto slowly approached, a burst of red chakra surged out from the cage and clung to Naruto’s body.。。。

In the outside world, a red chakra filled with evil intentions suddenly emerged from Naruto’s body.

His eyes turned into red beast eyes, his hands grew sharp claws, and he lay on the ground.

The red chakra condensed into a red chakra tail behind him。

“Oops! Kyuubi went berserk! “Iruka was shocked when he saw this.

He didn’t expect that Naruto would go berserk at this time!

Could it be that those words just now irritated him?

Iruka couldn’t help secretly regretting it and blaming himself. He shouldn’t have done that. It’s right to say Naruto! What

should he do now?

Originally, he was going to take Naruto to seek refuge, but now the Nine-Tails on Naruto is going berserk, and its power has increased exponentially. His ability is simply not enough to stop the rampage. Naruto!

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, ANBU figures suddenly appeared nearby.

Iruka was overjoyed.。

“Everyone, you came at the right time! Please help stop Naruto from going on a rampage! “Iruka said with great joy when he saw the ANBU appeared.。

“Iruka, what’s going on? How could Naruto, who was so good, suddenly go berserk? “At this time, an ANBU woman with long purple hair asked.。

“I don’t know either. I just scolded Naruto a little bit, but unexpectedly he stormed off. This shouldn’t be the case! “Iruka explained innocently。

“Could it be that the seal on Naruto has weakened? The Fourth Hokage’s seal shouldn’t have weakened so quickly! Is it because of the last rampage? “The purple-haired female Anbu murmured to herself, but she didn’t care so much at this time, and hurriedly called to her companions: “Everyone, be careful, try not to hurt him, and stop his rampage! ”

The ANBU companions around him all nodded.


At this moment, Naruto, who had already condensed a chakra tail behind him, suddenly roared and rushed towards everyone! He

was as fast as lightning and almost turned into a red streak. Shadow! Came to one of the ANBU.


Just as the ANBU reacted and raised the weapon in his hand, he felt a huge force coming and was knocked away by Naruto on the spot!

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