They found a nurse and asked him to take him to Li Locke's ward.

And on the way, I heard the nurse's words.

"Li Locke...'s body is overdrawn and the injuries he suffered are too great. It is possible that in the future... he will no longer be able to be a ninja."

The two of them were very sad when they heard the words, because before the qualifiers, Li Locke was young, enthusiastic, and vigorous. He just relied on physical skills to easily pass the second level, but he encountered strong against them. Let's talk about some perverted Gaara.

"He must have been under a lot of pressure... As that person's cousin, but he himself has worked hard and has almost no talent..."

Haruno Sakura thought lightly in her heart.

When the two came out of Li Locke's ward, they found that there was already a person in Li Locke's ward, and he was a familiar person from the back.

"Master Zhenwu of the Body Ninja Village?" Haruno Sakura was surprised, but because there was someone in the ward, she and Yamanaka Ino deliberately waited outside instead of going in immediately.

Before dawn, Li Locke had already woken up from his coma, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.

Before yesterday, he was still full of self-confidence, thinking that he had been practicing hard for many years, even if he had no talent in ninjutsu, but he was no weaker than anyone in taijutsu, he could easily pass the chunin selection test, and then slowly Looking at his cousin, the legend among the leaves.

But in a qualifier, he was defeated by Gaara.

Not only that, because of his overloaded use of the forbidden technique 'Eight Gates Dunjia', his body is on the verge of collapse. Now he is lying on the hospital bed, and he already feels that it is very difficult to move.

"I actually lost." There was still a great loss in Li Luo's heart. He completely lost to Gaara's hands, which made him feel bad at the moment.

"Compared to my cousin, am I that much worse?" Li Locke was depressed. Since he went to ninja school, he was also laughed at by his classmates because he couldn't use ninjutsu, but in order to make himself closer to himself Cousin, Lee Locke worked very hard.

After years of exercising like a day, I have worked so hard on my hands that they are all scars, which can only be covered with bandages wrapped around them.

And in exchange, it is also a strong strength, even if it is the same team, from the Hyuga family, the genius of the Hyuga family with 'white eyes' is not his opponent.

But he still lost.

Li Luo took a deep breath and forcibly controlled his body so that he could get up from the hospital bed.

"Today's exercise task, [-] push-ups! If you can't complete it, as punishment, do another [-] single-leg squats to get up!"

Li Luo gritted his teeth, and with his strong willpower, his rusty body slowly moved.

Li Locke, who had just forced himself out of bed, suddenly found footsteps coming from outside the door, and then the door of his ward was pushed open.

Li Locke looked up and saw the person entering the ward. It was a little strange, but vaguely, but still interesting and familiar.

"who are you?"

Li Locke asked.

Li Luo looked at this man, wearing a simple attire and a cloak, his black hair stood up slightly, and he wore a forehead. The pattern on the forehead was a simple human figure composed of passing lines.

Li Locke thought about it seriously, and found that he didn't know the person in front of him except that the symbol on the ninja's forehead guard was the symbol of body ninja that shined yesterday, so how could he come to the ward to see What about your own?

"Is it the wrong way?" Li Locke thought to himself.

"I remember, you still have a fairy bean, why don't you eat it, the effect of the fairy bean, but at this time, your body can recover." Li Luo heard the person in the body ninja village in front of him say.

"Xiandou?" Li Locke instantly thought of something that his cousin had solemnly handed over to him, so that he could always carry something that he could eat in a crisis.

But how did this man in front of him know?

So Li Locke asked in surprise: "How do you know..."

Chapter [-] Night Party! (Second more)

"How do you know..." Li Locke wanted to ask how the other party knew that he owned fairy beans, because as far as she knew, no one else knew about him except his uncle, aunt and cousin. .

"I gave you immortal beans just for you to eat at this time." Li Zhenwu, who had turned into his adult appearance, smiled slightly, and answered Li Locke's question from the other side.

"Are you..." Li Luo was stunned for a moment, looked at it blankly, and then suddenly asked a little suspiciously and tentatively: "True martial arts?"

Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded lightly: "You finally recognized it."

As he said that, Li Zhenwu's body suddenly turned to one side and changed back to his original appearance, which also made Li Luo see clearly.

"Cousin! It's really you!" Li Locke saw Li Zhenwu's appearance clearly, and couldn't help being a little excited.

"It's me." Li Zhenwu shook slightly and changed back to his adult appearance.

Li Locke's excitement subsided, but instead he was curious: "Cousin, why did you become like this, and... how come you belong to the body ninja village?"

"It's a long story." Li Zhenwu didn't answer immediately, but took out a fairy bean from the system space and handed it to Li Locke.

"Eat it."

Without much hesitation, Li Luo recognized that Li Zhenwu had just taken it out, just like the fairy bean he had kept for many years, so he swallowed it.

Just swallowed it, just for a moment, Li Locke felt that his state was full!

The pain in the body is gone!The jerky body has disappeared!Even, an extremely healthy feeling clearly reminded him that his body was all healed.

Li Luo was surprised and moved his arms, as flexible as the wind.

He untied the bandage on his hand and found that the calluses and scars on his hand had all disappeared, replaced by healthy and tender skin like a newborn!

"This, this..." Li Locke felt very magical and incredible.

"The role of the fairy bean is that no matter what kind of injury you have, or how big the trumpet is, you only need one to fully recover to the best state." Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and explained: "It is the use of At this time, although you almost collapsed because of the use of the Eight Gates Dunjia, you can fully recover as long as you have one immortal bean and one breath."

After listening to Li Zhenwu's explanation, Li Locke couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is an extra life!"

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