
The entire sealed space trembled violently.


Countless pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling.


With a roar.


The wall where the Nine-Tail's tail had pierced exploded.


The Nine-Tail felt that the grip of its tail was gone, and the whole fox was in a short stagnation state. At this moment, it felt that time was frozen.

What kind of power is this? !

"Nothing is impossible!"

Naruto exploded again, holding the claws of the Nine-Tail and throwing it towards the wall behind him.


Another huge vibration.

When Naruto looked again.

I saw that the Nine-Tail had been deeply embedded in the wall, and a concave pit and countless terrifying cracks appeared around the wall.

"No, impossible!"

The Nine-Tail had not lost consciousness at this time, and it struggled and roared.

It still couldn't accept that it had lost to a human who was not even a fraction of its age.

And it was in the field it was best at and the most powerful in!

Even though he only had half of his strength, half of his body, and half of his chakra.

Even though he was in a sealed space and his strength was suppressed by more than half.


If it was in its prime...

"Why are you still being stubborn!!! The last blow - blasting meteor!"

Naruto leaped into the air, and the chakra around him suddenly burst into a dazzling golden-green light.

Then, these green lights turned into powerful energy balls that bombarded the immobile Nine-Tails like meteors.

Boom boom boom - !!!

Another violent explosion.

The Nine-Tails finally lowered its proud head and fainted.


Naruto fell from the air, staggered before he could stand firmly, and fell to the ground and gasped.

After losing the support of chakra, the huge body slowly shrank and finally returned to its original shape.

He really had no piece of flesh on his body that was not painful.

The side effects of this move were too great.

Although the power of the explosion was indeed strong, once the time of the move was over, he was basically in a state of being slaughtered.

And the vitality consumed was also extremely huge, almost comparable to the legendary Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method.

It was a waste to use such a big move to wrestle.

But who made the Nine-Tails always stubborn and refused to admit defeat?

Then we had to beat him until he admitted defeat!

"Naruto, are you okay?"

Uzumaki Kushina ran to Naruto's side and helped him up.

She opened her mouth to say something kind.

But when she thought of Naruto's terrifying giant state just now, she couldn't speak no matter what.

Please, she was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

In fact, she was still a girl.

I really can't say something that distorts the facts.


Uzumaki Kushina touched Naruto's muscles exposed to the air and swallowed subconsciously.

I didn't feel it because I was wearing a loose sweater before.

Only now did I realize that my son's muscles and body were simply amazing.

It's a pity that such a good child is given to outsiders.

Why not introduce him to her best friend?

Uzumaki Kushina subconsciously looked for a daughter-in-law for her son in her mind.

I don't know if Naruto likes girls like Mikoto.

In fact, Lin is also very good, but she seems to like Kakashi.

"Naruto, the move just now must not be used in reality unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Namikaze Minato didn't know the outrageous thoughts in Uzumaki Kushina's mind.

He just came to Naruto and said solemnly.

"You can only use it when you are in a desperate situation and have a chance to survive!"

"Okay, got it."

Naruto slapped away Kushina Uzumaki's hands that were pinching him speechlessly. If he hadn't been so weak, he would have wanted to stay away from this 'slut'.

"Ahem, Kushina, be serious."

Minato Namikaze also saw Naruto's actions at this time, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Hehe, what's the matter, he is my son, I can touch him however I want!"

Kushina chuckled, hugged Naruto even more fiercely, and rubbed Naruto's face with her cheek.

"Oh~ I can't do anything about you."

Ignoring Naruto's eyes for help, Minato Namikaze continued.

"The move just now is too ordinary if it's called Yang-style Chakra Mode. How about calling it Golden Blue Super Wheel Roar·Vajra Tyrant Mode?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Naruto expectantly, hoping that Naruto would approve of the name he gave.

"???? "

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Who is this natural idiot?

How could he say such a shameful name?

Naruto looked at Minato Namikaze with a dull face and then looked at Kushina Uzumaki who was still taking advantage of him.

So he is the only normal person in this family?

"Haha, okay, let's call it Yang Release Chakra Mode."

Minato Namikaze smiled a little disappointedly.

"Uh, father and mother, I have defeated the Nine-Tails, what should I do now? "

Naruto casually skipped the topic of the name of the move, and then turned his head to look at the Nine-Tails in the distance with some confusion.

At this time, the Nine-Tails had begun to recover slowly.

In the sealed space, no matter how serious the injury is, it cannot last. In a short while, both Naruto and the Nine-Tails will return to their original state.

Unless the Nine-Tails is kept in such a seriously injured state by using a sealing technique.

Of course, this will make the Nine-Tails a little painful, but it will not cause much substantial damage.

"Next, you can get to know the Nine-Tails again and make friends with him."

Minato Namikaze looked at Naruto with encouragement.

"After all, you and the Nine-Tails are truly dependent on each other for life and death."

"Come on! Naruto!"

Uzumaki Kushina also waved her fist at Naruto with full energy.

"Well, I'll try. "

Naruto nodded slightly when he heard this, then he also stood up and walked towards the Nine-Tails.

Step by step, stepping on the frost, Naruto walked in front of the Nine-Tails and looked at the Nine-Tails.

"Hey, Nine-Tails, I have defeated you as agreed, so let's put aside our past prejudices and get to know each other again!"

Naruto suddenly smiled at the Nine-Tails.

"You have been staying alone in this closed space, you must be very lonely, right?"

"Some people in this world may like loneliness, but no one can bear loneliness."

"Why not try to make a friend?"

"Happy things, sad things, although we can't bear them completely, but to a certain extent, we can share them together."

"Remember what I said to Bai? At that time, I was still a low-level ninja with little strength, but now..."

"I think I have enough confidence to say such words."

Naruto smiled and stretched out his fist at the Nine-Tails.

"Please rely on me, absolutely, absolutely, I will not let you down! Keep your word! "

"Tsk, I'm really tired of hearing your big truths!"

Kyuubi was stunned for a moment, then sneered and stretched out his fist to collide with Naruto's fist.

"It's you who should rely on me!"

"Uzumaki Naruto!"


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