Beside Gaara, the sand gradually reunited.

He whispered in his mouth: "Absolute defense!"

Then, the sand condensed into a ball, wrapping Gaara...

(There will be a third update later, and then there will be no more, my heart is very stuffy... I seem to have to go to the hospital to have a look... Go to bed early today, try to make up for the update another day)

Chapter [-] Qi Yuan Slash! (third more)

After dispersing the dust and mist and revealing the figure of Gaara inside, Li Locke, including Naruto and Nara Shikamaru, noticed that all the sand on the ground gathered under Gaara's feet.

In less than a moment, the sand had all come to Gaara's feet, and then...

The sand piled up, wrapping Gaara in layers, and finally forming a ball of sand.

And in this whole sand, there was only a small ball left in an instant, and what was exposed and protruded was Gaara's gaze.

This move is Gaara's absolute defense!

However, compared with his absolute defense of Shouhehua, the current absolute defense is only a semi-finished product, a weakened version.

Gaara's cold Shura-like voice came out from the sand ball: "Although you have become stronger than before, I don't know what method you used, but facing my absolute defense, you only rely on your physical skills. , is absolutely unbreakable!"

After finishing speaking, Gaara, who was in the sand ball, has already reached out and made a seal.

With Gaara's knot, outside the sand ball, some sand quietly floated into the sky, and then gathered together and turned into an eyeball.

After this eyeball appeared, the last small hole on the original sand ball was completely aggregated by the sand.

"This is my absolute defense." Gaara's icy voice came out through the sand ball, but it had a strong sense of dullness.

"Absolute defense?" Li Locke looked at Gaara's move and said seriously: "In this world, there has never been absolute defense. The so-called absolute defense is just that the opponent's attack is not strong enough!"

After Li Locke finished speaking, his feet had already kicked heavily!

His whole body rushed forward again!

"Drink!" He snorted lowly, and was already going to the sand ball to attack.

However, before he could attack Dao, some sharp tentacles suddenly appeared on the sand ball!

"Huh?" Li Locke was very surprised. As his body was moving forward, he twisted his body, dodging the sharp attack on the sand ball, and jumped to the side.

"It's not just defense, but also has the characteristics of defending the enemy." Li Locke thought for a while and stepped forward again.


Above the sand ball, a sharp spur suddenly appeared again and again.


Li Locke dodged endlessly, but in the end he managed to dodge them, and punched the sand ball, but it had no effect.

The sand ball didn't even move!

Seeing this, Li Luo did not do any useless work anymore.

He jumped back all at once, trying to get rid of the kunai temptation, but at the moment he was still wearing a patient uniform, without any ninja gear at all.

But Li Luo was not frustrated and worried, but thought about it on the spot.

"Could it be that you want to use that trick?" Li Locke thought to himself, hesitating for a while.

But after looking at Gaara, who was under absolute defense, he was still murmuring something, as if he was forming a seal, and Li Locke immediately made a decision.

"Can't delay any longer, just use the trick that Zhenwu gave me!"

Li Locke has made a decision!

At this moment, in addition to Gaara, who turned into a sand ball, standing on the ground, there are also Li Locke, who is determined to use the ultimate move, as well as Naruto and Nara Shikamaru.

But none of the four of them noticed that a person was standing quietly on a tree not far away.

Li Zhenwu was standing on the tree at the moment, looking at Li Luo who had already made up his mind, he muttered to himself, "Now, he should use Qi Yuan to kill him."

In the distance, Li Locke gave a low drink:

"Eight-door Dunjia! Open! Take off! Live! Injury! Take off!"

Every time he shouted the name of one of the eight doors, it meant that Li Locke had opened the door.

Therefore, as Li Locke read out one by one, his previous life became more and more different.

"Eight-door Dunjia!" Naruto and Nara Shikamaru exclaimed.

But after Li Luo drank in a low voice at this time, he did not open the Eight Gates Dunjia as he did in the qualifiers to display his 'Konoha Liu-Lianhua', but made a gesture slowly.

"What is Xiao Li doing?" Naruto asked, and Nara Shikamaru was equally puzzled.

In Dragon Ball, qi is a kind of power that can be condensed after a person's body is strong to a certain extent, so generally the more qi content, the stronger the physique, and vice versa.

Li Zhenwu never thought that in terms of chakra, Li Luo, who has almost no talent, is much better in terms of qi.

During the special training, Li Zhenwu taught Li Luo 'Turtle School Qigong' to help him condense his qi.

However, the qi condensed by Li Luo was weak and not strong, and the Turtle School qigong wave could not be bombarded at all.

Later, it was discovered by accident that after Li Luo opened the eight-door Dunjia and completely liberated his body's potential, his qi also became more... After all, his body was stronger, so he condensed more qi.

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