From a barren space to a luxuriant forest-like world, it changed completely in the blink of an eye.

"Master, what's going on?" Xiaohua covered Xiaokou with a look of surprise, and Mei Mu looked around curiously.

"This is the singularity of the universe. After countless years of nourishment from the origin of the universe, it is no longer comparable to ordinary life planets. It's just that there has been no traction, so it seems lonely." Li Zhenwu said.

You know, because of the exaggerated energy of the universe, the rules collapsed, so it was extremely desolate.

But now Li Zhenwu can recreate the world by using some means. He is a veritable creator, and the entire universe belongs to him alone.

In the depths of the virgin forest, the breath of nature is blowing towards the face, and the fragrant floral fragrance permeates everywhere, making people feel instantly happy.

This is the power of creation. Once the source power comes out, in this universe, Li Zhenwu has the final say.

Of course, the extent to which one can control the universe depends on one's own strength. Now Jinxian's cultivation base can only create life and condense the mysterious yellow of the universe.

If Dianfeng is restored, then the power of the entire universe can be mobilized, which is equivalent to the power of heaven.

This universe is closely related to Li Zhenwu, the two are inseparable, blending with each other, and even the origin has been integrated into the true spirit.

It can be said that a balance has been reached between the comers.

The stronger the self, the faster the universe evolves, and the stronger the creatures in it, and vice versa.

Just like when the real spirit was reborn, during that time, because of his weakness, the cultivating civilization in China immediately withered.

The green aura filled the air, the three of them stood facing each other, and the long-lost longing suddenly turned into a huore.


Xiaohua Xiaocao hugged Li Zhenwu, her beautiful eyes swirling with smoke, her little face was so red that water almost dripped.

In the primitive small world, waves of waves sounded, in the forest for a long time.

Chapter [-] Earthshaking, the gods return!

Ten years have passed.

For the era of all people cultivating Taoism, time is no longer important, and in people's eyes, it flows very slowly.

For some Earth powerhouses, it takes more than ten years to retreat once.

Huaxia Yanjing!

After the unification of the earth, the core members of Huaxia are still five members, representing the highest power center of Huaxia.

At this moment, Qin Nantian sat at the desk, staring solemnly at the document in his hand.

On the cover of the folder, a large line of characters is written: Sevia Regional Government of the African Republic of the Huaxia Dynasty.

Yes, after several years of integration, as well as planning with the original high-level countries, a more reasonable management method was finally obtained.

All countries are called ministers, and China is the celestial dynasty.

The rest of the administration remains the same, and the bridges between countries have not disappeared, but more Huaxia communicates in it.

Because the earth is so big, Huaxia doesn't have so much energy to manage it. After all, it is a prosperous world of cultivation, and everyone is desperately trying to find a way to evolve themselves.

Therefore, all the armies of various countries were withdrawn, leaving only the Chinese army stationed, and the police system and the like, most of the high-level 537 people are Chinese.

The achievements of scientific civilization on earth have also been concentrated, and the era of combining science and cultivation has gradually arrived.

"That indigenous place is really uncivilized. Every day there are big and small troubles. It's really speechless."

Putting down the document, Qin Nantian sighed.

The years left no traces on his face, but instead he was full of energy and his eyes were very sharp and soul-stirring.

Yes, the unified earth has not completely settled down.

There are also some secret forces, because in the past ten years, those cultivators who fought against God have not returned, and they have begun to have thoughts.

After all, in the face of power, no one can be calm.

However, those guys don't dare to mess around, they can only do things in a place where culture is not high in Africa, making small troubles and making people want to ignore them.

"Hey, the vision in the sky is still there. They also know that the cultivators will return sooner or later, but they are just unwilling." Qin Nantian shook his head, picked up the communicator, and issued an order to comfort him.

Those guys didn't dare to make a fuss, they just fanned the people, made a fuss, and it was disgusting.


At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and a middle-aged man crawled in with a look of panic on his face.

"What's so panic?"

Seeing the person coming, Qin Nantian frowned and scolded in a deep voice.

"Old Qin...Old man, something has changed in the sky!"

The last sentence, the middle-aged man almost shouted, his face flushed with excitement.

Changes in the sky?

Qin Nantian's eyes flashed, he got up and ran out, the speed of the wind was like an arrow, and he disappeared into the office in an instant.

At this time, over Yanjing, the huge star slowly revolved.

A splendid ray of light burst out from the stars, like a fairy light dancing wildly, reflecting the sky white.

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