"Almost." Li Zhenwu nodded.

"Cousin, where have you been all these years, and why are you like this now? And it's still individual tolerance?" After talking about the topic of Xiandou, Li Luo still asked these topics that he was very concerned about...

Li Zhenwu smiled softly, "Because I founded the Ninja Village, so I am like this."

"What??!" Li Locke was shocked and stunned.

"That's a long story."

Li Zhenwu patted Li Locke on the shoulder, and then eloquently said something that he could let Li Locke know.

While talking, Li Zhenwu felt the arrival of Chunye Sakura and Yamanaka Ino through his breath, so he stopped temporarily, the sword conversation ended, and he was about to leave, but he also explained that Li Locke would keep these things a secret for the time being.

In the end, Li Zhenwu looked at him, Li Locke, and left a sentence: "Tonight, find me in the forest of death."

After leaving this sentence, Li Zhenwu had already walked out of the ward.

When leaving the ward, Li Zhenwu and Sakura Ino were face to face. Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded as a greeting, and then left the hospital on his own.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino walked into Li Locke's ward a little strangely, but they just went in and saw Li Locke, but they opened their mouths slightly.

"Little, little, little Li."

Their expressions were like hell.

Because when I followed the nurse to Li Locke's ward just now, the nurse had already clearly stated that Xiao Li's body was almost disabled, and there was no possibility of being a ninja in the future, which made the two of them sigh and feel sad, but in a blink of an eye, they What you see is not the same.

Xiao Li in front of him is clearly alive and well, and he is very healthy!

Even, the spirit and spirit expressed are an energetic and healthy person!

The two of them stammered like hell: "You, you, how are you..."

Seeing Li Locke, who was moving his body alive, they were speechless.

"Well, I'm already fine." Li Locke nodded and said, he was as comfortable as Li Zhenwu just now, and didn't tell the real reason, but made an excuse and was ready to prevaricate it.

"But, but, but the nurse said that your body is already..." They couldn't help but wonder if what the nurse said just now was wrong.

"My body is fine." Li Locke explained: "It's just because of the use of forbidden techniques, it will cause the illusion of serious injury, but after a period of time, it will recover."

"And don't look at me like this now. In fact, the internal injuries are not yet healed, and it takes a long time to cultivate!"

Li Luo was serious, and after Li Zhenwu's explanation to him, he was able to say these words without changing his face.

"Is that so?" They were skeptical.

"That's it." Li Locke nodded affirmatively, and then revealed a big bright smile: "Thank you for coming to see me."

At night, it was completely dark.

In Konoha's hospital, Li Locke's green figure suddenly sneaked out from here.

Then he identified a direction, lifted his body, and rushed over quickly.

Jumping quickly between trees, Li Locke quickly entered the forest of death.

When he arrived in the forest of death, it was pitch dark and no one could be seen. He whispered a few times, "Cousin? Cousin?"

The figure of Li Zhenwu suddenly appeared.

Chapter [-] Sandstorm Gaara! (third more)

When Li Luo arrived in the forest of death, he didn't see Li Zhenwu. After whispering twice, a figure fell from the sky in the dark sky!

"Cousin?" Li Locke couldn't help being surprised when he saw this figure falling from the sky.

Because, this is his cousin Li Zhenwu.

"You can actually fly!" Li Locke felt so incredible.

And Li Zhenwu just smiled lightly: "It's no big deal to be able to fly, aren't you curious why I called you here this time?"

"Because of what?" Li Locke asked curiously when he heard the words.

"Special training." Li Zhenwu replied with two words.

"Special training?" Li Locke wondered.

"That's right." Li Zhenwu nodded and said slowly: "I will give you special training for your physical strength, so that your strength can be improved objectively in a short period of time! "

"Really?" Li Locke heard the words, with a look of surprise on his face, but the next moment, he was also a little disappointed. "In the preliminaries after the second round of the Chunin Exam, I have already failed..."

"That 833 test wasn't your problem, it was because the other party hung up." Li Zhenwu shook his head and comforted.


"It's his strength, there is some external force..."

"And don't worry, you still have a chance to fight Gaara again."

During the day, Li Locke stayed in the ward all the time, still looking like a patient, but not really discharged from the hospital.

This is Li Zhenwu's inspiration.

time flies.

Time passes day by day.

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