"Li Zhenwu..." Qin Yao couldn't help exclaiming, her face was full of fear.

"This is the rhythm to destroy Wudang Mountain!"

The grief and anger on Lihuo's face can be imagined, when the two energies erupt, the power is absolutely earth-shattering.

Not to mention Wudang Mountain.

I am afraid that the radius of a hundred miles will be affected and suffer.

However, Li Zhenwu remained motionless, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the blue light on his forehead became more and more splendid.


The space was turbulent, and countless ripples appeared, and there were faint cracks, which were broken by the terrifying power.

"Come on!"

When the attack of the two gods came in front of him, Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his mouth and spit out two words lightly.

The voice fell, and the world was quiet for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Wudang Mountain shook violently, and the cracks in the mountain were dazzling and dazzling, even brighter than the sun.

With a bang, the top of the Jade Emperor collapsed suddenly, and the boulders splashed.

A quaint golden bell flew out from the mountain, quaint and natural, with mysterious lines on the surface, as if to outline the heavens and the world.

Chaos Clock, one of the treasures of the prehistoric world.

Donghuang Taiyi once took charge of this treasure, swept across the heavens and the world, and achieved the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, the Chaos Clock contains Zhou Tianxingdou, with unpredictable power, integrated attack and defense, strong power, and is also one of the top treasures in the heavens and the world.

At the beginning, Donghuang Taiyi only learned from it, captured the movement of the stars, and created the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, which almost swept the floods.

You must know that Donghuang Taiyi is only a sage and cannot control this treasure at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the birth of the Chaos Clock, its power has never been fully revealed.

At this time, the Chaos Bell was born, the golden light faded, and the brilliance was restrained, simple and mysterious.

Heaven and earth are quiet, even time seems to be frozen, and the brilliance of all things will be eclipsed in front of it.

For a time, all electronic devices around the world were paralyzed.


Seeing this, Athena bit her red lips, still fearless, and rushed to kill.

"The so-called gods seem to be high above, but in fact they are just a particle of the chessboard of heaven and earth."

Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly, neither sad nor happy.

The Chaos Clock was suspended above his head, and under the restrained brilliance, it was quaint and vicissitudes of life, exuding a mysterious aura.

Suddenly, it swayed gently, with gentle movements, not hurried or slow.


The bell rang, and invisible sound waves swept around.

The unparalleled power, wherever it passes, everything is quiet, and the violent energy seems to be caressed by the palm of the hand, and it becomes quiet in an instant.

Even Gabriel and Athena were in a sluggish state.


The bell rings again, ignoring the distance of space, and it is transmitted to every corner of the earth.

On the coastal border of China, the aircraft carrier battle group deployed here is very small in the ocean.

However, no country dares to despise modern weapons with such rules.


At this moment, from the far east, a bell sounded, grand and vast, and swept over in an instant.


The next moment, the quiet picture instantly boiled.

The nearest aircraft carrier battle group exploded, and the flames shot into the sky, and the people on board were instantly buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Chapter [-] World Chaos!

United States, Pacific Command.

In the huge headquarters hall, various electronic instruments are running, observing the situation of the coastal border of China.

Suddenly, one of the personnel who contacted the aircraft carrier Lincoln suddenly stood up.

"Gone, the signal is gone."

He exclaimed in disbelief.

This scene made the surrounding commanders turn their heads to look at them.

"What's going on?" At the very top, a white-haired western old man shouted in a deep voice.

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