After dinner, the problem of Kurama was solved.

This was actually a bit beyond Naruto's expectations.

The solution was also beyond Naruto's expectations.

He thought a lot, but he didn't think about reconciliation. He could only sigh that things are impermanent.


Even so.

Naruto didn't really want Kurama to stay in his body. Instead, he was more eager to let Kurama get out of his sealed space.

This time it was not entirely because he didn't want Kurama to discover his secret.

But more of a hope that Kurama could see the light of day again.

After all, that narrow, cramped, dark, and humid environment is Kurama.

Change a person, no, any human being, stay in such an environment for more than three days?

Will definitely go crazy.

However, judging from Minato Namikaze's intention, he will never allow Kurama to leave him.

This old antique with a fixed mindset.

Naruto shook his head helplessly.

In fact, it is not Namikaze Minato's fault. After all, he has always lived under the idea of ​​Konoha's supremacy.

Even with his wisdom, he can see the bad and dark places of Konoha.

But it still cannot stop him from loving Konoha deeply and selflessly devoting himself to Konoha.

Compared with Namikaze Minato, Naruto himself is more like a traitor.

But who made Naruto be influenced by some knowledge in the mind of the otaku?

He just wants most people to live well. Is that wrong?

However, Naruto is not completely helpless about whether Kurama can see the light of day again.

Naruto thought about his own experience and easily thought of a person who could not be avoided-Hiroko.

Hiroko is not only good at winning people's hearts, but also his own strength and research ability are also top-notch in the world.

Although he has never seen or heard of any outstanding achievements of Hiroko, in Naruto's opinion, this is the proof of Hiroko's strength.

What is a ninja? It is to fight intelligence wars. For decades, no one has known the specific information about Beiluohu. This is really terrible.

Of course, Naruto is now thinking of the very powerful biotechnology that Beiluohu has mastered.

Naruto knows this.

Basically, it is to create various powerful summoned beasts through biotechnology.

These summoned beasts have strong bodies and various skills. It can be said that their combat effectiveness is very strong.

There are also disadvantages.

That is, the intelligence is very low, and the ninja must guide them step by step when fighting.

Just like a Pokemon trainer, you must give them action instructions.

And this time, Naruto once again set his sights on Beiluohu.

He wants to obtain a modulated human summoned beast, and then transfer the consciousness of Kurama to the human summoned beast.

As for how to transfer Kurama's consciousness.


This was originally difficult for Naruto to do, and he could only ask for help from Minato Namikaze or Kushina Uzumaki.

But this time, after getting the approval of Kurama.

Naruto also got several abilities that disrupt the balance.

First, he got a brand new mode - Nine-tail Chakra Mode.

The effect is very powerful. In this mode, Naruto estimates that the speed of the power brought by the Nine-tail Chakra is close to the mode 2 he developed!

And this is not the point. The point is that after turning on the Nine-tail Chakra mode, he does not need to consume his own chakra and vitality at all, that is, as long as he is willing to let Kurama hold on, he can stay in this state.

Second, he can distinguish between enemies and friends through the kindness and malice of others, that is, the ability to perceive good and evil.

This directly makes up for the shortcomings of his perception ability, and the range of perception is very wide.

Third, he got the ability of Nine-tail Chakra mimicry.

Simply put, it is to make the Nine-tail Chakra into the shape you want.

In Naruto's opinion, this point is actually more unbalanced than the previous two.

You know, Naruto's master-level chakra control ability is still not enough to let his chakra change into the form and shape he wants.

If he wants to shape the chakra, he must do it through hand seals. The more complex the shaping, the more hand seals are needed.

At this moment, he directly obtained chakra control beyond the master level. Although it is only the control of the Nine-Tails' chakra, as long as he thinks more and practices more, he can definitely save a lot of attribute points and achieve complete control of this ability!

The fourth and last ability is that he can temporarily divide the Nine-Tails' chakra.It can be distributed to others, but the chakra distributed will not regenerate itself, but will be used less and less.

This ability looks ordinary.

But if the chakra distributed to others is temporarily sealed in the body with a sealing technique, and released when needed, it is equivalent to having an extra trump card for a Jedi comeback for ordinary ninjas!

And this ability is also the basis for Naruto to transfer Kurama's consciousness.

His idea is to transfer part of the Nine-Tails chakra and Kurama's consciousness to the human form of Beiruhu and the body of the summoned beast.

Then Kurama will also gain a powerful body and see the light of day again.

The most important thing is that even if the human form summoned beast accidentally dies, Kurama can be resurrected infinitely by himself.

This is equivalent to having a powerful ninja who is not afraid of death out of thin air!

It is hard to imagine that in the time of dinner, I have touched the threshold of the Kage level directly, and even solved the difficulty of the lack of strength of my subordinates.

Naruto was a little excited, but not too excited.

Because he knew that even so, he was still no match for the Red Sand Scorpion, and he could only be regarded as a 'quasi-shadow' level existence at most.

Moreover, these ability enhancements also came from Kurama. Once he lost Kurama, he would be beaten back to his original form in an instant.

Simply put, it was like the golden elixir and outer elixir in the immortal cultivation novels. The golden elixir was his own, and the outer elixir looked powerful and was not inferior to the golden elixir, but it was an external object after all.

Therefore, he must not be fooled by the temporary strength in front of him.

The strength he needed was that he could still be as strong as Susano Ashura form after leaving the Nine-Tails!

Only when he reached the combat power of Susano Ashura form could he be considered to be at this world-class level.

He could not be proud or complacent!

Hehe, haha, hahahahahaha…

“Naruto, why are you smiling so cunningly for no apparent reason?”

Uzumaki Kushina’s eyes twitched as she looked at Naruto, who was grinning cunningly and didn’t look like a good guy at all.

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