When Qin Nantian walked out of the office building, on the street in the distance, countless pedestrians were raising their heads and talking.

"Are you going to return?" Qin Nantian's face flashed with anticipation.

Not only him, but the senior officials of Huaxia who stayed in Yanjing all came out and finally gathered in the former Yanjing Military Region, waiting for the return of the heroes who fought.

Because troops are needed for garrisoning everywhere, there are not many troops in China.

This military area is almost vacant, but the environment is still clean and elegant. This is what Huaxia executives know. If Li Zhenwu and others return, they will come back here again after all.

Moreover, this is also the place where the three hundred cultivators go, trust their feelings.

Qin Nantian and the other four big bosses have all arrived, and the rest of the dignitaries have gathered. Outside the military area, countless people are looking up.

At this time in Huaxia, security was very easy.

Because any crime cannot escape for ten minutes in the eyes of cultivators, the deterrent effect is overwhelming.

It is no exaggeration to say that the people surrounding the Yanjing Military Region stretched for ten miles like a wave.

Among the crowd, there are not only Chinese people, but also many foreigners who once lived in Yanjing.

It has been set up as a scenic spot to commemorate the original battle of the gods.


The big bell suspended above the military area shook at this time, making a shocking bell.

At this moment, the entire Yanjing, and even the whole world, was boiling.

All kinds of equipment took pictures, aimed at the sky, and transmitted the vision here to the world.


At this moment, a crack appeared in the sky, allowing people to clearly see the bright starry scene inside.

"It's about to appear!" Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked there nervously.

Gradually, in the splendid starlight, galloping figures appeared, densely packed, flying out of the cracks.

"Come out, the legendary three hundred cultivators!" someone shouted, weeping with excitement.

Counting carefully, there are exactly three hundred and three people, and, behind the cultivator, there are two blond men following.

"This is the cultivator fighting against the gods, such a powerful breath."

As soon as it appeared in the sky over China, a vast and boundless aura radiated out, containing a powerful force.

In the military area, Qin Nantian and other senior Chinese officials had moist eyes.

They saw familiar faces, their eyes were firm, and their whole body revealed a powerful momentum.

"We're finally back!"

Chu Tianjun opened his arms, took a deep breath, and felt the intimacy of this land, his pores opened, and he radiated divine light.

The rest of the people were also very excited and screamed.


Below, people were boiling, shouting loudly, with unprecedented excitement.

"Only us are out, the Prince and the others don't seem to be out yet." The blood family steward frowned.

"Of course, their fortunes are endless, at least it will take a few years!" Chu Tianjun said.

Immediately, a group of people fell from the sky and landed on the former training ground.

The senior officials of China's dignitaries gave warm applause, and they gave the greatest enthusiasm in welcoming the return of these soldiers.

Outside the military area, people cheered loudly and expressed their respect.

The [-]th Zhang quietly returned to prepare for the flood! (Second more)

When the cultivators returned, those unwilling forces settled down.

The earth has officially entered the Huaxia era. Now, in addition to basic knowledge, the school also teaches a major course, which is Taoism.

Scientists have studied the cultivation methods of Chu Tianjun and others, and finally adjusted a set of the most scientific cultivation system.

Begin in elementary school and progress gradually.

Only those with outstanding cultivation will have the opportunity to go to school, and hard work and talent are the same ~ equal.

I don't have enough talent, I can only practice hard, and don't let go of any time.

Moreover, under the control of the three hundred immortals, the world is safe and sound, and the security of all countries has been significantly improved.

Especially in Huaxia, the crime rate has almost reached the lower limit, and no one dares to commit crimes under the eyes of the fairy.

Moreover, the monastic civilization is now strong, and once the manufacturing industry is undergoing rapid transformation, all kinds of entertainment and industries are closely related to monasticism.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an era of entertainment and monasticism.

Compared with immersed in cultivation, the combination of work and rest in the mind can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

After another three years, the sky vision appeared again.

This time, three strong men appeared together, and the terrifying aura swept the earth, causing countless souls to tremble.

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