“What a terrifying power!” The ANBU was severely knocked away, and his body suffered heavy injuries and fell to the ground.

The other ANBU were startled and hurriedly stopped in front of that ANBU.。

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet! “An Anbu used the water escape technique, and a huge water dragon condensed in the air and hit Naruto.

However, Naruto, who was in a rage, did not dodge. He directly raised his hand and waved a powerful check. Kara’s breath surged out, and it directly shook the water dragon in mid-air into countless splashes!

“Is this the power of the Nine Tails? It’s absolutely terrible! This is just the power of a tail, but it has already reached this level.。。。。”The Anbu were solemn.


At this time, Naruto’s chakra surged again, and a chakra tail condensed behind him again.

Two tails!

“No, it’s not over yet。。。”

Under everyone’s shocked eyes, Naruto’s nine-tailed chakra surged out crazily, forming four tails one after another!

“Oops!” Everyone was shocked.。

“Everyone, get out of the way! “At this moment, an ANBU suddenly shouted, and he slapped his palms on the ground. The next moment, the ground next to Naruto suddenly broke open, and several vines came out, entangled in Naruto.

It’s Mu Dun! ”

Good job!” Tenzo! “The purple-haired ANBU shouted.

The person who uses Wood Release is none other than Tenzo who has fused the first-generation cells!

Under the suppression of his Wood Release, the chakra in Naruto slowly shrank.

A “Zone” character appeared on Tenzo’s palm. Shining slightly.

Seeing that the chakra on Naruto was gradually being suppressed, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Hearing a loud bang, the Nine-Tails Chakra on Naruto burst out again.。

“What? ! “Tenzo was shocked!

Immediately afterwards, a more powerful nine-tailed chakra surged out of Naruto’s body, forming seven tails behind him!

At this time, Naruto’s skin was covered with powerful chakra. After all the burning, only a red prototype of the Nine-Tails was left lying on the ground.

White bones formed outside Naruto’s body.

These are the bones of the Nine-Tails!

The extremely powerful chakra scattered everywhere, A large crater was opened in the ground beneath his feet.

Sand and rocks were flying, the wind was howling, and the evil and powerful chakra shocked everyone present.。

“It’s over, Kyuubi would be so violent! Lord Hokage is not in the village, Lord Jiraiya is still fighting with the enemy, who else here can stop him from going on a rampage? “Iruka had already been restrained in place by the powerful chakra, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.。

“In this case, I am afraid that only the fourth generation of Hokage can suppress the power of the Nin

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e-Tails, right? After all, that seal was set by the Fourth Hokage.。。。”Anbu muttered to himself, his tone filled with despair.

The purple-haired Anbu smiled sadly. At this moment, she no longer looked at the rampaging Naruto. Instead, she turned her head to look in the direction of the Grass Ninja Village, and murmured in her mouth like she was dreaming: “It seems that I can only go there. That’s it, Sora. I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to see you again in the end.。。。”

At the same time, Naruto, who was going berserk, suddenly opened his mouth and condensed a dark tailed beast jade.

The tailed beast jade is the size of a basin, but the powerful aura it exudes is enough to make people despair.

And the direction the tailed beast jade is pointing at right now is the purple-haired ANBU.。

“not good! Get out of the way! “The other ANBU exclaimed.

However, the tailed beast jade had been launched with a bang. The purple-haired ANBU stood there blankly, his whole body locked by the powerful chakra, but it was too late to hide. At this moment, a figure suddenly

appeared Appeared in front of the purple-haired Anbu.

He raised his palms and pressed directly on the tailed beast jade.


The next second, this figure disappeared instantly with the tailed beast jade.


Then, the figure appeared again in the purple haired Anbu. In front of the ANBU.

Dressed in white and standing tall, it was Sora Uchiha!

“Sora! ! ! “The purple-haired Anbu exclaimed, with great surprise in his voice.。

“it’s me! Uchiha Sora turned his head, looked at the purple-haired Anbu, and said with a smile: “Xiyan, long time no see!” ”

The identity of the purple-haired Anbu is Uzuki Yugan.

He was Uchiha Sora’s former teammate and partner, and later developed into a confidante.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Uchiha Sora suddenly appeared to save the situation!

At this time, I heard a loud bang in the distance, and saw a dazzling explosion of light erupting in the woods outside Konoha Village.

This was the power of the Tailed Beast Jade explosion.

It was Uchiha Sora who just used Flying Thunder God The technique diverted it.

The powerful force made the earth tremble, and the aftermath of the earthquake was directly transmitted here.

Everyone was even more horrified.。

“Oh my god, Sora Uchiha just moved the tailed beast away with his bare hands, and he was able to return here before it exploded. This speed is simply incredible! “The Anbu exclaimed in disbelief.。

“It is worthy of being called the Sixth Shadow! It’s truly a well-deserved reputation! “Anbu murmured.

The Sixth Shadow is another title given to Uchiha Sora by everyone in the ninja world after he disappeared in the past year!

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