What absurd fact is this?

"Yes, it has indeed been swallowed. I can feel that this chaotic creature is not lying." Li Zhenwu said solemnly.

In fact, in 747, he got more important information from the information transmitted by the time and space centipede, which subverted his previous cognition.

It turned out that every chaotic creature has the way of heaven in its body.

In chaos, there are countless ways of heaven, which is the innate talent of every chaotic creature.

However, although he possesses the Dao of Heaven, he is also the weakest Dao of Heaven.

Only the stronger the evolution of the living being, the more mature the Heavenly Dao in the body, and at that time, the world can be opened up and become the master of it.

This time-space centipede has lived in chaos for many years and has seen countless worlds.

The so-called abyss demon is one of them, called the abyss. The demon is a failed creature in that world, and it is constructed from a negative energy.

I have to say that this news is an eye-opener for Li Zhenwu.

But it can also explain clearly the origin of Honghuang and the initial universe he has.

God Pangu, the most heaven-defying existence in the absolute chaotic world, has opened up a perfect world with independent rules.

Although the original universe owned by Li Zhenwu was not extraordinary, it was not comparable to the Great Desolation.

"It turns out that the vast chaos is really amazing!"

After digesting the information about the time-space centipede, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh.

Chapter 1 Crazy Devouring! ([-])

Vast chaos, boundless, no life can know the vastness.

The creatures that are born are even more numerous.

But because it is too vast and vast, the illusion given to the prehistoric saints and Li Zhenwu will think that the original chaotic starry sky is only the prehistoric world.

In fact, the chaotic starry sky is like the home universe.

The prehistoric world is only analogous to the existence of the earth, and no matter how vast the distance is, there are endless chaotic celestial bodies and worlds.

However, without a certain strength, if you want to look for other worlds, you will undoubtedly be talking in your dreams.

Just like on Earth, when human civilization has developed to modern times, it can only use technology to fly out of the solar system.

As for things beyond light-years, all cognition is learned from astronomical instruments.

"It seems that after the saints were exiled by me, they seemed to encounter existences in other worlds." Li Zhenwu raised his mouth and sneered in his heart.

Abyss Demon is the best proof.

However, the time and space centipede in front of him has limited knowledge. It is only the strength of the Daluo Jinxian Peak and the peak. It does not dare to enter other worlds, but just drifts by.

This place was originally its territory. When he went out to look for prey, countless creatures happened when he came back.

For the chaotic creatures that devour all things and strengthen themselves, naturally they will not let go of the delicacy of the abyss demon.


Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the space-time centipede under his feet.

According to what this creature said, any creature born from chaos has the Tao of Heaven in its body, which is the source of the evolution of rules, which is quite the same as the singularity of the universe.

When one's own strength becomes stronger, it can guide the singularity, thereby deriving its own universe.

In the chaos, the existence of the universe world is called the master, the realm is above the saint, the heaven is the same, and it is called the world realm.

And Li Zhenwu now belongs to the world.

It's just that his cultivation base is not high, and from the outside, he looks really weak.

"The Dao of Heaven? I don't know what the Dao of Heaven contained in these creatures is like compared with the ancestors of the Great Desolate Dao."

The information of the time-space centipede aroused Li Zhenwu's curiosity, and his murderous aura immediately filled him.

woo woo woo...

Seemingly sensing Li Zhenwu's murderous aura, the space-time centipede hurriedly begged and let out endless screams.

"Let me go?" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and said softly, "If my strength is not good, will you let me go?"

While speaking, he made a bold move, his fingertips gently swiped from the head of the time-space centipede, and the chaotic sword energy burst out, extremely sharp, and directly slashed at the head of the time-space centipede.


Black blood splattered, and wisps of mysterious chaotic aura overflowed from his body.

At the fracture, where the black blood was submerged, a faint ray of light was projected.


Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, he raised his hand in the air, and caught this mysterious chaotic light group in his hand.

This is the way of heaven!

There is no will, only a vague instinct, exuding a mysterious breath.

Under the in-depth induction of the mind, I can clearly sense that the rules of the Dao are being nurtured within the light group.

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