On the other side of the stands, opposite to the stands where Kanna Tsukiro was.

Yuhi Kurenai, Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, and the rest of the 7th, 8th, and 10th classes, as well as the class led by Kai, were all located here. In addition, Nishikawa Kasumi also ran here from the special stands in the noble area.

"Sakura, I remember the first match was between Naruto and that Nara Shikamaru."

Nishikawa Kasumi looked at Naruto below nervously, grabbed Sakura's hand, and asked.

"Will he be okay?"

"Don't worry, Miss Nishikawa, Naruto should be able to easily take care of Shikamaru." Although Sakura was a little worried about Sasuke, she still comforted him after hearing what Nishikawa Kasumi said.

"Sakura, what do you mean! What do you mean by being able to easily take care of Shikamaru!" Ino felt embarrassed when she heard what Sakura said, after all, Shikamaru was already the strongest of the three Genin in their team.

"Shikamaru has been receiving very strict special training this month, just wait for your surprise! It's not that easy for Naruto to win!"

"Haha, is that so?"

Didn't Ino say that she liked Naruto before? It turns out that she was just talking, I can't take it lightly!

"Don't worry! Sakura, Naruto will definitely win!"

Xiao Li didn't seem to hear Sakura's perfunctory words, but thought she was uneasy, so he quickly began to express his feelings.

"Yeah, hehe." Sakura smiled reluctantly.

The main stand.

The Hokage and the Kazekage sat on the stone seats representing nobility, looking at the hot scene below.

There were two people standing behind them.

Behind the Hokage were the Shadow Guards' Bizu Leitong and the Isu Jonin who temporarily wore the Konoha Anbu costume.

Behind the Kazekage were two mysterious Shadow Guards who were wrapped tightly.

However, people in the Wind Country have always had the habit of wearing face scarves, so no one cares.

Most people still care about the two big guys, the Hokage and the Kazekage.

Among them, the Kazekage seems to be more popular, and even many noble women can't help but lock their eyes on the Red Sand Scorpion.

After all, this is a handsome, noble, powerful and powerful existence.

"Mr. Kazekage, it seems that you are very popular even in our Fire Country."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at the Red Sand Scorpion, who was smiling but full of indifference.

"It's just some women's unnecessary attention."

The Red Sand Scorpion also turned his head and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Speaking of which, your Uchiha clan orphan should also participate in this exam, why is he not seen?"

"I think it was delayed by something." Sarutobi Hiruzen said indifferently.

"If he doesn't arrive in time, he will be judged as a loser."

Why did the Red Sand Scorpion suddenly become interested in Sasuke? Does he want to make Sasuke a human puppet?

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned secretly in his heart. Human puppets should be a product that is very unethical. Logically, no one wants their leader to master such a terrifying technology.

Because no one can be sure whether they will be forced to work for the village after their death.

But since the death of the third Kazekage, the only powerful person left in Sand Village who can be shown off and can shock the ninja world is Scorpion of the Red Sand.

There are other powerful people, and there are even many users of blood limit, but their prestige is a little lower. The most famous one, Rasa, only gets more attention because of his money.

This leads to Sand Village having no choice but to let the lawless Scorpion of the Red Sand serve as Kazekage.

Fortunately, this guy is obsessed with puppet research. As long as no one provokes him, he generally does not make trouble, which makes the two countries of Wind and Fire live in peace for many years.

"I'd really like to see Uchiha Sasuke play against our Gaara. It would be a pity if he doesn't arrive on time."

Seemingly sensing the dissatisfaction of the person behind him, Scorpion didn't intend to follow the wishes of a certain rotten snake and speak for Sasuke.

"It seems that everyone can't wait any longer, so let's start the game."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Scorpion's attitude, nodded without comment, and then gave a look to Shiranui Genma, who was acting as the referee off the court.

"Then, I declare the game officially open."

Shiranui Genma nodded at the Hokage, turned around and said to the nine people in the field.

"First game, Uzumaki Naruto VS Nara Shikamaru!"

"Other players, please go to the players' stands and wait."


The battle in the Chunin Examination Hall was in full swing.

There was a jubilant and peaceful atmosphere inside Konoha, but it didn't seem to be the case outside Konoha.

The towering walls separated the inside and outside of Konoha into two worlds.

"Speaking of which, I really want to watch this Chunin Exam."On the city wall, a Chunin leaned against the parapet, complaining about this seemingly important but unusually leisurely job. "Yes, Uzumaki Naruto from our base also participated in this assessment, and there is also Uchiha Sasuke, it must be very exciting!" Another Chunin also half-leaned on the parapet and said. "Alas~ When will this garrison mission end~" "Hey, you two, be serious! Don't think that you can just slack off while Master Jing is watching the Chunin Exam! "

The captain of the jonin saw his subordinates so passive and lazy, and immediately scolded them in anger.

"Ah, yes, yes~"

The two chunins responded quickly, but their bodies did not move, and they were still bored looking at the unchanging scenery under the city.

Their eastern base is remote, and generally few people enter Konoha from here, so the difference between seriousness and carelessness is not big.

Look, after half a day, only three travelers wearing bamboo hats appeared on the main road.

Two of them seemed to be women, and their figures were really good. Even the cloak could not cover their tall figures.

The chunin showed a lewd smile at the corner of his mouth, staring at the two women's white long legs calmly.


One of the red-haired beauties with a beauty mole under the corner of her mouth raised her head and licked her lips at him.

Um... Oops, it's a heart-beating feeling!

"Hehehe, she smiled at me, is she interested in me?"

"What are you daydreaming about? "

The attention of the two Chunins was immediately attracted by Bufeng.

Buyuan on the side slightly raised the corner of his mouth, took out a scroll and spread it out.

The scroll depicted a panoramic view of Konoha.

Seeing that the two Chunins who were following this section were attracted by the beauty of women, Buyuan quickly began to make hand seals.

[Barrier Gate Sealing Technique·Eight Gates Closing]

After making the last seal, Buyuan slapped the scroll hard.

The next moment, boom!

The four ancient gate buildings of Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque and Xuanwu rose simultaneously in the four directions of Konoha.

At the same time, a dark purple hemispherical barrier encompassed the entire Konoha.

"Who are you! "

The ninjas guarding the city gate knew it was an enemy attack, so they shouted at the intruders and secretly issued various orders.

Some were responsible for notifying the Hokage, some asked the Sealing Squad to break the barrier, and of course, some went to kill the three unknown foreign enemies.


"You bastards, do you still want to stop us?"

Mo Fu sneered and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Earth escape·Active transformation!"

He also slapped the scroll fiercely, and immediately moved countless rocks, turning a large area around the city gates into a rocky canyon area.

The traps in it also covered the traps set by Konoha itself.

"Okay, let's get started!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four ancient gates suddenly opened!


"Today is the day of Konoha's demise! "

The Sound Ninja, Sand Ninja, Artisan Ninja, and the scattered rebel ninjas each occupied a gate and rushed into Konoha through the ancient gate.


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