Chen Hailong took a moment to glance at Li Zhenwu, and found that he was sitting there so tidy, he couldn't help cursing.


At the same time, a bastard hugged Chen Hailong from behind, and when the rest saw this, they rushed over and pressed him to the ground.

"Grass-mud horse, dare to do it, I will call you cross!"

The golden-haired youth had a blue nose and a swollen face. Seeing that Chen Hailong was lying on the ground, he immediately grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it hard at Chen Hailong's head.

When the three girls at the door saw this, they screamed and closed their eyes in fright.

And Xie Kun was indifferent, sitting there, the corners of his eyes kept beating, and his body exuded a violent breath.

Seeing that the beer bottle was about to fall, a faint voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Excessive, it will kill people."

With the sound of the voice, a slightly thin arm stretched out from the side and firmly grasped the falling beer bottle.

This scene was too sudden.

As a result, the box became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to look over.

With a faint smile on his face, Li Zhenwu met everyone's gaze and slowly pulled the beer bottle away from the golden retriever youth.


The golden-haired youth blushed, and no matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to get the beer bottle back from Li Zhenwu's hands.

Even, his hands were tightly clamped, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, still in vain.

Chapter [-] Midnight Ghost!


The beer bottle slipped out of the golden-haired youth's hand, reached Li Zhenwu's hand, and gently placed it on the table.

This strange scene made everyone present stunned.

Li Zhenwu's figure looks thin, about [-] meters tall, wearing loose sports clothes, and he belongs to the kind of people who are thrown in the crowd, and they are not inconspicuous.

However, at this moment, he is facing the biggest gray area leader in Hanhe City, his face is unchanged, and he is calm, which is surprising.

"True martial arts..."

Seeing this, Chen Hailong, who was thrown on the ground, couldn't help blinking, as if he had met this good friend since childhood for the first time.

"Don't worry, it's fine with me here." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly at Chen Hailong, giving him a reassuring smile.

In just a few short sentences, the tone was very light, but it contained unshakable confidence.

Xie Kun looked at it coldly, and nodded to Jin Mao and others at this time. Suddenly, seven or eight of his subordinates let go of Chen Hailong and returned to stand beside Xie Kun.

Everyone did not hide the coldness in their eyes.

Only the young golden retriever, with a sluggish face and still in a trance, couldn't calm down the shock in his heart for a long time.

"Brother Wu, what should I do?" Chen Hailong was able to escape, walked to Li Zhenwu's side, and asked quietly.

He was also shocked in his heart. It was unbelievable that his best friend who had known each other for more than ten years had such strength.

You know, dragging the beer bottle of the golden retriever with one hand seems simple, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the power is absolutely beyond imagination.

Li Zhenwu is thin and looks weak, but it is shocking that he has such terrifying power.

"You take them away first, I'll stay and talk to this brother Kun."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu walked over to Xie Kun and sat down slowly.

Looking at it like that, I really want to talk about it.

Seeing this, Chen Hailong was not hypocritical. He immediately carried Jiang Minghua on his back, greeted the three girls, and immediately opened the door and left.

There are several girls and Jiang Minghua in a coma. Staying here will definitely be a hindrance.

It's better to leave here first, turn around and come back to help.

From beginning to end, Xie Kun and others did not stop it.

Because, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the power that Li Zhenwu exerts is by no means an ordinary person.

"Who the hell are you?"

After Chen Hailong and others left, Xie Kun's face was gloomy and he questioned in a cold voice.

He was able to flourish in Han and the city, regardless of his vision or his mind, he was by no means comparable.

Since Li Zhenwu dared to stand up, and he seemed to be calm, no matter how he looked at it, he was not an ordinary person.

"I'm just a student, but that big man is my friend." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

In fact, there was murderous intent in his eyes.

For those who caused Chen Hailong to have an accident in his previous life, he must not let it go.

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, the true martial power contained in the cytoskeleton was about to spew out in the next moment, killing everyone in front of him.

"No matter who you are, in Hanhe City, I can put you in jail with just one phone call."

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