"Hey, did you know?" Sarutobi Asma asked curiously.

"Well." Kakashi nodded: "They should be an organization called 'Xiao'."

Saying that, Hatake Kakashi remembered the encounter and conversation between himself and Jiraiya not long ago.

That is, in this conversation, he initially understood what kind of turbulence was flowing under the current calmness of the Shinobi world.

"They should have come for Naruto..." Kakashi sighed, worried for Naruto.However, in the blink of an eye, he suddenly felt a lot more relieved when he thought that now Jiraiya has mainly been teaching Naruto.

By Jiraiya's side, I should be able to grow up safely.Hatake Kakashi sighed inwardly.

Jiraiya has already reached an agreement with him, and Naruto took it from Kakashi and handed it over to Jiraiya to teach him personally, so that Naruto, the 'nine-tailed man's pillar force', can survive safely in the turbulent dark tide that follows. down.

Li Zhenwu flew very fast, and although Uchiha Itachi and Shikigami fled in an instant, he flew in the air.

However, the auras of Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark were firmly sensed by Li Zhenwu.

However, the dry persimmon ghost and Uchiha Itachi were not aware of Li Zhenwu's existence.

It wasn't until the two of them kept running away from Konoha for a certain distance that they stopped with lingering fears.

"When you get here, the Konoha monster shouldn't be chasing after you." The dried persimmon ghost shark sighed.

"It's almost there." Uchiha Itachi frowned. Although he answered the dry persimmon ghost like this, he still felt that something was wrong.

"By the way, this Konoha monster is too terrifying. It is immune to illusions, and even your monthly reading will not be affected at all."

The dried persimmon ghost shark said with some sighs, sighing at the terrible immunity of Li Zhenwu's illusion.

"It has been famous in the ninja world since the age of four, and one person destroyed half a ninja village. Naturally, it has something unique." Uchiha Itachi responded, but in fact, in his heart, he was not at all calm, because he had foreseen that he seemed to be in harmony with Compared with Li Zhenwu, the gap is a bit big.

"I don't know if those techniques can be used, if they can get Li Zhenwu." Uchiha Itachi's eyes flickered, thinking so.

After all, they were in Konoha just now. If they really fought hard, they might not be able to get out of Konoha.

In other words, even if Uchiha Itachi, who has a lot of room for strength, is not sure that he will be Li Zhenwu's opponent even if he exerts all his strengths.

After all, Li Zhenwu... is really a monster!

Tsukiyomi's first defeat also made Uchiha Itachi a little silent.

Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi still felt wrong.

Because of his keen perception, he always felt as if someone was nearby.

"No, this feeling shouldn't be an illusion!" Uchiha Itachi's eyes flashed, his scarlet pupils glowed with light, and he looked around.

"What's the matter, Itachi, is there something wrong?" The dried persimmon ghost asked in confusion.

Uchiha Itachi didn't answer, he checked all over the place, but found nothing.

As soon as he turned his head, his eyes lifted slightly on the Internet and looked at the sky, but he was shocked!

"What's the matter, did you find anything?" The dry persimmon shark noticed that something was wrong with Uchiha Itachi, and followed his line of sight 457 to the sky.

A figure, constantly enlarged in their vision.


Li Zhenwu had already fallen from the sky, but he had not completely landed. Instead, he hovered on the ground with a slap, as if his body was light and ready to fly.

Seeing Li Zhenwu so floating in the air, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark and Uchiha Itachi shrank their pupils at the same time, feeling a little chill.

Moreover, I feel that Li Zhenwu is even more terrifying...

Naruto was at his Ichilaku Ramen, and just finished his last mouthful of noodles.

Suddenly a figure sat beside him.

"Ah, it's a lecherous fairy." Naruto greeted.

"It's me, Naruto, do you want to go to a place with me to find materials for my new book." Zilai also said with a smile.

"No." Naruto refused decisively.

"I can see a big beauty."

"I won't go if there are big beauties." Naruto refused again.

"Then I'll take Sasuke, but unfortunately, seeing my powerful ninjutsu, I can only teach Sasuke."

"Wait! I'll go!"

Chapter [-] Li Zhenwu's Purpose! (third more)

Because of Jiraiya's aggressive approach, Naruto quickly agreed to go out with Jiraiya to collect materials, and to find a 'big beauty'.

Of course, what Naruto cared about the most was the 'ninjutsu' that Jiraiya said!

After returning home and quickly tidying up, Naruto quickly reunited with Jiraiya.

"Okay, let's go!" Naruto exclaimed.

Jiraiya smiled slightly, and walked out of the village with Naruto.

However, when they just walked out of the village, they also saw people on the other side.

"Hey, it's Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmarou from the body ninja village!"

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