When I just watched the battle, Naruto was a qualified spectator. After all, they and the Ninja Village team were still a friendly team.

But when the battle really ended, I saw that I and Sasuke, who had just been so powerful, had almost no strength to fight back, and even Kakashi-sensei's shriveled Jōnin was really killed by the trio of body ninja village, and the corpse was powerless. fell to the ground.

In Naruto's heart, there is also a sense of powerlessness and a strong unwillingness, "Why! Why are they so strong!"

In Naruto's heart, he didn't dare to be competitive. After all, everyone was about the same age, but the three people in the Takumi Village had far more strength than they had grabbed!

Sasuke was also unwilling, his fists clenched tightly, and he was telling himself to work harder to become stronger!

Naruto was a little excited, so Kakashi came to him, stretched out his big hand and pressed it on Naruto's head, seeing through Naruto's thoughts.

"There are some ninjas whose strength has improved faster and can surpass their peers by a lot. But there are also latecomers who can catch up and catch up with their strength."

Kakashi said so.

"They... are too strong! 21" Naruto couldn't help but whispered, feeling a little disappointed.

"Will this hit your self-confidence?" Kakashi said softly: "There was once a ninja younger than you, but his strength was far beyond mine... But in this case, we just Do you want to be discouraged?"

Kakashi's words gave Naruto an opportunity to figure it out. He figured it out in an instant and no longer struggled: "Yes, the stronger others are, so I have to work harder!"

Seeing this, Kakashi nodded indistinctly in approval.

Then, Kakashi's gaze returned to the trio of Body Ninja Village, ready to step forward and ask some questions.

Ask some questions that he cares about, is curious about, and doesn't understand.

Zaibuzhan was already lying dead on the street, and he was still dead, but at this time, the three Bai and the others did not leave immediately, but stepped forward and started... collecting the spoils.

"This knife is pretty good, but it's a little too big." Jun Malu picked up the beheading knife that would never be cut again.

In fact, this knife is the only one that can be used as a trophy for Zai Buchan's body. Apart from that, Zai Buxian's body is almost bare.

"So skilled..." Naruto and Sakura Sasuke both stared and couldn't help saying.

Kakashi had already walked nearby and came to Shiro.

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Any question, just ask." Bai said cheerfully.

Kakashi nodded and looked at Ranmaru: "Can you tell me... Where did the Afterimage Fist come from?"

"Afterimage Fist? This is the unique secret technique of our body ninja village." Ranmaru answered Kakashi directly.

"Then... where did your body ninja village learn this afterimage boxing?"

Kakashi finally asked the question he was most curious about.

"Kakashi-sensei, why are you asking this?" Naruto had already adjusted his mood and came over.

"Because, I know someone who happens to have an afterimage fist." Kakashi said slowly: "And..."

Saying that, Kakashi's body simply shook, and three of him appeared in the same place.

"Wow Clone Technique?" Naruto exclaimed, but was immediately refuted by Sasuke: "No, the teacher doesn't have a seal, and it doesn't look like Clone Technique!"

"This is also... Afterimage Fist?" Sakura suddenly realized the point of the matter: "So Kakashi-sensei can also use this 'Afterimage Fist'!"

At this moment, Ranmaru, Shiro, and Junma Lu also saw Kakashi's afterimage fist. They all looked at each other, and Bai first asked, "Lord Kakashi... How can you also have afterimage fist?"

"Naturally learned it." Kakashi replied.

This answer is really irrefutable... Bai was speechless for a while, but at the same time, he became curious about the relationship between Kakashi and the person who created the ninja village and whom he admired the most.

Li Zhenwu has never disclosed his past achievements and information to them, so that Bai et al only know that Li Zhenwu is a ninja who speaks out of Konoha Ninja Village in the land of fire.

In fact, when they grew up and understood the truth, they had quietly discussed that their true identity, Lord Zhenwu, was actually a Konoha's betrayal...

It's just that they didn't go to Li Zhenwu to confirm this conjecture, but chose to 'ignore' the past.

In their hearts, what if Li Zhenwu was a traitor?Even if it is the rebellious ninja of the first ninja village Konoha, Li Zhenwu is also the master Zhenwu who raised and taught them!

So later, Bai et al did not deliberately investigate Li Zhenwu's previous identity.

In addition, the range of activities of their ninja villages has always been between small countries outside the major countries, and the contact with the major ninja villages is not deep and deep.

So until now, they don't know the identity of Li Zhenwu Zeng 800 classics.

now!Bai thought about it a lot, and thought that if Li Zhenwu is really Konoha's rebellion, then if he exposes Li Zhenwu's current information to Kakashi...

Thinking of this, Shiro gave his partners Ranmaru and Junmalu a tacit look, so that neither of them would speak, and then Shiro replied.

"Actually, our Tai Ninja Village has a lot of secret techniques in physical arts! Afterimage Fist is just one of them, so we don't know the origin of Afterimage Fist, it may be the village and the outside world wandering ninjas. It's collected in exchange, just like other secret techniques in our body ninja village!"

Without a trace, Bai shifted the topic away.

"Is it collected from a foreign exchange?" Kakashi murmured, hearing this answer, he was a little disappointed.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem."

Kakashi shook his head.

And Bai, noticing Kakashi's loss, suddenly felt that his conjecture might not be correct.

Moreover, Bai suddenly became curious, what is the relationship between this Konoha ninja Kakashi and 'Sir Zhenwu'?

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