Huaxia, Yanjing Military Region.

Li Zhenwu had black hair and a shawl. He stood up straight and looked up at the radiant Chaos Clock in the sky.

The energy there is surging, and the huge stars are running on the clock wall, exuding an immortal breath.

"One of Lingshan's most precious treasures, the Eight Treasures Merit Pond?" Li Zhenwu suddenly smiled lightly and whispered to himself: "Interesting, the merits are transformed into spirits, the creation of a family of angels, and the release of the three thousand great methods are really amazing!"

The identity of God, since the Holy Knight was born, when he fought in the island country, he has already guessed.

At that time, the so-called holy knight was the reincarnation of human beings, blessed by the power of faith, born from the pool of merit, and absolutely loyal to God in terms of sincerity.

After all, God is the pool of merit, and angels and holy knights are the products of God, so there is no need to question their loyalty.

In other words, every belief in the Holy See is the power to maintain the operation of the merit pool.

No matter whether it is a mortal or an angel, the more loyal you are, the more you will be able to resonate with this spiritual treasure, so that you will receive the blessing of divine power.

In the space passage of the holy city, the infinite army of angels was annihilated.

That vast energy will also return to the merit pool, and it has also created the terrifying strength of God now.

I have to say that the current God, if Li Zhenwu does not have the Chaos Clock in hand, he will need to spend some means to subdue him.

Also because the other party is an artifact spirit, it cannot be sensitive to the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth like a living creature.

Therefore, after the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array was operated, God was still ignorant.

"However, God's current strength is terrifying enough. If it explodes on Earth, this star will not be able to withstand it." Li Zhenwu sensed the star space and came to this conclusion.

As for Chiyou?

Facing the current God, the odds of winning are not great, so it is just an experience.

In the vast starry sky, the God at this time, having figured out the cause and effect, was shocked and angry at the same time.

His hair was full of blond hair fluttering, the crescent white robe was windless and automatic, the holy light gushed out from the pores, and the momentum of the whole person continued to rise, which was very terrifying.

In the Star Dou Great Array, the void was trembling, and countless ripples appeared, as if it couldn't bear such a terrible pressure.

"Haha, although you are only a tool spirit, you can be considered a good opponent in terms of strength." Chi You laughed when he saw this.

"Chaos Clock, one of the most precious treasures in the wild. I didn't expect that Li Zhenwu had already obtained this thing. It seems that all the means of the saint can't help this alien now." God said lightly, his golden pupils were full of absolute indifferent.

For countless years, he has transformed into a spirit, and already has the emotions of a living being.

Therefore, he has always regarded himself as the master of all things, honored and aloof, and looks down upon any living being.

At this moment, God is unwilling and angry, and wants to break this world and tear apart Li Zhenwu from the outside world, in order to wash away the humiliation brought by his identity.


God was angry, and the holy flame spurted out from his body, turning into a power of purification in the sky, to drown everything here.

At the same time, the pure white wings behind him were swirling with holy light, and the feathers were snow-white in color, like the purest snowflakes, suddenly fanning.


Immediately following the impact of the holy flame, God straddled the vast starry sky and came to Chi You in his stride. The divine scepter in his hand fell, the surrounding stars vibrated, and a few big stars exploded. The power was terrifying.


God roared, the warm eyes turned red as blood, and the holy breath also transformed into endless slaughter.

He wanted to kill Chiyou here with one blow, then shred the starry sky and break out of the formation.

"Gaga, even Lingbao dares to be arrogant. According to what the master said, if I were at my peak, one finger would be enough to crush you into dust." Chi You laughed loudly and responded strongly.

His dark body, the red light blooming in the body, the whole person is like a flaming giant, not retreating but advancing, bombarded out with one punch.


The divine scepter collided with the fist, and the void collapsed in a large area, and the running stars in the sky were slightly stagnant at this moment, and almost stopped running.

Chapter [-] The Mediterranean War!

Both are equally powerful!

Chi You has the strongest physique, comparable to Lingbao, and the witch body transformed by Pangu's blood essence is the most terrifying physique in the world.

At this time, a punch was thrown, and the void was like a mirror full of cracks, and then a large area collapsed.


The power that erupted in the center was boundless terror, and the dazzling energy was dazzling, like a star exploding, producing a rather terrifying shock wave that swept the entire star space.

In the distance, the huge stars trembled and crumbled, seemingly unable to withstand the power.

In the depths of the starry sky, the Holy Son Yehe led the people of the Holy See, scared to death, turned around and fled towards the depths of the starry sky.

It's horrible here, the energy is boiling!

Ordinary gods, I am afraid that they are difficult to resist, and will be instantly annihilated.

"God is angry, we can't stay here any longer!" The Holy Son Yehe exclaimed. When he fled, he did not forget the Pope and the others. The Holy Light enveloped hundreds of people and flew into the dead and deep darkness.

The battle in the rear continues, and the stars around God are exploding one by one, dazzling.

This scene can be called the extinction of the world, which is shocking and inexplicable.

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