Drops, dong...

Water drops dripping from the darkness from high above, water puddles over ankles, and low beast roars coming from behind the iron gate.

Is this Naruto's sealed space?

It really is... It makes people not want to stay here for a second longer.

But compared to this.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at the Nine-Tails in the shadow behind the iron gate.

This Nine-Tails from the future time and space seems... a little weak.


"It seems that only half is left."

Namikaze Minato also looked at the Nine-Tails with a curious look on his face, and then made a conclusion.

"It lost half of its Yin Release Chakra."

"Roar! Namikaze Minato!!! I will kill you!!!"

The Nine-Tails behind the iron gate was furious when he heard that this beast had sealed half of his chakra and pretended to be ignorant and mocked him.

It's really disgusting tailed beast!

"You hypocritical fellow!"

"Kyuubi, where is your other half of chakra? It should be able to recover even if you use it, right?"

Uzumaki Kushina didn't care about Kyuubi's fury, but asked curiously.


Kyuubi only noticed that Uzumaki Kushina was there at this time, and was silent for a while, obviously not wanting to communicate with her.

"So, as long as you remove this seal spell, you can go in, right?"

Naruto didn't care about the friendly communication below, but came to the seal spell on the iron door and stretched out his hand to remove it.

"Hashibean sack!"

Namikaze Minato hurriedly stopped him.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

Naruto had already torn off more than half of the seal spell, and then two fluorescent lights flew out and sank into the bodies of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

"Eh? Why are you guys suddenly silent?"

Naruto scratched his head and looked at Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki in confusion.

They were motionless, frowning as if they were having a nightmare.

"Forget it."

Naruto looked at them for a few seconds and decided not to wake them up casually.

He did not continue to tear off the talisman completely, not because he did not want to, but because he could not.

"Kyuubi, what happened to them?"

Naruto sighed helplessly and asked the Kyuubi with a flickering look in the iron gate.

"Hmph, this sealing talisman contains the chakra of both of them."

Kyuubi snorted coldly and rarely answered Naruto.

"Boy, don't think you can beat me just because you came to the past and met Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki!"

"Isn't it just the sealed chakra? Why are you reacting so strongly?"

Naruto didn't care about the threat of the Nine-Tails. He didn't plan to borrow the power of the Nine-Tails at all. As long as the Nine-Tails could return the chakra he used to suppress the Nine-Tails, he would be very lucky.

That's a full 600 points of chakra!

It's enough for his ultimate move to last 1.5 times longer.

"You idiot! The memories of both of them are sealed in those two chakras."

The Nine-Tails is in a bad mood now.

In fact, it's not that it's going to fight with Naruto next, or that it saw its natural enemy Kushina Uzumaki.

What really made it feel entangled and unhappy was that it saw another self in Kushina's body.

The intact self!

The two Nine-Tails had a very 'friendly' conversation after they met just now.

Outsiders have no way of knowing what the specific conversation was about.

In short, it was probably some trash talk that I cursed at myself.

Damn it!

This guy is obviously my past self, why did he laugh at me when I saw it in the future?

"So it's receiving memories?"

Naruto nodded in sudden realization, and didn't care at all that the Nine-Tail called him a fool.

This level of curse has no effect on Naruto, but he feels a little fresh.

Just like when someone calls you a big fool or a little fool, you won't really get angry at all.

If it's a good-looking girl, you still think she's so cute.

For example, Miss Kugimiya Rie, Naruto thinks she's really cute when she curses, Naruto really... likes her.

Damn it!

I'm still a child, how could I have the heart of an uncle?

It's all because of the otaku!!!

"Naruto! Wuwuwu... It's all my fault that you've suffered so much."

Just as Naruto's mind was echoing with 'silly, very silly', Uzumaki Kushina hugged Naruto with a distressed look on her face.

"Eh?! What's wrong?"

Naruto was a little confused, what happened today?

Aren't they here to beat the Nine-Tails?

"Naruto, these years..."

Minato Namikaze alsoHe looked at Naruto with a complicated expression.

He had received his own memories from another time and space, as well as some of Naruto's growth experiences over the years.

It was indeed very distressing at the beginning, but until Naruto stole the seal scroll, everything became very, very... outrageous.

He thought at first that Naruto's words were mostly exaggerated and boastful.

But until he saw the earth-shaking battle with his own eyes.

Only then did he understand that Naruto was not exaggerating at all, not to mention the combination of Naruto and Uchiha Shisui, just the Red Sand Scorpion.

Namikaze Minato had also heard of the name of the Red Sand Scorpion, and the two of them were geniuses of the same era.

But if his ability was compared with the Red Sand Scorpion of Naruto's time and space, it would be a great achievement for him to escape, and it would be impossible for him to kill him back.

In addition, there was another point that made him very curious.

That was that Naruto's strength had improved a little bit unbelievably, but after thinking about it carefully, he still attributed this to the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

He now understood the blessing of shadow clones for cultivation.


Naruto quickly stopped his parents from saying something like apology.

He deserved sympathy before graduation, but now he doesn't need it at all.

"There's no need to apologize. I'm not that fragile yet. Please help me deal with the Nine-Tails first!"

"If possible, it's best to extract the Nine-Tails from my body without affecting my strength."

Naruto saw Minato Namikaze's expression and knew that his improvement in strength should have attracted Minato Namikaze's attention.

This is not good.

Very bad.

The property panel must not be revealed, not even to one's own parents.

People's hearts cannot stand the test.

So the best way is to let the Nine-Tails leave him completely.

Since he doesn't want the Nine-Tails, it's better to give it to his own people.

"Father, your foundation has been established. It is very difficult to improve it again. The best way is to use external objects."

Naruto's vision is very high. All the way from Loulan to Konoha, it is not only Namikaze Minato who is testing Naruto, but Naruto is also testing Namikaze Minato's strength.

"How about you take away my Nine-Tails without affecting my survival?"

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