Without further slashing, his body suddenly jumped up, but it was backwards.

Then his hands suddenly knitted together.

"The end of the crossbow!" Bai said calmly.

"Water Escape - The Technique of the Great Waterfall!" Zaibuzhuan had finished printing, he drank lowly, and the sound of water suddenly sounded, and it became more and more intense!

in a blink!From the small river outside the ice mirror, the water flow has been completely moved, turned into a water dragon and jumped high, and then it has fallen on the ice mirror like a waterfall that is [-] feet straight down, facing the ice mirror. The direction of the white people.

"This is the ninjutsu of Jōnin!" Sasuke raised his head and was shocked. His ninjutsu skill, the fireball technique, was only capable of blowing out large fireballs, but at this moment, it was like a wide river. Fall!


Huge waterfall surging!Momentum yaoyao!It hit the ice mirror directly.

"Hula la!" There was a crisp sound of ice mirror breaking. Under the huge waterfall, the ice mirror was as fragile as thin ice, and it broke with a touch.

After that, the Mantian Waterfall rushed directly towards Baihe Lanmaru and Junmalu.

In the face of this, Jun Malu did not change his face, just sneered, and stood in front of his companion in two steps.

Then, a bone wall grew out of his body!

This wall of bones was born from within Junma Lu's body, and instantly covered all three of them.

Then, the waterfall has arrived!


The waterfall fell and smashed on the bone wall, and the water splashed and scattered!


The waterfall, which is as long as the Tianhe River, kept crashing, and it took more than ten seconds for it to be castrated and weakened.

When the waterfalls all dissipated, Kakashi, Naruto, etc., all looked at the direction of the trio of Ninja Village with concern.

The water scattered and flowed back to the river again, revealing a piece of pale bones.

"Blocked!" At this moment, it was unexpected, but it was reasonable, because the strength that Jun Ma Lu had shown before was already strong enough!

Slowly, the bone wall gradually retracted.

"Drag the body that was punched by Langya Fengfeng, and forced the user to perform such ninjutsu. Now, how long can you last?"

The bone wall was retracted, and Bai's voice sounded again.

At this moment, the three of them have no water stains on their bodies, and the ninjutsu just now did not cause any harm to them!

Junma Lu has already acted, step down!The whole person has already rushed out!

Zai Bu Zhan is not slow to react, even if he has just received damage, his reaction speed at this moment is not inferior to that of Jun Malu.

It's just that his actions are not slower than Junmaluo's, but he is no faster than Shiro who also shot at the same time!

That's right, Junma Lu all attracted the attention of Zaibuzhan, and what Bai said before let Junma Lu completely solve his confusion and cure, so that he has ignored Bai at this time...

In fact, not only Zaunai himself, but even Kakashi and others really thought that Junmalu would fight in the stomach and fight Zaifushou.

Therefore, Bai's attack really did surprise!

Jun Malu was stepping forward, and when Buzhan was about to resist him, the two thousand books had already flown to his temple from the other direction.


Zaibuzhi actually didn't notice it at all, and when he was preparing to fight Junmalu, the ice thousand books that had been shot out of Bai's forehead were stabbed into it!

In an instant, the body that was not slashing again lost power.

Taking this opportunity, Jun Malu has also stabbed the bone knife in his hand into the body of Zaibuxian.


The burly body is no longer cut, and the body has fallen to the ground powerless.

His eyes without eyebrows were still open, but his eyes had lost their vigour, staring weakly, and looked like he couldn't rest.

Jun Malu has slowly pulled out his bone knife from Zaibuzhan's body. The last knife he just made was unnecessary, because Bai's two thousand pieces had already put Zaibuzhan to death. .

It's just that 0.9 because of inertia, Junma Lu finally made up for it.

Right now, Zai Bu Zhan is already dead completely.

Even the supreme holy medicine of their body ninja village - the bean of the immortal, can't save it.

"Mission completed." Jun Malu walked back and said something to his companion, then stopped talking and silently resumed his consumption this time.

Although his bloodline limit is strong, it consumes a lot of money, so the battle cannot be fierce for a long time, unless...

"Dead? Is this dead?"

Seeing Zaibu Zhan who was powerless lying on the ground, Naruto felt a sense of powerlessness and fighting spirit in his heart.

"Why...they are all so strong!"

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Chapter [-] The past of Lord Zhenwu! (fifth more)

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