"There's no need to apologize, it's that serious."

Naruto chuckled, then took out four books from his ninja bag and handed them to Minato Namikaze.

"I wrote these four books, too. Take your time to read them, don't bother me."

After that, Naruto continued to write hard.

Minato Namikaze nodded, then casually opened the first volume of Zhuxian and started reading.

He was slowly fascinated by it.


"I mean, you two! Let's eat!"

Kushina knocked Minato Namikaze down with one punch, and originally wanted to punch Naruto, but Naruto dodged it with his body's instinctive reaction.

"It hurts!"

Minato Namikaze rubbed the back of his head and said innocently.

"The novel written by Naruto is so good that I accidentally got addicted to it."

At the same time, he also looked at Naruto in surprise. He was able to dodge Kushina's fist so easily, and even looked like he didn't know what happened. In addition to his previous unguarded reaction, he didn't know what Naruto really thought for a while.

"Oh? Really? Then I must read it carefully later."

Kushina smiled and pulled Naruto to the dining table to sit down, serving rice and picking up dishes.

"Hahaha, the novel I wrote is definitely top-notch in the ninja world!"

Naruto said "I'm starting" and started eating without hesitation.

Too many brain cells died just now, and he happened to be hungry.

"Nene, Naruto, come to think of it, your height is almost the same as your mother, do you have a girlfriend?"

Uzumaki Kushina actually felt average about novels, but was more curious about Naruto's love life.


Naruto's hand froze while picking up the food. He was really talking about something else. He must not expose his life as a dog licker.

"Mother, I think your idea is very problematic. I'm less than thirteen years old, and you're talking to me about a girlfriend?"

"I'm still a child!"

"And I've been practicing and fighting hard, and I don't have time to care about those things."

Naruto nodded seriously, and then said with the look of an emotional master.

"Besides, it's not that I haven't achieved anything in this regard."

"What achievements?" Kushina smiled and said.

"Guess what? I married a wife for my sixteen-year-old self, and she also has red hair like my mother!"

Naruto smiled and winked at Kushina.


Kushina was confused when she heard this. My twelve-year-old son said that he married a wife for his sixteen-year-old self?

How should this be understood?

So she looked at Minato Namikaze with a confused face.

"Ahem, this is what happened, I heard the details..."

To be honest, Minato Namikaze himself was speechless by Naruto's action, but he still smiled and told Kushina the whole story.

After all, as a mother, she should have the right to know.

"So, why don't you bring my eldest son and daughter-in-law back!"

Uzumaki Kushina complained and rolled her eyes at Minato Namikaze.

"You will see them, don't worry."

Minato Namikaze looked at Kushina gently and smiled.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, there is only one Sarah, who has been married to another me. There is no second Sarah in this time and space, and the Sarah in my time and space is already dying."

Naruto laughed wickedly.

"So the other me, like me, has become one of the most unique existences in countless timelines."

"Damn it! Minato, you lied to me!"

Kushina punched Minato Namikaze in anger when she heard that she could not find her daughter-in-law.

"Okay, okay, save some face for me in front of the child."

Namikaze Minato quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"In fact, Naruto followed me back this time because there is no way to go back for the time being."

Namikaze Minato suddenly said seriously.

"Naruto's time and space are in danger of being destroyed."

"Yeah, mother, your sealing technique is very powerful, right?"

Naruto also nodded quickly.

"I am also a Jinchūriki. You know what will happen if I leave for too long."

"Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I have a use for the dragon vein, and I can never use it as a bomb to blow up the world."

"Don't worry, Mom will help you with all her strength."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded seriously when she heard it.

"By the way, Naruto, since you are a Jinchūriki, to what extent have you controlled the Nine-Tails? Mom is still very experienced in this regard. Maybe I can help you."


Naruto's forehead veins jumped, and then he said with some sorrow.

"I have no experience at all, because I don't need the power of the Nine-Tails at all. The Nine-Tails is just a drag on me."

"I heard that other people's tailed beasts all give their own Jinchūriki all kinds of bloodline limits and so on, but mine is completely against me!"


Uzumaki Kushina looked at Namikaze Minato blankly.

"Didn't you say that little Naruto is very strong?"

"Naruto still needs to divide his chakra to suppress the Nine-Tails at this moment, but in this case, his strength is already at the level of an elite jonin. If I don't use Flying Thunder God, I may not be Naruto's opponent."

Namakaze Minato nodded helplessly.

"Hahaha, he really deserves to be my son!"

Uzumaki Kushina smiled with a hearty face.

"But don't waste the Nine-Tails' power. Mom will help you teach it a lesson tonight and make it obedient!"

"Has mother tamed the Nine-Tails?"

Naruto looked at Kushina in amazement. Is his own mother so strong?

"Hey, of course, mom is super powerful!"

Kushina looked at Naruto's expression and nodded very pleased.

"If the Nine-Tails doesn't obey, just beat it up!"


Naruto was stunned, what are you talking about?

"Just beat it up!"


"I mean, if it doesn't obey, beat it until it obeys!"

"Can you beat the Nine-Tails?"

Naruto's expression was shocked, and his worldview was reshaped.

"Of course, you don't think you can't beat it in the sealed space, right?"

Kushina rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This silly child is just too kind.

She has gone through the Trial of the Power of Sacrifice and the Trial of the God of Death, but she still has a kind heart. I am really crying.

"Mother, I really love you so much!"

Naruto yelled at Kushina, and then his eyes were in a daze.

"This child... is really impatient."

Kushina and Minato Namikaze looked at each other, and then activated the barrier technique to wrap the house to prevent the Nine-Tails' breath from alarming the Hokage.

And in Naruto's sealed space.

Naruto appeared in front of the huge iron gate with a grim smile on his face.

The figures of Kushina and Minato Namikaze also appeared behind Naruto at the same time.

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