With Chiyou's current state, he still couldn't stop it, which made him angry.


With a loud roar, his body broke through the sound barrier and stood in front of Li Zhenwu in an instant.


In an instant, the strong physique blocked the attack of the two, and the powerful impact sent him flying out at the same time.


The power of the two gods broke through the shackles of the rules, and in this world, they were almost invincible.

The scene in front of him was terrifying, and all of them were stunned.

What kind of terrifying power is this? 1.2

However, everyone was even more shocked by Chi You's strength.

After being knocked into the air, Chi You got up from the ground, unharmed, and rushed over again.

"Go back!"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

On the top of the Jade Emperor, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and turned to look at the murderous Athena and Gabriel.

"If you only have this strength, it's not worth my shot."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and a golden bell appeared behind him, covering the sky and the sun, radiating splendid light.

The Lingbao that has been silent for countless years has not yet been born, but now, it is possible to communicate with power.

This is a quaint big bell, like a huge mountain, completely shrouding this place.

Chapter [-] Zhongzhen the heavens!

On the top of the Jade Emperor, facing the two Western gods, the gods are like the sea, and they come in a mighty attack.

Chi You received Li Zhenwu's order, without any hesitation, he turned into a seven-footed man and landed at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Qin Yao and others were pale, and anyone could see that the gods were going to target Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu was still sitting cross-legged in the void, standing still, with blue light blooming between his eyebrows, and a golden bell phantom appeared on his forehead, emitting a splendid light.

Divine power came in a blink of an eye, like a stormy sea, very terrifying.

However, when it came to the phantom of the big bell, the golden bell shook slightly, and the coercion disappeared silently.


The area around Wudang Mountain was quiet.

What means is this?

The people below, except Qin Yao and Chi You, all opened their mouths and their eyeballs fell.

At this time, a vast and ancient aura erupted from the mountain and turned into a golden light that covered the entire Wudang Mountain.

There is a splendid, dazzling dazzling, just like the 14th sun, people can't help but close their eyes.

"Be careful, sly Eastern cultivator." The goddess of war saw this, her pretty face was cold, and her tone was cold.

Archangel Gabriel was suspended in the void, also holding a heavy sword. His delicate facial features were also tense at the moment, and the holy light on his body seemed to be more and more dazzling.

That breath made them fearful, very terrifying.

This side of the world has fallen into silence, and the atmosphere of the wilderness is vast and simple, as if the oldest thing is about to break out of the ground.

"Why, the saints are gone, all beings in the world can be safe, why are you still having trouble with me, Li Zhenwu?"

An abrupt, faint voice came out from the phantom of the big bell.

The voice is leisurely, the vicissitudes of life are like a dream, and there is also a trace of regret.

Immediately, Athena and Gabriel were shocked, as if they were being stared at by supreme beings, and in the deepest part of their hearts, a sense of powerlessness emerged.

"I can't let him stay anymore. As long as he is dead, the battle of gods that lasted for countless years can only end." Athena scolded, and the divine light burst out from her forehead, turning into a blazing flame, wrapping her whole body.


The next moment, she rose into the sky, held down her shield, swung her giant sword, and slashed towards the top of the Jade Emperor from top to bottom.

In an instant, the space energy in this side rioted, and the color of the world changed.

The hurricane-like flames, like the roar of a dragon, break through the barriers of the void and are unparalleled.

"God says you are guilty, you are a demon." Gabriel raised his heavy sword and pointed at Li Zhenwu with a sincere expression on his face.

The next moment, the wings on her back glowed with a splendid holy light, like a liquid, flowing directly on the epee, turning into a splendid light group.


The holy light shines brightly and holy in the world, and it converges into a beam of light, charging towards Li Zhenwu on the top of the Jade Emperor.

For a time, this piece of heaven and earth was completely blurred in the eyes of everyone.

The people below were stunned and trembling all over.

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