Nu Wa's light gauze skirt, picturesque brows, curling fairy mist, and raising her hands and feet, are full of unspeakable extravagance.

Behind the two of them, Xiaohua and Xiaocao's faces were full of excitement, and their eyes were red.

In the end, a little fox lay there, raised its head, and looked at Li Zhenwu curiously.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a blood pool, which is the red-haired woman of the Shura clan emperor.

At this moment, all eyes on Wudang Mountain were staring there.

Although he looked at Li Zhenwu, Yao Chi's pretty face was slightly red, and he pulled his little hand away without leaving any trace.



"True martial arts!"


Different titles represent different people shouting, and the only thing that is the same is that young man in a green shirt.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, his temperament was still indifferent, he stepped down and sat in front of the two of them.

"It's your job!"

His eyes are very clear, his pupils are deep, there are stars 637 disillusioned, the rules of the avenue are collapsing, and there are strange sights.

I have to say that just sitting here makes the two saints Hou Tu and Nu Wa feel a little coercive.

"You've improved your Taoism again!" Nuwa's pale cheeks were flushed, and her beautiful eyes couldn't believe it.

How long has it been, after being punished by the rules of heaven, he can still break and stand.

Under the deepening of Taoism, the most speechless, Li Zhenwu has not yet proved Taoism and sanctification, which is definitely subverting the worldview of the saint.

When everyone met Li Zhenwu again, they couldn't hide their excitement.

But there are also worries, the target of the saints is probably about to start.

At that time, without sanctification, it will be difficult to resist after all.

"Don't worry, this world is about to change soon. At that time, I'm afraid you will be wronged."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, very confident, but he was a little sorry for Nuwa and Houtu.

"My sister Houtu and I are used to being clean, so it won't get in the way." Nu Wa smiled sweetly, her hands lightly raised, and two magic weapons flew out.

Li Zhenwu was very familiar with one of the monstrous red spirit treasures, and it was the red hydrangea that was returned.

The other one is a four-legged cauldron the size of a fist. The dense chaotic aura permeates from the cauldron's mouth, as if it can turn the world upside down.

"This is the Qiankun Cauldron and the Hydrangea. Although the quality of the Lingbao is not high, it should be able to help you." Nu Wa's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light.

Li Zhenwu nodded, but he didn't see anything, he stretched out his hand and took it, with a serious face: "Don't worry, the kindness you treat me will one day be returned tenfold, or even a thousandfold."

There are not many words, after all, they are all at the level of saints, and the cause and effect have already been determined, and they all know each other very well.

Next, Wudang Mountain was very quiet, everyone gathered together, and there were endless words to say.

Even Xiaohua and Xiaocao are no longer restrained, and laughter can be heard from Wudang Mountain from time to time.

I don't know how long it took, until thirty-three days away, there was a thunderous noise, and the gathering was interrupted.

"Time is running out, wait for a long time to go to the Wa Palace and settle down!"

Li Zhenwu stood up, put his hands on his back, looked up at the sky, and his eyes contained a trace of solemnity.

Not only him, but even Nuwa and Houtu felt a tinge of heart palpitations.

It was as if, thirty-three days away, an earth-shattering accident had occurred, causing countless creatures to feel shocked.

"Are you sure you can?" Nuwa turned her head and looked at Li Zhenwu, her pretty face full of worry.

Since Li Zhenwu came back, everything seemed to point in a certain direction.

This is worrying and shocking.

If they didn't know Li Zhenwu's person, Nuwa and Houtu as saints would be like a dream, unbelievable.

"Don't worry, since Daozu is like this, it proves feasible." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"Forget it, since I am holy, I cannot escape after all. Since you are sure that the teacher will acquiesce, I will wait for your news at the Wa Palace!" Hou Tu smiled, but the worry in his eyes could not be concealed.

In the end, everyone in Wudang Mountain left with Nuwa.

They will spend a long time in Wa Palace until Li Zhenwu returns again.

The breeze is blowing, and the fragrant breath is everywhere.

This is the prehistoric world, intoxicating, yet dreamy, full of opportunities.

Li Zhenwu raised his head and stood against the wind, looking out into the sky with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know how long it took, when the palpitations disappeared, he bowed to the sky and whispered to himself: "Thank you Taozu for your help."


The Zixiao Palace is in chaos, and the chaotic atmosphere pervades the quaint Taoist temple, full of the most primitive origins.

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