"It's amazing, to be able to breed the rules of the Dao by itself, it is indeed a talent at the level of heaven." Li Zhenwu was amazed.

Chaos creatures have very unique talents, unlike the primordial creatures, they need to comprehend by themselves.

Because they have the Tao of Heaven, the stronger the strength, the Tao of Heaven will naturally evolve various rules, and eventually form a real universe.

"If I swallow it, can the origin universe grow?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu came up with a crazy idea, and his eyes became blazing.

Beside him, Emperor Bai Shaohao was sluggish. Unexpectedly, a chaotic creature that ravaged the Great Desolation would just fall into the hands of Li Zhenwu. It was beyond imagination.

Seeing Li Zhenwu's excited expression at this time, he couldn't help asking weakly, "Patriarch, what should we do now?"

You must know that the demons who were ambush here countless years ago disappeared, and even the time and space centipedes were beheaded. On the way back, it seemed that it suddenly became safer.

Li Zhenwu came to his senses slightly, turned his head to look at Shaohao, and smiled lightly: "No hurry, I need to verify some things, you wait for me here."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Shaohao to react, he flickered and disappeared in place.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the land of space-time centipedes, Li Zhenwu's figure appeared out of thin air, holding a ball of light in his hand, and landed on the chaotic desert.

"The way of heaven in the body of chaotic creatures, I don't know what effect it has on me!"

Looking down at the Tiandao light group, Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, and immediately no longer hesitated, his eyebrows shone.


A green lotus appeared, swaying in the chaos, full of simple and unspeakable rhythm.

"According to what the space-time centipede said, the green lotus in my eyebrows is also a kind of heaven. How does it compare with the one in my hand?"

Li Zhenwu lowered his head and looked at the hazy light in his hand, his eyes full of anticipation.

Immediately afterwards, the green lotus between the eyebrows manifested, swaying and swaying, and the complicated and mysterious Dao rhyme was like a rain of light, drowning the hazy light group.

Both are a kind of Heavenly Dao, and after they began to push each other out, they gradually merged.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu felt that his soul was sublimating, and he instantly entered a state of epiphany when he realized the comprehension of Hunyuan Dao.

Many bitter Dao rhymes in the past were deduced almost instantly for him at this time.

Moreover, the green lotus swayed and became even more verdant, as crystal clear as jade.

At the same time, in the original universe, a drastic change is taking place.

The vast and boundless universe shook suddenly, and countless creatures turned pale with panic. Even Su Xiaoli and Ying Zheng felt their hearts throb.

However, this vision soon disappeared.

Instead, it is an unprecedented comfort, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, permeating the entire universe, covering a wide range, beyond the previous imagination.

Evolution, super fast evolution!

Countless creatures in the universe have evolved at a super-high speed overnight.

Especially the [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, they have the deepest insight. Many people who have reached the bottleneck feel that their realm is loosening, as if there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

Chapter 2 The Way of Evolution! ([-])

The chaotic desert is dead and desolate.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the void, his treasured image was solemn, and his whole body was full of green luster.

At the center of the eyebrows, the green lotus is swaying, the lotus leaves are crystal green, and in the center, there is a white dot, which is a flower bud.

After absorbing the heavenly energy of the space-time centipede, Qinglian is growing, and the resulting universe is also evolving.

"So it turns out, it seems that the Heavenly Dao contained in the chaotic creatures is a piece of avenue fragment. After swallowing enough energy, these avenue fragments are like seeds sprouting, and finally a complete world is derived."

Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes bright and full of surprise.

You must know that his way of true martial arts also devours all kinds of energy and eventually transforms it into his own way.

This is similar to the way of heaven, but with more advantages.

Because, the ultimate form of Heaven's Dao is only the world in Hunyuan Dao.

And the road that Li Zhenwu wants to take is to surpass the Hunyuan Dao and achieve his own path.

This is a road that has never been seen before and never followed.

Just like the creation lotus seed, the origin of the universe, after finally merging with him, it still grows according to the way of true martial arts.

This is the difference.

He walks his own path, and the chaotic creatures walk is the way of heaven under Hunyuan Avenue 553. The two are similar, but not the same.

After all, even Daozu Hongjun, after integrating the prehistoric way of heaven, could not escape.

It is conceivable that the way of true martial arts is definitely an advanced road, and no one can tell the future achievements.

"In the abyss world, it seems that the saints are living in the chaotic starry sky and betrayed the prehistoric world. I don't know how strong the master of that world is?"

Li Zhenwu stood up, his eyes were deep, and fighting intent rose in his heart.

However, there is no time to pay attention to each other now, the prehistoric world is in danger, there are people and things he cares about, and he has to rush back as soon as possible.

After all, even if Li Zhenwu didn't look for the other party, according to the hatred of the saints for him, he would let the ruler of the abyss come to him.

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