Naruto's eyes lit up and he greeted loudly.

The trio of body ninja village protected and helped Konoha during the previous attack on Konoha, so Naruto was very grateful to them, and had a friendship with them.

"Shiro, where are you going?" Naruto asked curiously, because he saw the trio of Body Ninja Village, who also looked like they were carrying luggage, so he asked.

"Where are we going?" Bai smiled a little, with a soft face: "Of course, we are going back to our country of red beans, back to our own village, Ti Ren Village."

"I see." Naruto suddenly realized that he almost forgot that the trio of Ninja Village were not Konoha's ninjas.

After fighting side by side many times before, Naruto has subconsciously regarded them as his partners, almost forgetting that they are actually foreign ninjas.

"Hehe." Naruto touched his head, thought about it carefully, and then said with some regret: "We don't seem to be on our way."

"Are you leaving Konoha too?" Ranmaru asked curiously.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded, and then the carefree bar told his own situation.

Jiraiya smiled dumbly and shook his head, but he did not organize Naruto's 'exposure and disclosure of information'.

Because he already knew the origin of the body ninja village, and understood that this body ninja village was actually created by his junior brother called the Konoha monster.

Therefore, Jirai also has a natural favorable impression of the Ninja Village and doesn't take much precautions.

"In that case, we only have the chance to see each other in the future." Bai thought for a while, then said.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded heavily, but was also a little reluctant.

Suddenly, Naruto discovered something: "Hey, when you came, wasn't there another Lord Zhenwu with the same name as Zhenwu? Why didn't he go back with you?"

Naruto asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Bai and the other three looked at each other and laughed dumbly.

Jirai was also behind Naruto, very speechless, showing the expression of 'this idiot'.

Now, the trio of body ninja village, including Jiraiya, and some Konoha ninjas, have actually understood the two identities of Li Zhenwu, that is, 'Master Zhenwu' and 'Li Zhenwu, the monster of Konoha'. 'It's actually just one person.

It's just that this kind of information has not been made public, so Naruto doesn't know it.But... Naruto asked this question, and when they heard it, they still felt dumbfounded.

Even Bai didn't know how to explain it for a while, he still thought about it before answering: "Well, Lord Zhenwu of our body ninja village has already taken a step back to the village."

"I see." Naruto nodded to show that he knew.

"This idiot, it's so obvious that you can't see it. Even the name is the same. Even after the change, there are many similarities."

Jiraiya shook his head silently behind him, and sighed for Naruto's lack of wit.

They parted, and then went their separate ways.

Naruto was taken by Jiraiya to look for Tsunade.

The body ninja village trio is...

Seeing Li Zhenwu falling from the sky with his own eyes, Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark have a terrifying feeling.

The dried persimmon ghost shark has taken out his shark muscle broadsword and is extremely prepared.

Although he is known as the 'tailless beast', Li Zhenwu in front of him is actually a real gun and live ammunition to overturn the two-tailed and eight-tailed people Zhuli who can completely turn into tailed beasts.

So in front of Li Zhenwu, he is really not enough to see as a 'tailless beast' with a watery head.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. If I want to shoot, you will never have the chance to shoot."

Li Zhenwu's body was suspended, a palm-high distance from the ground, and he put aside the dry persimmon shark who was ready to fight at any time, and gently dropped a sentence: "If you want to take the first shot, then I don't mind going to the third place. Take the mist ninja."

The big sword shark muscle in the hands of the dried persimmon ghost shark is also a knife among the seven people of the ninja sword.

Before Li Zhenwu, he had already harvested the 'Lei Dao Ya' of the black hoe Lei Ya, and the 'decapitation sword' that was captured by the three of Bai and the others;

Although Li Zhenwu's tone was light, the weight in his words was full.

For a while, the dried persimmon ghost didn't dare to make any move, but looked at the reaction of his companion Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi was very calm, and he had no intention of doing anything, just calmly asked, "What's your purpose?"

"I should ask you about this." Li Zhenwu smiled, "It was you who came to Konoha, but you still asked me what my purpose was."

"From the moment you didn't stop us for the first time, and now you've only tracked the actions we didn't understand, you should not only be exploring our purpose on behalf of Konoha." Itachi Uchiha calmly and silently Said: "You obviously have the strength to suppress us, must have your own purpose to be so bewildering."

Uchiha Itachi calmly analyzed, and Li Zhenwu couldn't help but applaud softly: "As expected of Uchiha's genius, this brain is far superior to ordinary people."

The corner of Uchiha Itachi's mouth twitched slightly, and Li Zhenwu said this kind of praise for genius to him, which made him feel a little ironic.

"Is there anyone who can surpass you?" Uchiha Itachi was silent in his heart.

But then, Li Zhenwu put away the smile on his face and said, "Since you said that I am beating around the bush, then I will be direct."


Chapter [-] System Ultimate Mission! (first update)

Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark walked a long way in a row before they stopped a little, and Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark asked Uchiha Itachi with lingering fears.

"This time, he didn't follow me, did he?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark kept looking around, and also looked at the sky, observing carefully.

Uchiha Itachi looked serious, and after a while carefully nodded slowly: "This time, it should not be chasing us."

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