A sudden sense of relief made my heart empty for a moment.

The person in the underground secret room slowly opened his eyes in a trance.

His vision...

Half of it could directly penetrate the layers of barriers in the secret room and see the colors of the outside world.

The other half was endless darkness.

"My right eye is blind."

Ningji thought calmly. In fact, he had already thought of it when he saw his vision shattered before he fell into a coma.


I survived after all.

I just don't know what my current situation is?

Hyuga Neji casually broke free from the ropes that bound him and pulled out the nutrient syringe that was already sucking his blood.

He lit the candle in the secret room.

Then he took out a mirror and looked at it.

The first thing he looked at was not the blind eye, but the forehead.

I saw.

The original caged bird curse seal that made him difficult to face disappeared, replaced by a smooth forehead.

"It seems that I am one step closer to freedom."

Hinata Neji raised his lips slightly. He finally got rid of his long-standing imprisonment. Although he sacrificed one of his eyes, everything was worth it in his opinion.

After all, if your eyes are broken, you can use someone else's.

Ningji, who has always been a realistic person, has no objection to using other people's eyes.

As for the blind eye, whether it is a white eye or a normal ordinary person's eyes, Ningji is not picky.

Because he found that his left eye seemed to have made unexpected progress.

"So, let's take a look at what's wrong with my eyes now?"

Hinata Neji thought of this and couldn't help but look at the situation of his eyes in the mirror.

I saw that

The pupil of his right eye was directly broken into a crack, and the conjunctiva turned black, as if his right eye was not an eye, but a black sphere was stuffed into it.

His left eye also underwent an inexplicable change. His left eyeball turned light blue, and the conjunctiva turned black as well.

What's even more amazing is that his left eye also has the function of the Byakugan, and the world he sees is not black and white but colorful!

"I don't know, can I still open the Byakugan now?"

Seeing that there were no blue veins around his left eye, Neji's heart moved.


Ineffective. He was not discouraged and continued to try.


At this time, his eyes unexpectedly changed.

I saw that the two eyes in the mirror slowly "degenerated" into the appearance of Byakugan.

Except that the right eye was still invisible, the left eye turned into a Byakugan.


Ningci's mind moved and he opened the Byakugan again.

Sure enough, as he expected, his eyes quickly turned into a light blue with a black background.

After trying for a while.

Neji soon discovered the function of his new eye technique.

It was a significant improvement on the basis of the Byakugan, and when he opened his eyes, the world in his eyes was colorful, not black and white.

At the same time, he also obtained a pupil technique that the Byakugan had never had.

Although he did not use it, he subconsciously knew the function of this pupil technique in his heart.

The name of this pupil technique is - Time and Space Freeze.

The effect is to freeze the life state of one or more people including the soul.

It can be said to be a very powerful and unsolvable pupil technique.

At least in Neji's opinion, he did not think that anyone could crack this trick.

Maybe... my right eye is saved.

Neji spent some time to simply adapt to the new eyes, then turned his eyes back into Byakugan, put on a forehead protector to cover his forehead, and walked out of the secret room towards Konoha.

The bird in the cage has been cracked, but he has no intention of leaving Konoha for the time being.


He has a strong premonition as if he can see through the future.

Soon, he will be able to repay the favor he owes.


Time flies.

The time for training is always short.

With a whole day of concentrated effort, it is difficult to detect the passage of time.

Not to mention that it happens every day.

Except for the conspirators, of course.

The third round of the Chunin Exam soon officially began as scheduled in this treacherous atmosphere.

For some reason, the location of the exam venue was not in the usual exam venue in Konoha's inner city.

Instead, a temporary arena was built in a scenic suburb.

Naruto and the other nine who advanced in the preliminaries lined up in the Roman Colosseum-like exam room, waiting for the exam to begin.

Originally, there were supposed to be ten people, but for some reason, SasukeDid not arrive at the examination room on time.

"Where did Sasuke go?"

Naruto scratched his head and looked at the people around him, and couldn't help but feel anxious for Sasuke.

"Is he afraid of meeting me, so he became a deserter?"

"Sasuke's battle order is relatively late, so it doesn't matter if he arrives later." Shikamaru stood next to Naruto and yawned speechlessly.

"I say, Shikamaru, so many people are looking at you, how can you be so uninterested?"

Naruto turned his head and looked at Shikamaru's "I just want to lie down" look, and then looked up at the crowded stands, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"I want to shine in front of so many people!"

It is impossible to be low-key. Naruto's goal is very simple, that is to get the first place!

"Yawn~ You are still as energetic as ever~"

Shikamaru stared at Naruto with dark circles under his eyes, tired. In order to deal with this energetic guy, he had gone through inhumane special training this month!

On the other hand, Naruto always looked like he was not tired.

On the other side, in the stands.

"Hei, who do you think will get the first place in this exam?"

Hongdou sat next to Kanna Tsukiro and asked with a smile while looking at his profile.

Rather than watching the game, for Hongdou, Kanna Tsukiro was more beautiful.

Of course, it was not just Hongdou. At least one-third of the women in this small area were intentionally or unintentionally sneaking glances at Kanna Tsukiro, and another one-third were staring at the Kazekage next to the Hokage. The last one-third looked around and said that they wanted them all.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I like his novels very much, and I support him very much."

Kanna Tsukiro's eyes fell firmly on Naruto, without the slightest deviation.

"Well, I love reading it too. I heard a new volume will be out this month."

What's so good about the novel?

Hongdou curled her lips in disdain. If it weren't for the common topic, she wouldn't bother to read that thing.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

Kanna Tsukikuro also nodded.

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