The battle was won, and the battle was won.

The think tank Tutai slapped his face with one hand and said with a slanted eye: "Five thousand chunins? Five thousand chunins can sweep the ninja world!"

This is not Tutai's bragging.

Think about the Fourth Ninja World War, the five major ninja villages only sent out 75,000 ninjas, and the rest were warriors from the Iron Country, which made up a total of 80,000 ninja coalition forces.

The strongest Konoha Village sent out the most troops, sending out nearly 20,000 ninjas.

The other ninja villages each sent out 10,000 to 15,000 troops.

Basically, the entire ninja world's standing available troops were gathered, and the total number was only more than 5,000 chunins!

1,500 Chunins in Konoha, and the average number of Chunins in other ninja villages is less than 1,000!

You know, in all the previous ninja wars, Konoha Village has always been one against many. One or two ninja villages are not enough for Konoha Village Ninjas to fight. They only start to struggle when facing three ninja villages.

So, Yeyue Ai is just daydreaming.

It is already amazing that Kumogakure has 1,000 Chunins.

Still 5,000, you are dreaming!

Of course it is 5,000 Genins!

"Damn, damn ninja leader. How could the previous generations of Raikage leave such a restrictive position! It is really unsatisfactory to do anything, and it is really a big worry for our Kumogakure! Issue the latest Raikage decree, and I want the population of Kumogakure to triple in the next ten years! Let the tribesmen and villagers give birth to a large number of new generations! We need more people!"

Think tank Tutai looked at the fourth generation Raikage in front of him.

This young ninja, who is at the peak of his life, not only has a strong body, but also has the same personal charm as his father.

But his father, the third generation Raikage, has a rough face, but is more cautious than anyone else.

Although he has the strongest spear and shield in the ninja world, he has always been known for his insidiousness and cunningness. He looks honest and simple, but he is a super black-hearted person.

He secretly provokes wars in the ninja world in order to expand the territory of the Land of Thunder.

But his son, the fourth generation Raikage, Yeyue Ai, seems to have only inherited the physical talent of the third generation Raikage.

And the outstanding strategy of the third generation Raikage - well, the mind does not seem to be completely inherited.

Because he felt humiliated by Konoha Village, he was angry and raised an army. This is not a wise thing for a lord to do.

He sighed slightly in his heart, but he is the Raikage.

But this is the meaning of his position as a think tank.

The fourth generation Raikage does not need to be comprehensive. As long as we can do everything with the help of our companions, it will be fine.

"Dodai, do you think that the old Hokage and his men put on a good show for us to see?"

"The purpose is to reduce the possibility of us asking for too much when negotiating with them!"

"Want to give up less benefits?"

The fourth generation Raikage was unwilling to accept it. He didn't want to believe that the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been timid for most of his life, actually had the courage to fight him head-on!

His strength must have declined as he got older, and the current Konoha Village is no longer the overlord of Konoha Village!

It seems that there is only one third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen left among the Kage-level strongmen. And the behind-the-scenes stabilizer of the Ino-Shika-Cho clan, Fat Tiger - Akimichi Toukaze, who is almost unknown and has entered retirement.

Moreover, one of the former Konoha Sannin defected, another is wandering around outside, and the other is almost useless, and is no longer a threat.

In this case, Konoha Village is putting on an attitude of raising an army to question the culprit. Could it be a trick of the Third Hokage to provoke an attack?

I have to say, it is very likely. (From the perspective of the Raikage, this is the case. After all, their village still has a perfect Eight-Tails Jinchūriki! Hehe, in fact, there is also a second Jinchūriki who has just passed the standard of Kage-level strength~)

"Well, it is not impossible, Fourth-generation Raikage-sama", Tsuchidai thought carefully with his brain. Although the possibility is a little small, it cannot be ruled out. Maybe the Third Hokage suddenly played a trick.

"Okay, then scare him again! Draw the border troops of the Hidden Rock Village, and the border troops in the Moon Country, and then gather a 7,000-man army and deploy troops on the border of the Fire Country with great fanfare. Be ready to cross the border and attack the Fire Country at any time!"

At this point, the Fourth-generation Raikage twisted his mouth and smiled evilly: "If Konoha Village does not react in time, it means that it is bluffing, a simple and neat fake play

Really do it, bite off a piece of meat fiercely! "

In order to put pressure on Konoha Village, the Fourth Raikage will temporarily withdraw part of the troops of Kirigakure, one of the five major ninja villages in the ninja world on the other side of the sea, from the Kingdom of Hot Springs to guard against the Hidden Mist Village, and form a coalition to attack.

The news from the Kirigakure Village spies some time ago was that the Hidden Mist Village was still doing that "Blood Mist Village" and was killing each other and having a lot of fun, and had no time to care about the affairs of the countries on the mainland.

In the Hidden Cloud Village, the ninjas that the Fourth Raikage can directly mobilize are to remove the exclusive legions of the four ninja chiefs.

Because the exclusive ninja legions of the four ninja chiefs are mainly economically dependent on the special allocations of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, and they rely very little on the Raikage.

So it is difficult for the Fourth Raikage to directly bypass the ninja chiefs and issue orders to the ninja troops under his command Order.

They won't take your money, and you can't afford their salary, so why should they listen to you?

Do you really think everyone is attracted by your personal charm?

The aura of kingship is overflowing?

It seems to be more like the aura of a cuckold. If the money is not in place, things will not be easy to handle.

So this situation has been created.

In fact, the current situation of the Fourth Raikage is already quite good in the establishment of the Hidden Cloud Village.

When the First Raikage was alive, he was respected by most people because of his huge reputation when the village was founded.

If it does not involve life and death, general orders can command the four ninja leaders.

So there will be nothing wrong with these exclusive legions.

When the Second Raikage came, Kinkaku and Ginkaku appeared.

These two people with the blood of the Six Paths Sage Monster, brutal and unruly by nature, simply lawless!

The key is that the bloodline reverts to the ancestors, the strength is strong, and the heart is cruel.

The oppressed second-generation Raikage at that time had a headache and was restricted everywhere.

Even if the second-generation Raikage tried his best not to touch it, he just studied the latest lightning escape secret technique and created the "Raiden Chakra Armor" to enhance the strength of the entire Cloud Hidden Village ninja! Deeply loved by the villagers.

But in the end, Kinkaku and Ginkaku got the chance and launched a coup at the border of the Fire Country far away from the Cloud Hidden Village headquarters. The attack killed the second-generation Raikage.

Ninja, what is a ninja for?

To complete the mission.

Why do you have to complete the mission?

That's because you want to get rewards.

Because ninjas are not production, you don't produce. , who will give you money?

So you can only complete the task, and then the client will give you a generous reward after the task is completed.

So in the final analysis, money is the most important.

When your strength has not reached the level of the Six Paths Sage, or has not touched that level, money, even the shadow of a village, must bow down.

Didn’t you see that even the shadows of the five strongest ninja villages would go to Kyoto of their respective countries when they succeeded, report to the daimyo, and get the title from the daimyo?

What is that for?

That is to legitimately ask for money from the daimyo in the future!

As long as the daimyo pays money, he doesn’t need to worry about the safety of his country, he doesn’t have to spend a lot of effort to maintain a standing army with a lot of expenses, and he doesn’t have to worry about being directly beheaded by the ninja villages of other countries.

The lives of ninjas are not worth money, and they have this awareness themselves.

This kind of thing is a win-win thing!

It is more in line with this deformed world.

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