However, before parting, Li Zhenwu also talked to Inuzuka Hua a little, not to make his news public for the time being.

Because Li Zhenwu still wants to watch quietly, waiting for those behind the scenes to surface, make a sharp decision to let Konoha get through this crisis.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Konoha's chunin selection test has begun.

All candidates need to go to the second floor for the first round of written test.

Naruto was full of energy and entered the building where the test venue 967 was located with his partner.

During this process, there were also many other candidates among them, and he saw the familiar trio of Takumi Village.

"Hi, Shiro!" Naruto greeted and called Shiro, whom he was most familiar with.

Bai smiled and took Ranmaru and Junmalu into the exam venue with Naruto.

However, they came to the second floor, and before they entered the exam room, they saw a ninja being beaten out.

"I also want to take the Chunin exam." The beating ninja laughed.

Naruto had come to the forefront and saw the ninja who was knocked to the ground.

Green tights, watermelon rind hair, and thick eyebrows.

"Hey, Xiao Li, when are you so weak!" Naruto couldn't help shouting as he looked at the ninja who was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"You look like this, it's too shameful for Zhenwu!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Luo, who was originally in a state of embarrassment, with scars all over his body, blue nose, blue face, and swollen face on the ground, immediately jumped up, very healthy and full of energy.

"Hey, Naruto, don't talk nonsense, why did I lose my cousin's face!"

(I haven't slept before [-] o'clock for many days, I went to bed early today, and the first chapter update will start after [-] o'clock.)

Chapter [-]: Li Locke's Cousin (First Update)

Naruto walked to the front, saw the man who was beaten out of the room, and immediately shouted, and the man on the ground who had just had a bruised face and a green tights jumped up immediately, looking extremely healthy.

"Hey Naruto, don't talk nonsense, how did I lose my cousin's face!"

Li Locke shouted, unwilling to accept Naruto's words.

Others also saw that he was tired. Li Locke, who had been sluggish just now and was beaten, was completely healed at this moment. The scars on his body were gone, and he was full of anger.

Sasuke sneered, looked at the door, and found something tricky.

"Sakura, you can see it too." Sasuke asked Sakura without turning his head.

"Yeah." Sakura nodded, then asked Naruto curiously: "Naruto, who is this thick eyebrow?"

"Hehe." Naruto showed a big smile, pointed to Li Luo and said, "This is Li Luo, also called Xiao Li."

"It's strange, Naruto, you have friends." Sakura muttered.

"Xiao Li, why did you expose yourself so quickly?" Suddenly, out of the crowd, came out a ninja in off-white clothing, wearing a forehead guard, and strange eyes with white pupils, "It's not that you said you wanted to hide your strength. , a little more low-key?"

Li Locke glanced at the ninja and said with some dissatisfaction: "Isn't I recognized? If I continue to pretend, I will embarrass my cousin."

"Hmph." The white-eyed ninja snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Yeah, Xiao Li, what are you doing here?" Naruto was a little happy to see Li Locke, because he hadn't seen him for a long time, and now seeing him here, he couldn't help asking.

"As Konoha's strongest ninja, of course, I have come to take the Chunin selection test." Li Locke shook his head and grinned, showing his white teeth, and said enthusiastically.

"Hey, Konoha is the strongest, it should be me, Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto disagreed.

"Two idiots."

Sasuke looked at the two of them from the side, and habitually laughed coldly, but this time he also brought Li Lock in.

"Oh." Li Locke put away his smile, turned his head and saw Sasuke.

"Is this the most powerful ninja Sasuke Uchiha this year?"

After Li Locke finished speaking, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of Sasuke, looked him up and down, and then said, "Isn't that the case?"

"So fast!" Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly, shocked in his heart.

The unremarkable Li Luo just flashed, and the whole person appeared in front of him. He couldn't even see clearly!

"But as Naruto's partner, by comparison, you are strong enough." Li Locke looked at Sasuke, nodded and said.

"Hey! What do you mean, Xiao Li!" Naruto shouted in disbelief, thinking that Li Locke was belittling himself, and was a little angry: "You underestimate me too!"

Having said that, Naruto has already stretched out his hand and rushed forward to attack him: "Let you see how good I am!"

Then, Li Luo stood quietly, but when Naruto's fist was about to reach him, he suddenly shot.


Li Luo's 'pecking' hit the back of Naruto's hand, causing Naruto to lose his balance immediately.

But at the next moment, Naruto had already supported the ground with one hand and wanted to jump up again.

"Konoha Gale!" Li Locke snorted softly, and he had already swept his legs briefly, and suddenly made Naruto lose his balance again.

Not only that, the unbalanced Naruto's body couldn't help but go backwards, and then hit the wall.

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