The battle was over, and the battle was over.

With the order of the Fourth Raikage.

As expected.

Well, the other three ninja army leaders used various excuses, either to rest, to replenish manpower, or to shirk their responsibilities on the grounds that they had more important tasks.

In the end, the Fourth Raikage Ye Yue Ai had to draw personnel from the border troops stationed in the Cloud Village of the Kingdom of Soup. Together, they formed a huge ninja army of 7,000 people, and then hastily held a swearing-in ceremony to pressure the border of the Kingdom of Fire.

Then various large-scale combat equipment were mobilized to make an aggressive posture, ready to cross the border to attack the Kingdom of Fire at any time!

On the Konoha Village side, the heads of the major ninja clans who had spoken in front of the Hokage's office building responded quickly and mobilized all their forces without hesitation. They gathered nearly 70% of the forces of the various clans and requested to attack together. After obtaining the permission of the Hokage, they also stationed at the border of the Hidden Cloud Village.

And the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen could not really let the heads of the various ninja clans in Konoha Village send their family ninjas to the front line battlefield.

So the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also mobilized many civilian ninjas, and finally gathered 10,000 ninja troops and arrived at the border between the two countries.

When there are more than 10,000 people, there is no limit.

When the tens of thousands of ninja troops were spread out in an orderly manner on the border line, the originally grinning Hidden Cloud Village ninjas on the opposite side suddenly stopped.

After several small-scale test battles, the commander of the Hidden Cloud Village on the front line finally confirmed the fighting will of the Konoha Village ninja army unwillingly.

In this ninja world, no country can defeat the powerful Konoha Village alone.

So the fourth generation Raikage, who learned the intelligence, gave a straightforward order to retreat.

Nearly 7,000 (dozens of ninjas were lost in the battle) ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village returned to the Hidden Cloud Village in disgrace without looking back.

What a joke!

The Third Shinobi World War just ended more than three years ago!

Is the Fourth Shinobi World War about to start?

No one can protect it!

They haven't recovered at all. If they fight again, the entire ninja world will be destroyed.

So the military action of the two villages turned into an armed parade on the border.

In order not to waste more military supplies, each of them hastily ended the conflict that was not considered a war.

The Fire Country and the Lightning Country signed a peace treaty, and their respective ninja villages ordered the ninja army to withdraw their troops and return home.

And the fact that the left arm of the leader of the Hidden Cloud Village, Doroi, was disabled was also forgotten by everyone.

Konoha Village did not fight with Kumogakure Village, nor did they play tricks. They sent all the Kumogakure ninjas, including Doroi, out of Konoha Village politely.

Doroi, who returned to his village, could no longer go to the battlefield and become a ninja on the front line.

But in this case, he won the trust of the Daimyo of Thunder Country.

Because Doroi lost an arm, he could only choose to rely entirely on the Daimyo of Thunder Country.

Without the support of the Daimyo of Thunder Country, he couldn't even control his own army!

In the army, force is supreme.

There are many people who have long been dissatisfied with Doroi's arrogance.

As a last resort, Doroi relied on the remaining prestige of the past, a large number of loyal subordinates, and the most important public financial support from the Daimyo of Thunder Country, and finally suppressed different voices with difficulty.

So in this case, the Daimyo of Thunder Country had a ninja army that he could control like an arm.

Originally, these four ninja armies also had a certain degree of autonomy. The existence of a small warlord.

But now, Doroi unconditionally obeys the orders of the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning.

After trying several times, the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning was overjoyed. He valued Doroi, who had a broken arm, even more, and gave him greater financial, human and material support.

As for Doroi, who was affected by the illusion, he did not make it public.

After all, it would be embarrassing to tell others. As a senior ninja, he did not maintain the most basic vigilance and was set up by others.

Who to blame?

It was just that in the subsequent meetings of the Hidden Cloud Village, Doroi did not pretend at all, and clearly opposed the Fourth Generation Raikage, leading his younger brothers to make the whole village in chaos.

All reactionaries are paper tigers!

Successfully struck the Hidden Cloud Village in terms of arrogance, once again proving that dignity is obtained by fists.

So after the heads of the major ninja clans returned to the village, they were all regarded as heroes.

It is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away!

It is easy to let Konoha Village mobilize an army of 10,000 ninjas to fight.

But it is impossible to end the war without any reaction.

So all the tribes in Konoha Village took a big bite of fat meat from the Hidden Cloud Village! Secretly obtained more compensation.

A war that was destined not to break out ended very peacefully.

But these disturbances did not affect the four-year-old child in Konoha Village.

After all, the world of adults is full of gray.

What happened in it obviously had nothing to do with Hyuga Neji. Because he was just a 4-year-old child who had just practiced for a few days.

Soon spring and autumn came, and two years later in the blink of an eye.

This year, Hyuga Neji was six years old, and he was about to leave the free-range like sheep and go to the Konoha Village Ninja School to become a glorious freshman, officially starting. Konoha Village's ninja education.

For this, Hyuga Neji did not refuse to resist.

Instead, he was full of confidence and curiosity.

Oh, by the way - there is one thing that must be mentioned, his white eyes have been opened.

"I! Hyuga Neji! I haven't started school yet, so I'll open my Byakugan!"

It's just that because it was too shocking, he didn't report it to the family members.

According to the chakra refining method of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Neji can refine 30 points of chakra every time, and after passing through the star core in the dantian, 90 points will be returned!

The training speed of three times the highest genius is no different from eating tailed beast meat every day!

As for becoming stronger, Hyuga Neji now has few choices.

Yes, as a child, the only thing Hyuga Neji can do now is to refine chakra besides following his father Hyuga Hiashi to train physical skills day after day.

With such a superior golden finger, he certainly won't slack off. He won't waste every day of becoming stronger.

From the day he learned the chakra cultivation method of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Neji never stopped, even if there was a big obstacle, even if he was dragging his heavy sick body, he would insist on completing the Great Zhoutian Chakra Refining Technique every day.

Not to mention that he was in good health, not to mention that he was dragging his sick body with a serious illness, he had never even caught a cold.

So after the 112th day, when his chakra count exceeded 10,000 points, Hyuga Neji suddenly felt that the world was different!

It was like a piece of soil was gently pushed away on the originally smooth and empty land, and the next moment a small and fragile bud trembled and drilled out!

An instinct came from Hyuga Neji's heart.

Countless gods and Buddhas, ghosts and monsters in the sky passed through Hyuga Neji's heart.

Of course, gods and Buddhas and ghosts were just his own imagination.

"Chakra points exceed 10,000 points, and chakra begins its first qualitative change!"

At that time, Hyuga Neji was only 4 and a half years old!

It was a chakra refining technique practice that was no different from usual. When his chakra points reached 10,080 points, it was like boiling a pot of water. The chakra in his body instantly rioted!

Then it surged uncontrollably into the eyes of Hyuga Neji, who was covered by the layers of caged bird marks that penetrated his soul.


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