"Zhenyuan Daxian?"

Xuanyuan and the others were originally pleasantly surprised, but seeing this scene, they couldn't help but feel astonished in their hearts.

How sacred is this strange man?

Even the defense of the innate treasure book can't withstand a single blow, how terrifying is this?

"Xiantian Lingbao? It's a pity that it falls into the hands of you natives, and it can't even exert [-]% of its power." The golden man laughed and shot again.

There is no extra words, just kill them directly, and don't bother to talk nonsense with Wu Chao and others.

In the eyes of the visitor, it is really like an ant.


The void vibrated, the space rippled, lightning and flames intertwined, and the sky was extremely terrifying.

"Do you natives still have the strength to resist?"

The golden-body man looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, spreading his five fingers, holding all the energy of the vision of heaven and earth in his palm, forming a splendid ball of light.

Immediately afterwards, the ball of light smashed down Mount Tai, containing terrifying energy, like a gust of wind, sweeping across the world for thousands of miles.


Zhen Yuanzi vomited blood, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and he had a ruthless energy. He used the book of the earth again, using his last strength, to cover all the creatures on the ground thousands of miles away.


The power of the light ball is terrifying, like a stormy sea, sweeping the flood.

Bang!The transpiring yellow cloud of the book broke in an instant, and finally shattered with a bang.

Zhen Yuanzi vomited blood again, his face was pale and bloodless, reaching the limit.

The rest of Wu Chao and the others did not sit still, and directly used the Lingbao weapons in their hands to counter the terrifying power of the light ball.

bang bang bang...

The energy exploded, Mount Tai was destroyed, and dozens of quasi-sages of the Wu Dynasty were seriously injured and embarrassed.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, they woke up with disbelief in their eyes.

From the breath of the golden man, they sensed that they were not saints, but they were too subversive.

He is not a saint, but in the face of a group of quasi-sages, he can suppress them with a single finger. What kind of terrifying strength is this?

"Haha, a group of unique natives, wasting this beautiful world is simply a sin." The golden man sneered, and seemed to have regarded Honghuang as his personal belongings.

This attitude is extremely arrogant and arrogant to the extreme.

He shot again, too lazy to talk nonsense, and disgusted these wild natives to the extreme.


At this moment, a sword cry resounded through the sky like dragons and tigers, echoing in the prehistoric sky.

The next moment, the sword qi shot into the sky.

Above the sky, a simple and unpretentious fairy sword descended from the sky, and with a bang, it was inserted in front of the golden man.

Chapter 2 Zhuxian! ([-])

The immortal sword is simple and unpretentious, even covered with dust, and the blade has broken a few gaps, which looks very shabby.

However, when this immortal sword fell, the radius of thousands of miles, and even the entire prehistoric world, whether Lingshan or Heavenly Court, all fell silent.

A wisp of familiar and unfamiliar aura once again stirred the flood and frightened the souls of countless creatures.

Saint breath?

The immortal sword fell, and the majestic momentum burst out, surpassing previous cognition, and shocked many great supernatural powers in Honghuang.

"Saint? The Master Tongtian has returned, and the Immortal Execution Sword has come. This is the best proof."

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Haotian Jade Emperor was furious, and waved all the items on the white jade table to the ground.

His face was flushed red, the white jade crown on the top of his head was messy, his temples were instantly gray, and the whole person was like a dead tree, falling into a dead silence.

Return of the Saints!Representing the countless years of planning of Heavenly Court, it has completely lost its effect.


A group of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas recited scriptures, and bursts of Sanskrit sound echoed, resounding through the sky.

At the top of Lingshan Mountain, Duo 553 Bao Rulai's complexion suddenly changed, and the dazzling eyes contained incredible.

"The saint is back!" He folded his hands together and whispered.

When the voice fell, Lingshan's Sanskrit chanting stopped and fell into a dead silence.

"Anita Buddha!"

The Treasure Tathagata looks solemn, holding the orchid finger in his hand, and the endless Buddha light shoots from the fingertips.

In an instant, the entire Lingshan shrank sharply, turned into dust, fell into his palm, and disappeared into the prehistoric world.

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