But the human world has been turned upside down.

Chaoge, inside the palace.

King Zhou went out of the customs, announced the world, assembled an army of [-] million, and in the next day, he would drive himself to conquer Xiqi.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world boiled.

"What's the matter? King Zhou would actually go to the expedition in person?"

No one believed that this news came too suddenly, and those princes were even more stunned.

But soon, countless information was passed on to the Shang Dynasty princes.

King Zhou's body glowed with infinite divine power, and he had already broken through to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian in a battle with immortals.

After learning this news, the princes no longer hesitated, and immediately went to the battle, dispatched the most elite soldiers and horses in the territory to Chaoge, to follow King Zhou to crusade against the Xiqi rebels.

Tens of thousands of troops were assembled in just a few days.

The crusade against the Xiqi army set off, the army stretched for hundreds of miles, and thousands of immortals followed.

Chaoge, Budokan!

The vast vegetable garden in different time and space is overcrowded at the moment, and many former masters are all growing vegetables.

Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, etc...

There was almost no gap in the entire vegetable garden, and it was really lively.

"Teacher, what is the purpose of this move?"

A young man in golden armor with a divine sword hanging from his waist, his eyes are bright, but his face is full of doubts.

Beside him, Kong Xuan stood respectfully. Among them were Bai Ze, a young man holding a 590 guqin, and a dark-skinned man.

The combination of these people is quite strange.

But all their eyes were on the young man in the green shirt sitting on the rattan chair under the fence.

Respect, almost all from the hearts of everyone.

Being watched by so many people, Li Zhenwu smiled embarrassedly, waved his hand a little embarrassedly, and said, "Don't guess, just panic, let them try the experience of mortals, if you are interested, you can also Hand-planted."

Hearing this, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

But apparently no one believed the so-called excuse of being idle and panicking.

Especially Yang Jian and Yuan Hong, they have personally experienced the mystery of planting, as if it can enlighten people, the cause and effect of the body will gradually disappear with the growth of the radish.

Otherwise, in Fengshen, even if there are experts to help, there is no way to escape the calamity of heaven and earth.

"Okay, let's go back separately. After conferring the gods, it should be quiet for a while."

Li Zhenwu stood up, his face full of fear, he took a step forward, grabbed Yao Chi's little hand, and disappeared.

The next moment, Wudang Mountain came into view, still the same as before, the years have not fallen, and it has maintained its original appearance.

In that dojo, there were two women with out-of-the-ordinary temperament, like a chaotic green lotus, and they were really picturesque.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety-Nine

Chengtang Jiangshan, still prosperous, conferring gods and killing robbery, is nearing the end.

King Zhou led an army of tens of millions and instantly defeated the Xiqi army, beheading all the rebel generals.

But King Wu of Zhou, at an emergency, was led away by the West.

This sudden change, the whole world was shocked, and countless princes were in an uproar.

"Ji Fa is from the Western Spirit Mountain?"

Many people can't believe it. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be difficult to connect King Wu of Zhou and Lingshan.

However, at the moment of being beheaded, Ji Fa, King Wu of Zhou, evoked the divine banner and fled to the west.

This is what millions of people have seen with their own eyes, and it cannot be faked.

But it also indirectly proves that the West's calculations are hidden too deep, and they are simply hidden behind the scenes.

When thinking of the various behaviors of the past, everyone immediately understood.

Since the beginning of the Xiqi tribe, there have been saints involved, but I didn't expect that there would be Western saints behind Ji Fa.

As for Ji Chang's sudden death at the beginning, there is now more to say.

Except for Ji Fa and Western saints, no matter how the legend is, the truth is unknown.

"The truth is no longer important. Xiqi will be destroyed, and the country will be forever, but my responsibility will have an ending."

King Zhou stood in the tower, looked at the soldiers and horses below, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Majesty, Chengtang, Jiangshan, and the mountains have a long-lasting luck, and can last for a thousand years. Why do you say this?"

Beside him, Wen Zhong was puzzled, but not sad.

After all, in the final analysis, the current King Zhou is not what it used to be, and the power of the mortal world may no longer be able to restrain him.

However, in order to let the world go through peacefully, it cannot be rushed.

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