The more you walk, the more you will feel.

Hinata Neji divided the treading water training and tree climbing training into several stages according to his own understanding.

The first stage of treading water training is to be able to step steadily on the surface of the calm stream.

Although the stream is also constantly flowing, its water volume is too small, resulting in very small fluctuations on the surface of the stream. In this way, you can cultivate your body to get used to the feeling of stepping on the water in a safe environment.

Because stepping on the water is definitely different from stepping on land. On the water, you can only control the small area of ​​the sole of your foot that touches your feet. On the ground. The entire ground is hard and solid, ensuring that you will not fall into the soil, but if you fall on the water, you will at least get wet.

After completing the first step, the next step is to walk or even run on the calm water surface.

After completing this stage, you can walk and run steadily on the undulating water surface created by artificial ninjutsu.

Basically, the treading water training can be completed here. Most of the treading water training content has been learned by people, and the rest is to accumulate and increase the familiarity and experience value of the body.

And tree climbing training is another matter.

Because on the water surface, people mainly overcome the gravity that makes people sink. In addition to the fact that water has a little buoyancy, you only need to control your chakra and make it superimposed with the buoyancy to lift people up.

But this tree climbing training is different. In tree climbing training, the trees are real and will not have even the slightest effect on your body. They will not have any adsorption force on your human body, nor will they have any repulsion force on your human body.

You need to use all your spirit to control the chakra so that the chakra can generate enough attraction and firmly adhere to the tree trunk.

At the same time, the body must have strong core strength, that is, the abdominal muscles.

To be able to keep your body and legs parallel to the ground without bending, this requires a combination of chakra control and personal muscle core strength.

Only after a perfect combination can a ninja walk on the tree trunks and branches.

So the first stage of tree climbing training: to have a strong abdominal core muscle group.

So after practicing standing on the water surface and slowly stepping out to walk, after several insignificant failures, Hyuga Neji was able to fully control the use of the swaying chakra on the body surface to form repulsion. According to the different strength of stepping down, the amount of chakra absorbed by the soles of the feet can be increased or decreased accordingly, which can perfectly turn the water surface into the same solid as the ground without splashing a trace of water, but at most a little bit of the soles of the feet will enter the water surface.

Then he would not sink and could walk freely on the water.

Time always passed very quickly during training. It had been several hours since the four of them came to the back mountain of Konoha to train early in the morning.

The cicadas were also crying because of the heat. (It was not clear whether it was hot or not)

When the sun reached the center of the sky, the world became as quiet as at night.

So everyone planned to have lunch and replenish their energy.

Hyuga Neji clapped his hands with a smile, and he shouted: "Naruto, Hinata, Tenten, you have worked hard, everyone come and prepare for lunch!"

Compared with Hyuga Neji's training process that mainly focused on control, so it seemed to be a light and easy process, the other three were different.

After refining chakra, Uzumaki Naruto started treading water training.

After trying treading water training for a few times and getting soaked, I couldn't stay in the water all the time, so I took advantage of the time when my clothes were evaporating and asked Hinata Hyuga to learn some basic physical training common to Konoha Village ninjas that could be passed on.

For example, push-ups on the spot, high leg lifts on the spot, running around the woods, then running around obstacles, and finally a set of simple gymnastics with a few movements, so as to improve my physical fitness in daily exercise.

Because Uzumaki Naruto inherited the powerful recovery power of the Uzumaki clan, especially the physical strength is almost many times that of ordinary people.

In the original work, when leaving the village to perform tasks, many friends even tired their dogs (especially Inuzuka Kiba), but Uzumaki Naruto still looked energetic and his physical strength was off the charts.

But why did he become so weak all day after becoming Hokage?

The first, second, third, and even fourth generations did not become so weak because of handling village affairs.

So the unspeakable second generation is indeed incompatible with this world.

So when Uzumaki Naruto is tired of training, he just needs to sit and rest for a while, and then he will be refreshed and return to normal, and start the next round of training.

When he was alone before, he definitely didn't have the heart to do these training. But for some reason, when he trained with everyone, Uzumaki Naruto didn't feel tired or bored at all.

Good friends make training not tiring!

Let alone Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Hinata is practicing the soft fist method and physical skills of the Hyuga clan in a serious manner.

With one slap, the air seems to be blown.

Limited by her current strength, she can't make the air explode when she waves her palm, but every time she stretches her muscles with all her strength, she is exhausted and panting.

However, Hinata Hyuga's fighting spirit is very high, which is completely different from Hinata Hyuga in the original book who is cautious and even dares not speak loudly.

The whole person is full of self-confidence that becomes stronger with practice.

Sure enough, the opinions of people around will also affect a child's growth to some extent.

There is nothing special about Tiantian, but throwing kunai and various throwing ninja tools also makes her arms sore.

During this period, Ningci Hyuga provided some training ideas for Tiantian based on the Uchiha clan's throwing techniques he saw in the original book.

The Uchiha clan's throwing techniques are actually to use the ninja tools that come later to disrupt the straight attack route of the ninja tools.

After throwing the first hidden weapon, use a stronger force to throw the second hidden weapon, so that the second hidden weapon can catch up with the first hidden weapon, and then collide, changing the route between each other, so that the enemy is caught off guard.

Because except for a very small number of throwing ninjas, the opponent is likely to predict the route and landing point of the ninja tool when ordinary people throw it, even if it is a small thing like a kunai shuriken. Thousands of years ago, the form of war in this world was still based on cold weapons. Some brave and careful masters even caught the arrows flying in the air with their bare hands!

So what about catching the flying kunai?

It's not like the fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze, who threw it lightly and shouted: "Oh! I'm not good at shuriken!", but his hands were sealed and he said "Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique"!

In an instant, the thrown kunai turned into thousands of incarnations, dragging green chakra rays, and smashed the enemy into pieces like a laser cannon.

Except for those that exceed the standard, you can avoid obstacles in advance in a targeted manner.

But if you improve your throwing skills according to Hyuga Neji's advice every day, it will be difficult for ordinary people to judge where the specific target of this ninja tool is and what the landing point is?

The Uchiha clan is well-known in the ninja world for its powerful throwing skills, mainly combined with their Sharingan.

The Sharingan's insight is also very strong. Although it is not as good as the Byakugan, the Sharingan's imitation and copying ability is far superior.

Therefore, it is possible to throw multiple ninja tools, kunai and shuriken, changing the direction in all directions, and ultimately making the enemy defenseless.

Of course, Tiantian can't do it, but she can win by numbers!

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