"Hamura greets the master!" The puppet Hamura knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"Hahaha (ω)"

"What a great feeling! It would be even better if I could transform the feather robe if I had the chance, hahaha." Uchiha Wu laughed, feeling so happy.


After a night's rest, Uchiha Wu called Doflamingo and Nel to the Sound Village. He promised Doflamingo to revive Fu, and this time he went there to get Fu's body back.

By the way, let's see how Sasuke is doing. Sasuke is a sharp blade for him to take revenge on Uchiha Itachi, so he must train him well!

Soon, the three of them came to the Sound Village. After Orochimaru felt Uchiha Wu's breath, he immediately came out to greet him.

Orochimaru came to Uchiha Wu, licked his lips habitually, and said: "Wu Jun, what brings you here?"

Orochimaru greeted him, but he was secretly observing Uchiha Wu in his heart, but he didn't gain anything.

In his eyes, Uchiha Wu is now just like an ordinary person, as if he can kill him at will.

However, he knows that Uchiha Wu is not an ordinary person, so Orochimaru is deeply afraid of Uchiha Wu.

You know, he has now learned the fairy art of Ryuchidong, which is much stronger than before.

"Orochimaru, congratulations." Uchiha Wu said with a smile.

However, this smile made Orochimaru shudder a little, and he smiled awkwardly and said: "Haha, Wu Jun, where is the joy?"

"Isn't it worth congratulating you for learning the fairy art of Ryuchidong?" Uchiha Wu said with a faint smile.

"What?" Orochimaru was shocked.

How could he know?

At this moment, Orochimaru had the idea of ​​running away immediately, but he suppressed it and said uneasily: "No, no, it's all thanks to Wu Jun's good fortune."


Uchiha Wu smiled faintly and thought to himself: It seems that the three holy places have also begun to become restless.

When he saw Orochimaru for the first time, he felt a faint breath of fairy chakra on him.

And Orochimaru originally did not have the qualifications to practice fairy arts, but now he has fairy chakra, so as a contractor of Ryuchidong, Ryuchidong can only find a way to help him learn it.

As for whether it is possible that he learned it by himself? That is basically impossible, at least not now. Now he has not even developed the curse seal perfectly, and the failure rate and mortality rate are very high. How can he learn fairy arts by himself?

"Orochimaru, I still admire you very much. After all, you are a very special existence in the ninja world. The future I envision cannot be without scientists like you!" Uchiha Wu's meaning is very clear.

Meaning, I admire you and want you to be mine, so there will be a place for you in the future.

However, I don't need you, and there can be no Orochimaru in the future.

After realizing what Uchiha Wu meant, Orochimaru smiled and said: "Wu Jun, my dream is only eternal life and truth, nothing else."

Orochimaru's meaning is also very clear, that is, I will not be your enemy, I just want to live well and do my own research well.

"Well, very good, let's go." Uchiha Wu nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Please follow me."

Orochimaru led the way for thousands of years, and said in his heart: White Snake Immortal, I'm sorry, I still want to live longer, I will try my best to wrap some snakes in the Dragon Cave in the future.

He really couldn't bring up the thought of resistance in front of Uchiha Wu. He only knew that once this thought came up, then, the next moment, his body would be separated.

Soon, under the leadership of Orochimaru, Uchiha Wu and the other two came to his laboratory. There was a nutrient pool in the middle of the laboratory, and Fu's body was in it.

"Wu-kun, this is Fu's body, there is no damage at all." Orochimaru walked over and said.

At the same time, he was also curious about why Uchiha Wu asked him to preserve Fu's body.

Is it for the Impure World Reincarnation?

I can't think of what Uchiha Wu is going to do, so I can only watch quietly.

Uchiha Wu looked at Fu's body in front of him, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the yellow nine-magatama Samsara Sharingan in his eye socket jumped on it, but the other eye did not open.

"What kind of eye is this? Samsara Eye? Or Sharingan?" Seeing this scene, Orochimaru was shocked. The next moment, he was more looking forward to the purpose of Uchiha Wu's coming here.

"Reincarnation Sharingan!"

Uchiha Wu's Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan glowed red, and then a Yama's head slowly rose from the ground. However, only Uchiha Wu and Nel could see this Yama's head. Doflamingo and Orochimaru could not see it at all. However, if the two used their observation Haki and Senjutsu Chakra, they could sense the phantom of a Yama!

Then, Yama, with only his head exposed, opened his mouth wide, and a soul came out of Yama's mouth. This soul seemed to have some special connection with Fu's body, and it quickly entered Fu's body.

The next moment, Fu, lying in the nutrient pool, slowly opened her eyes, and miraculously came back to life!

"How is this possible?" Orochimaru was so shocked that his jaw dropped, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Then, he looked at Uchiha Wu with a fiery gaze, his curiosity bursting, and asked: "Wu Jun, how did you do it? You can actually perfectly resurrect a person?"

"It's not perfect. Any technique has a price. The more powerful the technique is, the greater the chakra or other price you pay. This is the conservation of energy!" Uchiha Wu said lightly.

When he performed the reincarnation technique just now, he felt the loss of vitality. He probably lost more than ten years of life, but for him, it was nothing.

"Energy... conservation?" Orochimaru seemed to have discovered a new world, and his snake pupils became brighter and brighter.

"Huh? Am I not dead?" Fu walked out of the nutrient pool and asked in confusion.

But why did she feel a little cold?

Seeing this, Doflamingo quickly took off his feather coat and put it on Fu because she was not wearing any clothes. But there was a smile on his face.

"Ahhh!" Fu screamed when she found this situation.

After being comforted by Uchiha Wu and Doflamingo, it took a while for him to calm down and understand what happened.

"So, it was you, Master Wu, who resurrected me?" Fu asked in disbelief.

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