The first step is to throw out a large wave, and the second step is to throw out another large wave. The collision between them is like blooming in all directions. Although it is impossible to accurately hit every ninja tool thrown previously, there must be a few that can be hit out of 100, right? This is the tactic of queuing and shooting, which is also the most suitable tactic for Tiantian. She has the most ninja tool reserves and can unscrupulously wield firepower. It’s just that you have to cultivate your sense, don’t let the two waves of hidden weapons collide and all be shot down. It would be embarrassing if you don’t hit any of the enemies in the end. Hyuga Neji couldn't help but admire his genius idea. On that planet in the Middle Ages, because the bullets of the musket were soft, the small balls made of lead, after being impacted by the explosion of gunpowder and flying out of the barrel, the lead bullets became strange shapes, and then could not maintain a round shape, and then rubbed with the air and rotated, and then deviated to an unknown place.

In this case, the shooting accuracy of a single musket is simply outrageously low. But this weapon is very powerful, what should we do in this case?

Isn't it enough to pile up the number of people!

One person fired, his bullet deviated to the right, and could not hit the enemy in front. The 100 people stood in a row and fired together. Anyway, there was a limit to how far the bullet deviated, and it could block the vast space in the area where the 100 people in front were.

Even if your bullet deviated to the front of your teammate, isn't it equivalent to your teammate firing a bullet and accurately hitting the enemy in front of him?

So at this time, the problem of insufficient accuracy and too strong skills was greatly reduced.

Moreover, since Tiantian is also receiving formal ninja training in the ninja school, in less than a year, a certain amount of chakra has been accumulated in his body.

Hyuga Neji specifically told Tiantian that even if he is busy in a day, it is best to persist in practicing the chakra refining technique of a large circle.

In this way, this habit of practice will become an instinct, and it will become an instinct to go to the toilet after eating, drinking water and getting up.

Only in this way will you not feel bored with practice, your strength will be steadily improved, your potential will be brought into play, and every day will not be wasted.

After all, everyone does not have a golden finger, and cannot clearly see their progress. After a long time, there will be no motivation.

4700 points!

This number is clearly on Tiantian's head, because Tiantian only uses a relatively not so garbage chakra refining technique, and can extract 15 points of chakra a day and store it in his body.

You should know that ordinary ninjas only extract 10 points of chakra a day, and Tiantian's speed has exceeded 50% of others' practice speed!

It is considered to be a relatively abundant resource. Of course, it cannot be compared with Hyuga Neji, whose daily training speed is 9 times that of ordinary people and 3 times that of Hyuga Hinata, the most talented in the family.

For a normally developed ninja, 15 points of chakra refining are enough.


Why can Tiantian practice to 15 points in theory?

That may be because of the more compatible physique.

And Tiantian is a normal person, unlike Hyuga Neji. Even if she consumes all the chakra in her body today, as long as there is chakra that does not endanger her life, and she does not consume a drop of chakra, in this case, she will basically recover the next day after a good sleep and a good meal.

This is the back mountain of the Hokage Rock, not too far from the Death Forest.

Basically, before graduating from the Ninja School and becoming a real Genin, the children of Konoha Village basically spend their 10 years in Konoha Village.

Except for some ninja children who follow their elders to visit other tribes outside the village, they may visit to cultivate feelings, so they will go out of Konoha Village. Generally speaking, people do not go out of Konoha Village.

Konoha Village is called a village, but its entire area is still quite huge.

Judging from the huge area of ​​​​tribe occupied by each tribe, especially the powerful tribes such as Hyuga and Sarutobi, the territory occupied by the entire Konoha Village is definitely more than a city territory.

Moreover, Konoha Village is the only ninja village in the entire ninja world that can set up a perception defense barrier to monitor the entire village.

Thanks to the strong financial resources of the Fire Country, it can plunder countless natural treasures and conduct

Filling of array materials. In addition, when Konoha Village was established, it had been on good terms with the Uzumaki clan for generations (especially the Senju clan), and received strong support from the Uzumaki clan, which specially designed a huge perception barrier that could cover the entire village for Konoha Village.

Every day, there are several perception classes that check the giant spherical barrier that surrounds the entire Konoha Village 24 hours a day.

This barrier does not have any strong destructive power, but as long as someone passes through it, it will be sensed, such as the number of enemies and the approximate strength, so as to promptly order the security department action team next to the perception class to check and expel the enemy or accidentally break into the village.

Of course, even if the Konoha Guard Department was controlled by the Uchiha clan before, this important task would not be handed over to the guard team under the control of the Uchiha clan.

Instead, the guards are composed of the Anbu directly under the Hokage and the ninjas of the major ninja clans that he trusts.

In the whole world, Konoha Village is the only one, without exception.

However, because the place is too huge, everyone tried to gather in the city center as much as possible before.

The city center is the center of the village, near the Hokage Rock.

It is also where the Hokage office building is located.

This includes various government departments of Konoha Village, so the commercial street is also located nearby, which is the essence of Konoha Village.

Before, in the original work, the Six Paths of Pain invaded Konoha. This was when the Heavenly Path of Pain vigorously extracted the chakra of the other five clones and used [Super! Shinra Tensei] to destroy the center of Konoha.

Basically, after destroying this center, it is no different from destroying the buildings of a ninja village. Because here is gathered more than 70% to 80% of the population of the village.

Konoha is very big, you have to bear it!

Don't think about running out every day, you haven't finished visiting your own village yet.

When practicing, Hyuga Neji suggested throwing with both hands every day, increasing the output frequency in turn.

Because if you only use one arm to throw, you will soon be exhausted.

Moreover, Tenten's physical fitness is not particularly strong, and she can't use chakra to protect the intensively stretched and contracted muscle tissues with the help of the Byakugan like Hyuga Neji's body.

She can only rely on her senses and try her best to use chakra to protect her body, but this situation is obviously very troublesome.

So Hyuga Neji suggested Tenten-since her family also runs a ninja tool store, she can still buy a few seal scrolls.

And for Tenten, she can start learning to make them from a young age. You know, the materials for making seal scrolls are precious, but the most important thing is the difficulty of making them.

This is not a matter of just anyone who can make a seal scroll with a pen and a few strokes. He needs to be born with the ability to sense time and space.

Although Tenten's ability to sense time and space is not as good as the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato and the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, two outstanding ninjas who are particularly sensitive to time and space, Tenten can also be regarded as having a time and space perception attribute with a relatively high affinity.

It's just that her body's reaction speed is far less than that of the powerful Second Hokage Senju Tobirama and Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

But Tenten is suitable for the summoning style.

Because it was Hyuga Neji's suggestion, Tenten is fine. At present, I have learned some steps and related knowledge of the production of sealing scrolls, and have found opportunities to practice many times.

These are things that can be bought with money, because what restricts the proliferation of sealing scrolls is not the materials for production, nor the techniques for making sealing scrolls, but what? Or the producers who have time and space to be sensitive to the properties of the different-dimensional space.

There is no testing agency that can have a quantitative indicator for testing. It depends entirely on talent and subjective perception. No one can help, but I vaguely remember Hyuga Neji in the original work, and I know that Tenten has this rare talent.

When you fight directly with the enemy in the future, you can wave your hand to summon countless scrolls, and summon various hidden weapons with sealed force directions to form a firepower coverage attack.

Now, every day, I can only throw the trash with my hands, and I have to bend down to pick them up one by one, and then throw them again next time. I am so tired that my back and waist ache, and it is unbearable.

But this is also a different kind of exercise, isn't it?

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