"Hey, fainted?" Li Locke was surprised. He didn't expect it to be so coincidental. His attack would not make Naruto faint, but Naruto slammed into the wall.

"It's amazing!" Sakura and Sasuke were both shocked.

"I didn't expect Naruto to faint so quickly, do you want to compete with me?" Li Locke slightly put on a starting gesture: "But first make it clear that you will never be my opponent, because in the current situation In Konoha Shimonin, I am the strongest!"

There was a touch of confidence in Li Locke's tone.

In Sasuke's mind, he recalled the scene of Li Locke defeating Naruto with lightning speed just now, and he had to admit that Li Locke was indeed very strong.

However, Sasuke does not think that he will be inferior, not to mention the pride and pride of being Uchiha.

So Sasuke nodded and smiled coldly: "Interesting, let's learn from each other."

At this moment, Shiro and Ranmaru and Junmalu, who were standing aside, were talking in low voices.

"This Li Locke's physique is very good!" Junma Lu said.

"Indeed." Ranmaru nodded: "He should be a pure body ninja, but he is quite suitable for our body ninja village."

On the other hand, Bai was thoughtful, keenly aware of the key words in the conversation between Li Locke and Naruto just now.

"Zhenwu." "Cousin."

Bai whispered these key words, then looked at Li Locke's face carefully, and found something incredible.

"This Li Luo... is actually somewhat similar to Lord Zhenwu!" Bai Suran: "Could it be that Li Luo is Lord Zhenwu's cousin?"

Bai thought of such a possibility, but he couldn't be sure, because although Li Locke's strength was strong, he was still a stubborn man. Compared with 'Master Zhenwu'... his strength was a bit weaker.

Bai kept this guess in his heart, and only waited for a chance to verify it again.

On the other hand, Li Locke and Sasuke are already fighting!

Sasuke had already sprinted to Li Locke's side, but just after throwing his fist, Li Locke had already flickered and disappeared in place.

"It's gone!" Sasuke just reacted when he saw a green figure in the corner of his eyes.

"The Konoha Whirlwind!" Li Locke rotated his body in the air, and a swinging leg had already fallen down.

Baihe Ranmaru and Junma Lu looked at each other, and both saw the same thoughts as themselves from the other's eyes.

"This Konoha Whirlwind is too similar to their Turtle Immortal Whirlwind!"

Chapter [-]: The Theory of Genius! (Second more)

Bai and Ranmaru, as well as the threesome of the body ninja village of Junma Lu, looked at each other and found that the other party should be the same as he thought.

The Konoha Whirlwind used by Li Lok is actually too similar to the 'Turtle Immortal Whirlwind' in their body ninja village.

They seem to have found something amazing.

"It should be in Konoha to learn about the identity of Lord Zhenwu here before." Bai made a plan in the dark.

On the other side, the battle between Sasuke and Li Locke was already very heated.

But in general, it was Li Rock who was hanging and beating Sasuke.

Li Locke's physical skills made Sasuke have no room to react, and he was already knocked to the ground.

"Damn it!" Sasuke got up from the ground, his pupils flashed suddenly, the writing wheel has been opened, and the two gouyu are spinning.

"Under Sharinjian, whether it's ninjutsu or illusion, I will see through." After opening Sharinjian, Sasuke gained confidence and wanted to rush forward again.

"Is this the famous Sharinyan, it's useless." Before Sasuke arrived, Li Locke shook his head and said.

When Sasuke was already in front of him, Li Locke shot 107.

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

"Bang!" A big sole kicked Sasuke's face, kicking him away again.

"Why, why!" Sasuke was dumbfounded. He clearly saw Li Locke's movements with his Shaker, but he was still beaten.

"Even if you can see through Ninjutsu, Illusion, and Taijutsu with your Shaker's Eyes, it's the same for me, because my Taijutsu is approaching the point where even if you can see clearly, your body won't respond."

"This is the ultimate power of physique." Li Locke said.

"Yes, the concept is quite similar to our body and ninja village." Bai and the others nodded in agreement, because the concept that Li Zhenwu passed on to them was sometimes simple and crude.

"The body is strong enough, no matter what technique he does, just punch him." Li Zhenwu once said to them.

Sasuke refused to accept it and rushed forward again.

Bang bang bang!

Consecutively, Sasuke was attacked by Li Locke.

"Little Li, that's enough."

On one side of the corner, a big tortoise appeared and scolded Li Locke.

Li Luo immediately listened obediently, and instead went to accept the reprimand of the big turtle.

"This is... a ninja?"

Naruto woke up at the moment, saw the embarrassed Sasuke, and couldn't help but stand up: "Little Li, let's fight again! I just showed my strength."

"No, you are not my opponent now." Li Luo shook his head: "Among Konoha's Shinobi in front of Konoha, there is only one person who can barely compete with me."

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