"Even, the age at which Zhenwu took the Chunin exam was several years younger than I was back then."

Kakashi retorted so, Iruka was in a cold sweat: "But Naruto is different from you, and Lord Zhenwu, 1.3 is even more incomparable!"

Iruka was concerned: "A genius like Lord Zhenwu, even since Konoha was established, has only appeared! And if the current Naruto takes the Chunin exam, I am afraid it will be a disaster rather than a blessing!"

"After all, the Chunin Exam is also called death!"

"Iruka-sensei, I understand what you mean." Kakashi interrupted Iruka's words: "I know, in your Chunin exam that year, there was a reason for Zhenwu, so the entire Chunin exam was Only a few people passed because they didn't take action against Zhenwu, and you are one of them."

"So it's not an exaggeration to think that the Chunin exam is difficult, but Naruto and the others are different from you!"

Chapter [-] Xiao Li! (fifth more)

In the end, because of Iruka's dissent, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi decided to 'preliminary' before the nine graduating Jinnin and superstar abnormal tests.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Zhenwu.

After Li Zhenwu left that street, he walked among the leaves.

The last time he was shopping in Konoha like this, Li Zhenwu was still a teenager, and now, he is still a teenager, but he has achieved adulthood 'early' through the transformation technique, so At this time, walking in Konoha felt quite different.

"Before, others couldn't raise their heads in front of me. Now I don't have to keep raising my head!" Li Zhenwu said silently in his heart.

Unconsciously, Li Zhenwu came to the bustling block of Konoha, and then saw a familiar flower shop.

Moreover, he also felt a familiar atmosphere from the flower shop.

Li Zhenwu's footsteps paused slightly, and the next moment, he went to the flower shop.

In the flower shop, a girl dressed in homely clothes came out of the flower shop just when Li Zhenwu arrived at the door of the flower shop.

The woman is curvaceous and has a beautiful face. The strange thing is that there are red marks on both sides of her cheeks.

"Long time no see, Hua." When Li Zhenwu and her were about to cross each other, Li Zhenwu said in a low voice with a chuckle.

"You are..." Inuzuka Hana stopped and looked at Li Zhenwu.

The black hair is slightly raised, the black and white eyes are full of light, and the tall and straight body seems to contain extremely strong power when you look closely, and the facial features give Inuzuka a strong sense of familiarity.

For a second, Inuzuka Hana thought hard, but felt familiar.

For two seconds, Inuzuka Hana suddenly thought of something.

For three seconds, Inuzuka looked at Li Zhenwu carefully.

For four seconds, two points of excitement, excitement, and disbelief appeared on Inuzuka Hana's face.

In the fifth second, Inuzuka couldn't help but whispered a name.

"True martial arts????!!"

However, Inuzuka Hana's tone contained a hint of disbelief.

And Li Zhenwu, nodded lightly in agreement and affirmed her words.

"It's really you!" Now, Inuzuka Hana was only excited and joyful: "You're back!"

"Let's find a place to talk." Li Zhenwu said to her, because at the moment, they were still outside the flower shop of Ino's family.

A clearing in the corner of a small wood in Konoha, next to the swing.

Li Zhenwu and Inuzuka Hana came here.

"You've changed so much." Inuzuka Hua exclaimed, Li Zhenwu's change was so great that she almost didn't recognize it.

"But you still recognize it with two eyes." Li Zhenwu smiled.

"The main thing is that you called my name, otherwise, I might just walk over." Inuzuka Hana sighed, and then continued to ask: "Have you...returned to Konoha? Why are you dressed like this?"

"It's a long story, sit down and talk slowly." Li Zhenwu sighed softly, then sat on the swing.

Afterwards, Inuzuka Hana sat side by side with him on the double swing, and Li Zhenwu began to pick and choose to tell Inuzuka Hana some recent things about him.

"What, you built a ninja village?" During the conversation, Inuzuka Hua couldn't help but be surprised because General Li Zhen told her something.

"Yes, it's called the Ninja Village." Li Zhenwu said, these things will not be secret in the future, so Li Zhenwu has no intention of keeping it secret.

Otherwise, he would simply change his name, and communicate with Bai and the other three in advance, so that his identity would be perfectly hidden.

However, Li Zhenwu did not do that.

He chatted with Inuzuka for a long time, and also learned about Inuzuka's current situation.

At this time, Inuzuka Hana had turned into a medical ninja a few years ago, staying in the village and living a comfortable and quiet life.

"It's really changed a lot."

Li Zhenwu sighed slightly: "The current Konoha is very peaceful."

"In the beginning, it was all thanks to you." Inuzuka Hua said softly.


Li Zhenwu sighed, because under the so-called calm of Konoha, there has actually been a new round of undercurrents, and he is already in the prelude to the precariousness, the last calm before the storm.

However, because of this, Li Zhenwu chose to return to Konoha at this time.

With Inuzuka Hana, they chatted very late before they dispersed.

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