"Come on, I'll wait and see, if it's not a crisis, don't make a move."

Suddenly, Kong Xuan reminded, and immediately made Bai Ze and the others look up.

I saw the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty, wrapped in a ten thousand force, like a turbulent river, rushing to the front of the Qinglong Pass.

Ten miles away, millions of troops stopped.


This scene made everyone in Qinglongguan stunned for a moment.

Logically speaking, before every battle, mortals will be killed, and in the end, the two religions will compete.

But now, in terms of teaching, it is obvious that he wants to bypass this transition, so he directly complains when he comes up.

"King Zhou has no way..."

It's Jiang Ziya again, holding an iron book in his hand, and he is full of anger and indignation, and the Xiqi army is full of enthusiasm.

Of course, the same old tune.

After the speech, Jiang Ziya waved his whisk and went straight back to the army.

"Intercept the teaching child, quickly shot and killed, the list is lacking, and it is not fast enough to consciously be on the list, so that the killing will dissipate."

Guang Chengzi flew into the sky, holding the Pangu Pan, and drank coldly.

Hearing this remark, I intercepted and taught Wanxian, and the crowd was turbulent.

What kind of arrogant person is this?

"Guangchengzi, you are a master of Taoism, and you are so arrogant. I have countless masters, how can I let you bully."

At Qinglongguan, Wen Zhong glared angrily, pointed at Guangchengzi and cursed.

"That's right, as a great disciple of Chanjiao, he speaks like a vulgar man in the mountains. One can imagine how rude your teachings are."

Shen Gongbao held a fishing drum in his hand, he was not afraid, and shouted loudly.

"Children Huangkou, today I am so merciful, and I did not order a siege, but for the sake of the lives of the common people. Now that you are on the list by yourself, why is it rude?"

Facing the accusations of the two, Guangchengzi was calm, and said lightly: "You wait for the help of Zhou to abuse, you have a shallow fate, and you are struggling to death. It will only cause more mortals to die, and their cunning hearts can be seen at a glance."

Hearing this, Intercepting Jiao Wanxian was not calm.

Immediately, the crowd was outraged, and many disciples, although their cultivation bases were shallow, wanted to fight.

Fortunately, the three virgins stopped the speech, otherwise, as the other party said, they would go out on the list consciously.

"Big Brother!"

The beautiful eyes of the Lady of the Golden Spirit flowed, and she looked at the Taoist Duobao in the distance, trying to make him speak out to stop it.

But she was disappointed!

Daoist Duobao was still expressionless, his Taoist robe fluttered, but he didn't say a word, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Junior Brother Guangcheng, don't make a noise with the child!"

A faint voice sounded, and in the Xiqi army, the Great Master Xuandu sat on the back of Qingniu and came straight to Guangchengzi's side.

Seeing the Grand Master Xuandu, he intercepted and taught Wanxian, and instantly calmed down.

"It's no wonder that the teachings have no fear. It seems that the old sage will also take action."

Seeing this scene, Bai Ze shook his head secretly. Although the interception was powerful, it was not as strong as the opponent.

Even Kong Xuan and Yang Jian did not hold out much hope for the current situation of the interception.

After all, Daoist Duobao, who had the highest status in the scene, was silent. Under the True Martial Sect, he was not the protagonist of Fengshen, and naturally he would not come forward.

"Junior brothers, you are on the list, it is destiny, don't delay the time, so that the world will laugh at it."

Grand Master Xuandu turned his head and looked at Qinglongguan to cut off the teaching of Wanxian. He spoke lightly and put on the air of an elder.

"There is no such thing as the Three Purities in the world. Xuandu, it is shameless for you to identify the divisions indiscriminately."

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit sat on the incense cart, took the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, flew to the Qinglong Pass, and confronted Guangchengzi and others.

At this moment, Daoist Duobao was silent, only the three of them came forward.

However, in the face of the holy man's magic weapon, after all, there is no hope, and the idea of ​​being on the list is born in his heart.

Many immortals who intercepted the teaching seemed to have lost their backbone after Zhao Gongming was gone, and their hearts were very hesitant.

The [-]th chapter is about to kill!

"Haha, your teacher's teachings are shallow, but they teach you to be noisy."

The Grand Master Xuandu was very good-natured, and the Three Virgins dared to humiliate him, even though his expression was still indifferent, but he gave an order in his mouth.

"Qingniu, I sent them to the list, so as not to say that my big brother bullies the small."

The voice fell, and Archmage Xuandu jumped off his mount and stood in the void, his eyes indifferent.

That green ox was three feet long and one zhang tall, with smooth hair all over his body and a luster of greenish lustre. Anyone could see that this was a powerful blue bull demon.


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