
Flames poured out of the sky, a round of scorching sun fell, and it turned into a golden crow of ten thousand feet.

The return of the saint means that the plan of conspiracy for eternity has been traversed, and there is no possibility of success.

"The return of the leader is approaching, so don't worry about it!"

The many treasures of the Tathagata are solemn, and the Buddha's light flows on the surface, reflecting the heaven and the earth, and is not afraid.

No one would have imagined that the integration of various clans under Zhenwu Sect could withstand the crushing of hundreds of millions of Buddhist sons in Lingshan, which delayed the original plan for countless years.

Fortunately, Lingshan is not without harvest.

At least he controls the six reincarnations of the Netherworld, and firmly holds the reincarnation of all living beings in his hands.

"Hmph, I'm afraid that the Heaven-reaching Saint will take action against us ants." The three-legged Golden Crow is huge and boundless, as if the sun has descended on the great wilderness, dazzling and dazzling.

"Buddha Anita, we are not disrespectful to saints, but how could the saints of Tongtian surrender themselves and pay too much attention to us?" Duobao Tathagata folded his hands together, and said neither sad nor happy.

This statement is indeed reasonable, even a saint cannot arbitrarily kill the living beings in the wild.

You can plan for eternity, so you can use cause and effect to calculate, but you can't do it yourself, and take action on the creatures under the saint.


At this moment, the entire prehistoric world was boiling.

The living beings between heaven and earth, the souls gave birth to induction, all turned to look at Mount Tai, where a shocking killing intent erupted, sweeping the entire prehistoric world.

Mount Tai collapsed, boulders collapsed, and the ground tent was a mess. The people of the Wu Dynasty could not bear the pressure and were shaken to the ground.

The ground was mottled with blood, and the devastating power caused everyone to be seriously injured and the corners of their mouths bleed.

"This is?"

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword, Huang Di stood up from the ground staggeringly, his footsteps were vain, and he had reached his own limit.

In the distance, the man with golden body was six feet tall, with eyes like golden lamps, wide mouth and fangs, slightly hideous. His body was shining brightly, and wisps of terrifying aura permeated from his body, shocking the souls of all beings.

However, facing the Immortal Execution Sword that was inserted into the ground under his feet, he did not dare to take half a step.

"Is the teacher back?" The former disciple who intercepted the teaching had already burst into tears in three nights, and wept with joy.

Everyone in the Wu Dynasty was stunned and felt like a dream.

The saints have passed away with Li Zhenwu for countless years, and they never thought that they would appear in front of them at this time, which is really surprising and happy.

Zhen Yuanzi spat out a mouthful of blood, and a relieved smile appeared on his pale face.

"I've finally protected them, Li Zhenwu, I hope your words will count." He whispered to himself, his heart trembled, and his desire for the honor of a saint could hardly be concealed.

At this time, everyone in the Wu Dynasty was in a state of surprise.

For Zhen Yuanzi's arrival, he couldn't take it into account, and he didn't want to pay attention to the inside story.

Now, countless pairs of eyes are staring at the feet of the golden man who is going, and they are gasping for breath.

"Baby Tongtian, just because you want to stop me?"

The golden man roared in the sky, his face full of anger, the sage of the Great Desolation who used to be like a bereaved dog under his hands, now dares to humiliate him like this, it is really unbearable.


The majestic momentum erupted, and the dust rose to the sky.

The golden man moved sideways at a high speed, dodging the Immortal Execution Sword.

As the messenger of the Lord of Destruction, he has an arrogance that all living beings cannot understand, and he is still strong in the face of the interference of the Tongtian Cult Master.

call out!

However, just as he lifted his footsteps, there was a whistling from the sky, and another fierce sword fell from the sky.


The fairy sword fell on the right side of the golden man, the body of the sword did not sink into the ground, and only the hilt was left.

At the same time, endless killing intent was transmitted from the two immortal swords, resonating with each other, and the supreme killing intent swept the world.


The figure of the alien saint stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, his face became more and more hideous, and he stared at the Slaughtering Sword in front of him.

Since the arrival of the saint Daoji, he is not a saint in the true sense now, and he is quite afraid of the first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao, which is famous in the prehistoric world.

After all, the sect master of Tongtian escaped from the chaos, and he was able to persist until he returned to the prehistoric times.

"Little Huangkou, if you dare to humiliate me, then I will let you see it. In front of me, you saints of the prehistoric wilderness can be destroyed with a flip of your hand." Climb to the extreme.


The next moment, the alien saint turned into a stream of light and rushed out again, like a golden lightning flashing away in the void.

At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and spewed out a cloud of pitch-black mist, which quickly filled the void and swept towards the crowd of Mount Tai in the distance, making a dull buzzing sound.

Chapter 1 Sword Formation! ([-])

The pitch-black mist, composed of countless humanoid bones, swelled in the void after breaking away from the alien saint, turning into a monster with a huge mountain, ferocious fangs, and an evil aura flashed all over his body.

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