"In the end, I still have to leave. I think Beihai Suhu is good. There is benevolence and righteousness, and it can keep the country forever prosperous."

King Zhou smiled lightly, his eyes bright and shining with infinite light.

In the royal palace, although he wakes up and holds the power of the world, traveling the world is his lifelong pursuit.

Su Hu of Beihai still didn't know that the emperor's blessing would fall on his head before he knew it.

Three hundred and sixty true spirits were finally completed after the army stepped down on Xiqi.

It's just that the people who were once destined to be on the list have changed.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

Haotian Jade Emperor sat behind the white jade table, his eyes were gloomy, and he lowered his head to stare at the nectar and jade liquid on the table, but he was not interested in the slightest.

"Li, Zhen, Wu, it's you again. Although the god position is complete, the strength of my heavenly court is not necessarily improved by much."

This sentence, almost gritted his teeth, contained surging hatred.

On the list of conferred gods, except for a few golden immortals, the rest are all toilers. Is such a god position available?

However, since Heavenly Court is in charge of the Conferred God List, Haotian Jade Emperor can only be jealous in his heart.

"One day, I will definitely step on Wudang Mountain and kill all of your true martial artists."

The Jade Emperor Haotian clenched his fists, his face was full of blue veins, and the endless killing intent filled the entire hall.


Thirty-three days away, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation erupted with extreme power.

"Haha, brothers, it's definitely mentioned."

I saw the Daoist Zhun Ti, sitting on the golden lotus, holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and entered the formation directly.

At this moment, the battle inside is intensifying, the endless void is broken, and the power of the saint has almost evolved into the heavens.

The head of Tongtian was disheveled, holding the Qingping sword, and he was mad, and his body was full of violent aura.

"Hmph, Tongtian child, do you know the crime?" Yuanshi Tianzun's luxurious robe was tattered, his hair crown was cut in half, and his hair was also disheveled, which was not much better.

"Making wedding dresses for others, I, waiting for saints, should be united."

Taishang Laojun held a pole and scolded, and he no longer had the demeanor of a saint.

This battle is too intense, and the saints are not feeling well.

Even if the leader of Tongtian wanted to get out, he couldn't do it. He was entangled by three saints and could only resist.

"You can't think about alienation. If you didn't join forces with me, why would you end up like this? If you don't want me to have a better time, then everyone shouldn't have a better life." Tongtian Cult Master was so mad that he couldn't help screaming in the sky.

"Forget it, since that's the case, I'll wait for the conferred gods to conclude, and I'll do it again, so I can understand the cause and effect." Taishang Laojun's face was expressionless, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he looked very funny.

Until now, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Intercepting the disciples out of ten, his luck was greatly damaged, and Jinxian Chan was beaten up, which was equally uncomfortable.

In the field, there were only Western religions, who had crossed over three thousand people from the red dust, and a few Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, but they were the ones who benefited the most.

"Anita Buddha, brothers and sisters, coming from the west is barren. You don't need to be so suspicious of me. I think everyone knows how different Li Zhenwu is." With a bitter smile, he hurriedly explained.

The cause and effect of conferring gods is over, the original Sanqingmen, the luck is greatly damaged, but the Western Spirit Mountain is fulfilled.

"Hmph, don't forget, now that the gods are conferred, Heavenly Court is not feeling well, who is the most beneficial, why don't you think about it?" Zhunti said coldly and said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The human world is as stable as Mount Tai, and in the foreseeable future, I am afraid that luck will continue to last forever.

"So what? Human beings are also all spirits in the world, and they are the rulers of the world. They have long luck, and it is only God's will." Tongtian sect master mocked.

His teaching is that there is no class, no matter what race, as long as you come, you will teach.

Although the interception of the teachings has greatly damaged their luck, as long as they are friendly with the human race, they will recover in a short time.

On the other hand, Western Lingshan and Chanjiao have taken the wrong direction this time, and I am afraid it will be difficult to spread their teachings in the future.

"Very good, Tongtian, you are obsessed, then no wonder we disregard the love of the sage Nian. I will ask the teacher to see if this sage of the Tao of Heaven can be bullied by aliens."

With the Taishang Laojun speaking, the rest of the saints consciously followed behind.

"Hmph, whatever you want!"

Tongtian Sect Master sneered, then withdrew the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, turned around and headed towards Jinao Island.

The moment he turned around, no one noticed that there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, as if the plan had been successful.

However, Taishang Laojun and others were busy going to Zixiao Palace, but they didn't notice it.

Chapter [-] Plan ahead!

Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

"I've seen fellow Daoist!"

Li Zhenwu brought Yaochi back, and when he saw both Nuwa and Houtu were there, he couldn't help but look embarrassed.

On the dojo, Hou Tu was dressed in a long dress, plain and elegant, with scarlet red eyebrows, gentle aura, somewhat holy and solemn.

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