However, Li Luo still had difficulty getting started with Turtle School Qigong Wave.

So in the end, after a lot of consideration, Li Zhenwu taught Li Luo another move that was in the same vein as the Turtle School Qigong Wave, but with unique power.

That is Qi Yuan Slash!

At this moment, Li Locke raised his left hand with a fist on his waist to store energy, while the other right hand was raised high, his palm facing the sky, and then he worked hard to gather all the energy of his body and go to his right hand.

"What is this for?" Naruto and Shikamaru were puzzled and looked at Li Locke.

A little bit of white dots emerged from Li Locke's right hand, and then gradually gathered.

Then, the white light condensed together and slowly changed, becoming a circular aperture.

It's just that the aperture is not large, only the size of a dish.

But even so, it's enough!

Li Locke drank suddenly, and shouted out a name word by word:

"Qi! Yuan! Slash!"

(The names of Qi Yuan Zhan and Qi Yuan Zhan are irrelevant, don't care. The third update has no fourth update today. I have to go to bed. superior!)

Chapter [-] Gaara Fiasco (First)

Li Luo opened five of the eight Dunjia, and his physique has reached the realm of a kappa. Even at this moment, his speed can reach supersonic speed.

It was in this situation that he condensed all the Qi in his body and brewed a Qi Yuan Slash.

Then, with a wave of his right hand, the Qi Yuan Zhan that was originally in the palm of his hand has been thrown out by him.

"What technique is this?"

"Little Li can actually use ninjutsu?"

Naruto and Nara Shikamaru were stunned, looking at the Qi Yuan Slash performed by Li Locke, dumbfounded, they had never seen a similar technique before.

After the white disc-like Qi Yuan Slash was swung out by Li Locke, huh!In a flash, it was already in front of the sand ball wrapped in Gaara.

Above the sand ball, there is an eyeball. Gaara is observing the outside through this eyeball. Seeing Qi Yuanzhan, he doesn't care.

The sand ball has the function of automatic defense. When Qi Yuan Zhan just came to the front, a few thorns suddenly popped out.

However... Qi Yuan Zhan went ahead!Cut these thorns directly to the past!

Moreover, Qi Yuan Zhan did not stop at all. After cutting through those 050 thrusts, it directly reached the sand ball of Gaara's 'Absolute Defense'.

Then... Qi Yuan Slash cut in without any hindrance!


Even Qi Yuan Zhan cut into the sand ball and made a low voice.

In the sight of Naruto and the others, the Qi Yuan cut into the sand ball, then directly penetrated the sand ball, and emerged from the other end!

However, Qi Yuan Zhan became smaller and smaller, and after flying more than [-] meters, it gradually dissipated.

"Okay, awesome!".

Naruto and Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but be surprised. They all saw it just now. Li Locke's attack landed on the surface of the sand ball, and they couldn't make the sand ball move. Run it through!

"What a powerful technique!" Nara Shikamaru marveled at the power of Qi Yuan Slash.

They can also see that there is bright red blood in the gap cut by Qi Yuan Zhan.

"Is Gaara injured? Or is it dead?" They doubted, because Qi Yuanjian penetrated from the sand ball, and no one knew where it penetrated Gaara.

But the next moment, they knew that Gaara was not dead.

Because of the gap in the sand ball that was cut by Qi Yuan, a tentacle stretched out.

"What is this?" Nara Shikamaru exclaimed.

"Is it the monster in Gaara's body?" Naruto thought to himself.

Then, they saw the sand ball and it suddenly burst open!It seems that a monster is about to break out of it!

They were attentive, couldn't help holding their breath, and were very nervous.

And Li Luo was slightly out of strength, but he was not worried. He looked at Gaara: "Is there any other powerful moves?"

"Xiao Li! Xiao Li!"

Suddenly, Jagged Kai's voice came from a distance.

"Mr. Akai?" Xiao Li was surprised, and Naruto and the others followed the reputation and found that Jagged Kai was flying over at the moment.

In just a moment, Jagged Kai came here and fell down. Seeing the scene, he said to Li Locke in surprise: "Xiao Li, you are recuperating, how can you run around... and what's going on now?"

Saying that, Jie Xue Kai's eyes turned to the big sand ball that was about to burst.

But it seems to have sensed the arrival of Jagged Kai, the tentacles that originally extended from the sand ball have been retracted, and the violent aura inside the sand ball has also calmed down.

Then, the sand ball broke, revealing the Gaara inside.

Gaara's face was twisted in pain, and there was a deep scar on his waist that was bleeding.

"What's going on?" Jie Xuekai was a little surprised and couldn't understand the situation.

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