Xie Kun sneered and said, "Even, your parents can't survive in this city."

Word down!

Li Zhenwu's raised hand paused slightly, and finally put it down.

The next moment, he stood up, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Brother Kun, tell you, what is your attitude, kid?"

Seeing this, those little brothers couldn't help but look angry, and when they moved, they wanted to catch up.

Xie Kun frowned and waved his hand: "Don't act rashly, find out the origin of this kid for me, if there is no background, even if he is a trainee, I will kill him."

The golden-haired youth behind him nodded and immediately took out his phone.

At the Golden Beauty Bar, Li Zhenwu walked out of the door, also took out his phone and called Chen Hailong.

"Brother Wu, are you okay, did Xie Kun embarrass you?"

As soon as it was connected, Chen Hailong's anxious voice came.

"I'm fine, I've gone home, how are you?"

"Fortunately, Jiang Minghua has been sent home. Judging from his father's expression, Xie Kun should have a great background, and it is not something we can provoke." Chen Hailong's tone contained panic.

"Well, it's fine, I'll hang up first."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu hung up the phone and did not leave immediately.

Instead, he called home, told his parents that he would be home later, reassures them, and left the bar.

The night was penetrating, pitch black as ink, only the street lights were flickering.

Li Zhenwu hid in the darkness, dodged and hid in the alley on the other side of the bar, stared at the door of the bar, and was calm.

"My current cultivation base is not enough to deal with all the hot weapons. In order not to be troubled by my parents, I have to secretly kill Xie Kun."

The figure slowly floated up, he flew to the top of the building, sat cross-legged on the wall, and kept paying attention to the movement of the other party.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, which is most suitable for killing people.

After waiting, it was early in the morning, and Xie Kun and his party came out of the bar when San Kuai arrived.

I saw a group of ten of them, riding three bridge cars respectively, and soon went southwest.


On the top of the building, Li Zhenwu saw this, and his body was in the air, like a midnight ghost, following the vehicle.

Today, although his cultivation level is equivalent to the peak of the acquired realm, he can still perform the sky dance technique in a short period of time.

Soon, the vehicle approached the outskirts of Hanhe City and left the monitoring range of Skynet.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's eyes turned cold, invisible arrogance lingered around his body, and he swooped down sharply.

"Brother Kun, I have found out. That kid is called Li Zhenwu. His parents opened a company and went bankrupt half a year ago. He is an ordinary family."

In the front car, the young golden retriever will inform Xie Kun next to him of the information.

"Hmph, it seems that it's just a stunned young man who has practiced martial arts. Tomorrow you guys... there are people ahead."

Xie Kun heard the words, sneered, and just wanted to order to go down, suddenly pointed at the windshield and screamed.


The voice fell, and a loud noise broke out.

The car seemed to hit the city wall, and the castration came to an abrupt end.

With a bang, the whole car was reversed, and a loud bang broke out on the ground.

At this moment, the dust covered the sky, and the loud noise echoed endlessly in the empty suburbs.

Chapter [-] Death is coming!

The parts of the car broke off, smashed to the ground so hard that it almost fell apart, and the road was covered with glass slag.

A harsh brake sounded, and the Mitsubishi car that was riding behind the younger brother hurriedly stopped.

Six or seven younger brothers stepped out of the bridge car with shocked expressions on their faces.

This is……

Their faces were pale and their eyes were full of horror. In the billowing dust, they could vaguely see a young man in sportswear standing in front of the road.

What happened just now was really weird.

In fact, with his powerful physique and strength, Li Zhenwu swooped down from a high altitude and kicked Xie Kun's car.

That vast force directly crushed the front of the car.

It even flew and made a few circles in the air.

"Damn, isn't this kid the stunned young man in the bar just now?"

Suddenly, a younger brother with sharp eyes recognized Li Zhenwu's appearance and couldn't help but get angry.

"Made, this kid suddenly appeared, don't you want to seek revenge?"

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