"Of course, the teacher's things can open up the world and turn the world around. How can ordinary people like me know the mystery!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Jin Xian of the Chanjiao were displeased in their hearts, but on the surface they were extremely respectful.

After all, compared to saints, these golden immortals are indeed like ordinary people.

"I don't know if the big brother is here, but to help Zhou defeat Zhou?" Guang Chengzi quickly changed the subject, not wanting to worry about the treasure.

"Of course, King Zhou has no way, and the Western Zhou Dynasty is flourishing. Teacher sees that you are acting frivolously and is afraid of delaying the important event of luck, so let me supervise you.

Grand Master Xuandu stroked his long beard and smiled lightly.

But this sentence is offended.

Guangchengzi and others did not dare to object, but in their hearts, they were as disgusting as eating dead flies.

What is frivolity?

What does it mean to supervise us?

And let people not take offense?

This way of belittling people and elevating oneself really makes people feel awkward.

However, since they came to help the 553 Western Zhou Dynasty, everyone did not say any bad words, thinking that this person's temperament was like this, and they were not really embarrassed.

"With the arrival of the senior brother, Chengtang's demise is just around the corner!"

"That's right, what if Kong Xuanzhun's sect master's way? Facing the eldest brother's sage treasure, it will be turned into ashes."

For fear that Xuandu would embarrass himself again, Jin Xian of the sectarians spoke out and shifted the topic to the interception of the sect.

Kong Xuan?

However, Grand Master Xuandu was slightly taken aback.

When he came, Taishang Laojun didn't say anything, even Kong Xuan of Mount Tai came.

After all, he is the only disciple of the teacher, and he knows more of the saint's secret than everyone present.

That Kong Xuan's true identity is actually under the real martial arts.

"They are here too, which is troublesome." Archmage Xuandu's face was slightly condensed, and there was a hint of worry on his brows.

"Master, who are they?"

"Oh, it's nothing, not to mention the little peacock, even if you invite more experts to intercept and teach, it's not scary. I will fight them tomorrow, so that all sentient beings can see me and other Three Purification Dafa."

Although Grand Master Xuandu was startled, thinking of the treasure of the saint in his arms, the worry in his heart was instantly forgotten.

Let your magical powers be invincible, and the treasure of your own saint will crush it.

Chapter [-] Out of the mouth!

Qinglong Pass, the majestic pass is steep and majestic. The city wall built on the winding mountain is like a dragon flying into the sky, making people feel the magnificent waves.

The sky was overcast, and there was no sunlight at all.

The battle between Kong Xuan and Lu Ya shattered a large area of ​​the sky above the sky, and it still hasn't recovered.

Obviously, the Lich War in the ancient times could shatter the Great Desolation, it was not a lie.

This is the strength of the dead quasi leader, which can be called destroying the world.

"The Xiqi army has a solemn appearance, neatly arranged formations, and brightly armored soldiers, which contain a strong sense of slaughter. It seems that another expert has arrived."

When Qinglong was closed, Wen Zhong stood beside Shen Gongbao and sighed as he watched the yellow sand rolling in the distance.

"The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao have arrived. Among them, Yun Zhongzi's heart is like a wild crane, and his Taoism is like that of the Virgin. He is not a great enemy. Now we can see who is coming." Shen Gongbao built a pergola and squinted.

At this moment, not to mention the two of them, they both felt the depression in them.

Unlike when Guangchengzi arrived, this time, the Xiqi army was solemn and silent. It looked very low-key, but it contained a strong sense of slaughter.

"Elder Bai, can you see who is here?"

On the other side, Kong Xuan's group of Zhenwumen stood together.

Bai Ze heard the words, shook his head and smiled: "The secret is not obvious, I can't calculate it, but I can guess one or two, except for Laojun's sage, there should be no one else."

"I'm afraid it is the Great Master Xuandu. The old sage is not an ordinary disciple to the Great Master Xuandu, and it is not impossible for him to disturb the secret."

Suddenly, Yang Jian spoke lightly, he knew very well about Erqing's disciples.

"That's it, the magic treasures refined by Laojun sage, even the acquired magic treasures, can be comparable to ordinary congenital spiritual treasures." Yuan Hong said worriedly.

However, he was only half right.

No matter what kind of spiritual treasure, the effect is different, and the power displayed is naturally different.

But in the hands of a sage, even ordinary acquired spiritual treasures can exert considerable power.

If the sage made it himself, it would be so powerful that it could crush most of the innate spiritual treasures.

"The distinction between innate and acquired cannot measure the power of a Lingbao." Bai Ze shook his feather fan and explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Yuan Hong and Yang Jian nodded again and again.

One of them is a loose cultivator, and the other has a low status in the sect. Naturally, it is impossible to know that the power of Lingbao cannot be divided into innate and acquired.

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