
Between the heavens and the earth, a quaint and vast aura, like the eternal and immortal stars, burst out from all parts of the space, instantly shrouding everyone in the Siberian Plain.

Even the Holy Son and others who had fled far away were instantly shrouded, and it was no longer difficult to move forward half a step.

This power is boundless, like the origin of the world, descending from nothingness, and covering everyone in the snow field in an instant.

"This is?" God's face changed dramatically, his beard trembled, his eyes widened, and his eyes contained disbelief.

"Thank you master for making it happen!"

Chi You bowed in Hua Xia's direction with a respectful and polite attitude.

At this moment, God's own superiority vanished in an instant, and the only thing left was deep fear.

"When did the space of this planet come under control?" he exclaimed, shocked beyond measure.

You know, when the bell rang and the earth's space was reinforced, this is something that the gods and God are very clear about.

However, even controlling the nodes and nothingness of all spaces is no longer a horror to describe.

And horror!

God is terrified now, and the scenery he sees is gradually changing, just like an ink painting, a layer of watercolor is lifted, and it changes into other scenery.

The pale and desolate snow field gradually disappeared in the eyes.

Instead, there is a vast and empty starry sky with gorgeous colors. Huge stars slowly revolve near the crowd, exuding an eternal breath.

Whether gods or human beings, in the vast and boundless starry sky, they all seem quite insignificant.

They were suspended in the dead universe, their feet were dark, and the stars in the distance were reflected, emitting a splendid light.

"What place is this?" In the distance, the Son of God bloomed with brilliance, wrapped the Pope and others around him, and immediately galloped toward God.

The vast universe, the vastness.

The speed of the beam of light that the Holy Son transformed into is very terrifying, but in the vast universe, it seems to be standing still.

"Is it a hallucination?"

In the end, he gave up, suspended in the dead universe, his eyes kept flashing.

The surrounding stars are bright, and when you are in it, you are as small as dust.

In the distance, God's eyes were solemn, his face was slightly hideous, and he roared: "This is not an illusion, but a real starry sky. Could it be Li Zhenwu's doing?"

Huge stars slowly revolved around the crowd, filled with a strong sense of oppression.

"Yes, we are no longer on Earth." Chi You smiled lightly.

"How is that possible? The mysterious power of the earth cannot control its origin at all, not to mention Li Zhenwu, even if the saint is in person, he will never be able to do so quietly."

God couldn't believe it, and shouted in the sky: "This is absolutely impossible, Li Zhenwu has fallen, why does he have such a means?"

"Unless we are in an innate formation, is it the legendary star formation?"

When the words fell, God himself was stunned, and immediately looked like a ghost.

The one hundred and ninety-eighth Eight Treasures Merit Pond is Spiritual! (Second more)

You must know that the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array, which once shocked the ancient universe, is one of the most powerful innate great arrays.

Under the saints, there is no way to compete.

The shaking of the stars in the sky can shake the heavens and the world, and the terror of the power cannot be broken by a saint.

In ancient times, only the great formation of the gods and gods who assembled the twelve ancestor witches could compete with it.

Moreover, if you want to cast the Star Dou Great Array, you need the Eastern Emperor Bell as the eye of the formation. That Chaos Treasure is one of the most terrifying spiritual treasures in the Great Desolation.

How could there be such a spiritual treasure in this wild universe?

However, God's eyes gradually panicked, his eyes scanned the vast stars around him, and finally he couldn't maintain his aloofness.

Instead, there was deep fear and shock.

He remembered that when the universe first opened and the singularity exploded, a bell once rang in this barren world, which accelerated the perfection of the rules of the world.

At that time, life was revived, and all things and stars were full of vitality.

God came from the wild age of the universe, and he believed that there was no secret of his understanding of this universe that could escape his eyes.

"Could it be that since this universe hasn't been formed, the true martial arts aliens have already prepared all means?" God was panicked and screamed: "When did the whereabouts of the Chaos Bell start to flow here?"

When he said this, his heart was shocked, and he could no longer express it in words.

If that's the case, it's really scary!

"Haha, you finally admit it now? The prehistoric atmosphere can't be hidden in front of the master at all." Chi You sneered and said with a look of disdain.

"It turned out to be a trap, that is, to wait for all our forces to come, and then come and catch them all in one net!" God's face was sullen, his face was slightly hideous, and he felt very unwilling.

You must know that the task that the saints gave him was very simple. He came to this universe to kill Li Zhenwu who had fallen to the bottom of the valley.

It's just that no one thought that the prehistoric aliens would be so monstrous that they would send Chaos Treasures over early.

Just thinking about it makes people feel frightened and hopeless!

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