"Yes, I resurrected you." Uchiha smiled.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Fu exclaimed in surprise, looking at Uchiha Takashi with little stars in his eyes.

"Okay, let's go change clothes." Doflamingo interrupted.

Fu then remembered that she was not wearing anything underneath, just wearing Doflamingo's coat. No matter how carefree she was, she was still a little girl. She couldn't help but blush, and said shyly: "I hate it (T ^ T)”

"Tayuya, go take Fu to change clothes." Orochimaru ordered.

After hearing the order, Tayuya instantly appeared in the laboratory and said: "Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

"Little sister, come with me."


After agreeing, Fu followed Tayuya to change clothes.

"Orochimaru, take me to see Sasuke." Uchiha said calmly.

"Okay, Taojun, please come with me."

Soon, several people came to a training ground, and Fu ran over after changing clothes.

There were two figures fighting in the training ground, one of them was Uchiha Sasuke, and the other was Kimimaro, who also had white hair.

"I didn't expect Kimimaro to be alive at this time." Uchiha said with some surprise when he saw the people present.

"Do you know Kimimaro? Or do you know when Kimimaro will die?" Orochimaru asked doubtfully.

"Ah, I know Kimimaro. Of course, I don't predict it, but the result of calculation."

"As far as I know, there is a blood stain disease in the blood inheritance limit of corpse bone veins, and the higher the talent, the faster you die. That's why I'm surprised that Kimimaro can actually grow so big." Uchiha Taka explained.

After hearing this, Orochimaru said: "Haha, that's it. I have been using medicine to extend Kimimaro's life, but I have no ability to cure him."

"Besides, if there was no better way, Kimimaro would have died a few days ago."

"Then how did you cure him?" Uchiha asked curiously.

"Thanks to Taojun for bringing me the blood of Stitch and Nelu."

"After research, I discovered that Stitch's cells have extremely strong vitality and are extremely tough, so I thought about whether I could transplant Stitch's cells into other people."

"It's just that the results were not very ideal. Stitch's cells were destroyed in the bodies of those experimental subjects, and no one could survive."

"Stitch's cells are different from Hashirama's cells. Hashirama's cells divide and devour infinitely, but Stitch's cells destroy other living cells. They are like a born devil." Speaking of this, Orochimaru said Showing pride.

It’s like saying, ask me quickly, ask me quickly!

Uchiha saw the problem he had solved and asked: "Then how did you solve this problem?"

"Later, there was nothing I could do with Stitch's cells, so I went to study Nilu's cells. After research, I found that Nilu's cells contained a special energy that I had never seen before."

"So I quickly conducted the experiment, but all the experimental subjects still died, but the way of death was different. Everyone seemed to have died naturally, and it was completely impossible to tell that it was caused by external factors."

When Orochimaru said this, Uchiha Takashi knew the reason. Neru's cells are the power at the soul level, and the essence of the Arrancar is to devour, so Neru's cells swallowed the soul of the experiment. Then the experiment is not natural. He's dead.

"Both Stitch cells and Nelu cells have strong vitality, and they also contain different powers, so I transplanted them into the body of an experimental subject at the same time. This time, the experimental subject persisted for a long time. Die, and die because the energy needed by the two cells cannot be supplied!"

"During this process, Stitch cells and Nelu cells inhibit each other, so it does not cause much harm to the cells of the experiment itself, but it requires too much energy!"

"Up to this point, I know that I have succeeded half way. And only this half, I have already cured Kimimaro and even made him stronger!" Orochimaru proudly said about his experiment process.

"Orochimaru, you must be the number one scientist in the ninja world." Uchiha gave a rare compliment.

"You are so grateful, Mr. Lu."

Although Orochimaru said this, the smile on his lips betrayed his inner pride.

Look, look, there are still people in this world who agree with me.

Orochimaru felt more and more that he was right to stand on Uchiha's side.

He felt that Uchiha Takao would definitely bring him bigger surprises in the future.

"Let me see the battle between Kimimaro and Sasuke. They are both good prospects." Uchiha murmured.

In the field, Kimimaro held a spine in his hand and swung it towards Uchiha Sasuke like a retractable whip.

Sasuke is not an easy man either. With the guidance of Uchiha Takashi over the years, even if he does not have the Curse Seal, he is still in the same state as the original Curse Seal.

I saw Sasuke opening his three magatama sharingan eyes, accurately predicting Kimimaro's movements, and kept dodging and advancing.


Sasuke concentrated his thunder attribute chakra, and a thousand birds chirped in the field.

Kimimaro felt the power of Sasuke's move and quickly changed his move.

"The corpse bone veins penetrate the bullet with ten fingers."

Suddenly, countless finger bones with the power of bullets shot towards Uchiha Sasuke.

And Sasuke accurately dodged these attacks with the help of Sharingan.

"Dance of the Early Ferns of the Corpse Bone Vessel!"

Kimimaro pressed his hands on the ground, and countless bone spurs emerged from the ground like a hundred flowers blooming.

Fortunately, Sasuke reacted quickly and retreated and gave up the attack, otherwise he would be stabbed into a sieve.

"Damn it!" Uchiha Sasuke was secretly angry.

Even though he has reached the strength of the original curse seal state with his own strength, he has not yet started the Mangekyō Sharingan, and his attack methods are too simple and there are no powerful offensive methods. At most, Sasuke is now only the strength of a jonin, not even an elite jonin!

Moreover, after Kimimaro accepted the cells of Nel and Stitch, his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes. He even feels that he still has a lot of potential that has not been developed.

Therefore, it is normal for Uchiha Sasuke to be unable to beat Kimimaro.

"Sasuke, you can't beat me, just admit defeat." Kimimaro's voice was cold, without a trace of emotion, as if no one except Orochimaru could stir the slightest ripple in his heart.

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